Why Was The Hukou System Created?


Xiao He, the first Chancellor of the Han Dynasty, added the chapter of Hu (Chinese: 户律, “Households Code”) as one of the nine basic law codes of Han (Chinese: 九章律), and established the hukou system as the basis of tax revenue and conscription.

What are the effects of the hukou system?

Since hukou restricts the free mobility of Chinese workers, it strains overall economic growth. These effects are exacerbated because China has a shrinking workforce that peaked in 2011 and has decreased every year since then, leading to double-digit growth in labor costs.

Is China abolishing the hukou system ?*?

Dec. 17 – The Chinese Government has announced plans to abolish the hukou system – the form of “internal passport” that restricts the movement of Chinese nationals within the country. … The hukou system will be fully removed in towns and small cities, allowing integration of their migrant worker populations.

Is the hukou system still used?

The surprise is that the hukou system still exists today despite the stunning changes that have taken place in China over the past few decades. Some migratory controls were lifted in the late 1970s, in response to a demand for cheap labor in urban factories, but the basic structure remains intact.

What is the floating population in China?

With a total number of 120 million, China’s floating population1 is not only the biggest migrant population, but also one of the most mobile populations, in the world.

How did the hukou system affect family life?

Strict hukou regulations created barriers to services, and together with the often precarious nature of migrant life, this led most migrants to leave their children behind with family members .

What is danwei system?

The danwei system is how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mobilized, integrated, and governed China’s exploding urban population after the 1949 revolution. The danwei was simultaneously the spatial building block, the locus of daily life, and the mainspring of social identity in the Chinese socialist city.

Can foreigners get a hukou?

China’s hukou system: Benefits of holding a Shanghai hukou

Buying a house: Non-Shanghai residents cannot buy a house if they are single. In the case of married residents, they can buy a house providing they have made social insurance contributions in Shanghai for more than five years.

How many children left behind in China?

There are about 70 million left-behind children in China, and they experience many effects of poverty.

What is a hukou migrant?

The hukou migrants that tended to originate in urban areas had an extremely high share of college-educated people and were employed in higher skilled jobs, while non-hukou migrants were mostly from rural areas with much lower educational attainment.

What is Household Responsibility System in China?

The household responsibility system (simplified Chinese: 家庭联产承包责任制; traditional Chinese: 家庭聯產承包責任制; pinyin: jiātíng liánchǎn chéngbāo zérènzhì), or contract responsibility system, was a practice in China, first adopted in agriculture in 1979 and officially established in 1982, by which households are held responsible …

Does China still have a one child policy?

The violation of this policy attracted various types of punishment, including economic sanctions and forced abortions. The Chinese government estimates that this program prevented over 400 million births. China officially discontinued the one-child policy in 2015.


Does China have a caste system?

China’s system of hokou—home registration—has regimented the nation into two distinct and unequal castes.

What is a yellow waterfall?

Yellow Waterfall Photograph:( Reuters ) The Hukou Waterfall in China is the only yellow waterfall in the world. A naturally formed waterfall, it originates when the mighty Yellow River, which is known as the mother river of China, flows through the Jinxia Grand Canyon on its middle reaches.

What is danwei in Chinese?

A work unit or danwei (simplified Chinese: 单位; traditional Chinese: 單位; pinyin: dān wèi) is the name given to a place of employment in the People’s Republic of China. … Workers were bound to their work unit for life.

What is a danwei in China?

Work units, called danwei, are one of the principal territorial forms used to. organize China’s urban population. These enclosed spaces are the socio-spatial. units in which the livelihood and domestic and social activities of its members are. carried out.

What is the system of guanxi used in China?

Guanxi (pronounced gwan’ CHē) is a Chinese term meaning relationships; in business, it is commonly referred to as networks or connections used to open doors for new business and facilitate deals. A person who has a lot of guanxi will be in a better position to generate business than someone who lacks it.

Who does the hukou system benefit?

Benefits of the Hukou System

Hukou system promotes the free flow of labour, which brings a lot of economic benefits between 2016 to 2020. Total reformation of a registration system of the household might add 2% to the economic growth of China. It is because of the expansion of the labour market.

What was a result of China’s one child policy?

The one-child policy has had three important consequences for China’s demographics: it reduced the fertility rate considerably, it skewed China’s gender ratio because people preferred to abort or abandon their female babies, and resulted in a labor shortage due to more seniors who rely on their children to take care of …

How many migrant children are in China?

Overview of Statistics. There are approximately 69 million children in China that are left behind by one or both of their parents due to migration, which is equivalent to thirty percent of the children in rural area.

Why did the Chinese leave China?

Waves of Chinese emigration (also known as the Chinese diaspora) have happened throughout history. The mass emigration, which occurred from the 19th century to 1949, was mainly caused by corruption, starvation, and war in mainland China, and economic opportunities abroad such as the California gold rush in 1849.

How polluted is the air in China?

The annual average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2. 5) across China was 57 micrograms per metre cubed in 2017, nearly six times what the World Health Organisation deems to be acceptable limits. Poor outdoor air quality results in over 1 million deaths across China each year.

What are the Four Modernizations of China?

The Four Modernizations (simplified Chinese: 四个现代化; traditional Chinese: 四個現代化) were goals first set forth by Deng Xiaoping to strengthen the fields of agriculture, industry, defense, and science and technology in China.
