Why Was The Fur Trade So Important?


For everyday use or costume and decoration, furs have been used for the production of outterware such as coats and cape, garment and shoe lining, a variety of head coverings, and ornamental trim and trappings. Beaver pelts could be made into either full-fur or felted-fur hats.

Why was the beaver pelts so valuable?

Mammal winter pelts were prized for warmth, particularly animal pelts for beaver wool felt hats, which were an expensive status symbol in Europe. The demand for beaver wool felt hats was such that the beaver in Europe and European Russia had largely disappeared through exploitation.

What ended the fur trade?

In 1701, the French and their allies reached a truce with the Haudenosaunee, known as the Great Peace of Montreal. This effectively ended the Beaver Wars over the fur trade.

What is beaver fur called?

The North American beaver is the continent largest rodent. Its amphibious body is covered with a soft felt-like under fur that is 1 inch thick. This under layer of barbed hairs is called fur-wool and it is covered by a protective over layer of coarse guard hairs measuring about 2 inches in length.

Is beaver pelt waterproof?

Beavers have built-in wetsuits, waterproof fur and can stay underwater for 15 minutes. … This is protected by a longer layer of fur called guard fur, which keeps water away from the layer underneath. Beaver fur is also waterproof because of oil produced in castor glands near the base of the tail.

Are beaver pelts worth?

Most beaver will continue to average $10-14 regardless of where they are produced. There is a possibility, however, to see some upside in this market if some of the traditional uses for beaver start to come back in style with fewer ranch mink pelts on the market.

How much are mink pelts worth?

The average male pelt costs $60, the pelt of a female – prized for its lighter weight and silkiness – is $65. (Between 50 and 60 pelts go into a full-length mink coat, which retails for between $7,500 and $15,000.)

What are beaver pelts used for now?

The pelts of American beavers are valuable in the fur trade and are largely used in making coats and hats. During the first several centuries of the European colonization of North America, beaver pelts were one of the most important natural resources to be exported from the northern regions of that continent.

What is done with beaver pelts?

“Rough skinned” beaver pelts can be frozen and thawed out later to be fleshed and dried. The pelts should be folded over, fur side to fur side, and put into individual plastic bags. The grayish castor glands located directly in front of the anus are used in the perfume and lure industry and are worth saving.

Is beaver fur still used?

Between 1853 and 1877, the Hudson Bay Company sold almost three million beaver pelts to England. In Alaska today, trappers still harvest these furs. They are highly prized for cold weather coats and hats. … Many trappers don’t sell fur but keep the fur they harvest for personal use.


Which fur is warmest?

Which fur type is the warmest? Long haired beaver and sheepskin are known to be two of the warmest fur types available. Fur is one of the warmest insulators, which is why it’s so highly used in winter wear.

Which country started the fur trade?

The earliest fur traders in North America were French explorers and fishermen who arrived in what is now Eastern Canada during the early 1500’s. Trade started after the French offered the Indians kettles, knives, and other gifts as a means to establish friendly relations. The Indians, in turn, gave pelts to the French.

Why was the fur trade bad?

The fur trade resulted in many long term effects that negatively impacted Native people throughout North America, such as starvation due to severely depleted food resources, dependence on European and Anglo-American goods, and negative impacts from the introduction of alcohol-which was often exchanged for furs.

How much are pelts worth?

The average male pelt costs $60, the pelt of a female – prized for its lighter weight and silkiness – is $65. (Between 50 and 60 pelts go into a full-length mink coat, which retails for between $7,500 and $15,000.)

Are skunk pelts worth anything?

Skunk – 60% sold for a $4 average.

How much is a wolf pelt worth?

The average price for a wolf pelt was about $210, but skinning a wolf is a lot more work than skinning a cat-sized marten – especially if it’s frozen solid on a remote trapline.

How long can a beaver live?

They mate in January-February, and one to eight young are born in April-May. Beavers reach maturity in 2-3 years and live about 16 years. Female beavers are sexually mature at 2.5 years old.

Does faux fur get ruined in the rain?

Just a few things to keep in mind when wearing faux furs: unlike real furs, faux furs CAN get wet, but it doesn’t mean they should. It’s best to keep it dry whenever possible. Snow and rain won’t ruin it, but use an umbrella when possible to protect the furs.

Does real fur get ruined in the rain?

The short answer is yes you can wear any fur coat both in rain and snow but you should avoid getting it soaked . Fur pelts have guard hair and underfur. The guardhair are the longest hair and are responsible for repelling efficiently water and wind .

What is the most expensive kind of fur?

Russian sable is still the most prized and expensive fur in the world for its legendary silky quality, rarity and light weight.

When were beaver pelts so valuable?

The HBC produced brass Made Beaver tokens in the 1860s, and continued to exchange pelts for tokens until 1955. Though the fur trade declined in economic importance beginning in the early 19th century, the beaver pelt was an essential part of the development of relations between Aboriginal peoples and European settlers.

How many beaver pelts make a jacket?

It usually takes nine beavers to make one fur coat.
