Why The Pit Latrine Is Kept Dark?


ac 2 . The simple pit latrine is the cheapest and most basic form of improved sanita- tion available. It consists of a square, rectangular or circular pit dug into the ground, covered by a hygienic cover slab or floor, with a hole through which excreta fall into the pit.

Why is pit latrine important?

In general, pit latrines with a slab are effective sanitation systems because they isolate human excreta from the surrounding environment and prevent the transmission of faeco-orally transmitted diseases.

Who invented the Blair toilet?

That’s thanks in part to the innovative work of Peter Morgan, who back in the 1970s, invented the Blair Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine.

What are the disadvantages of pit latrine?

Disadvantages of pit latrines may include:

  • Flies and odours are normally noticeable to the users.
  • The toilet has to be outdoors with the associated security risks if the person is living in an insecure situation.
  • Low reduction in organic matter content and pathogens.

Why VIP latrine is more suitable than pit latrine?

The VIP latrine differs from a simple pit latrine because it has a ventilation pipe and a more substantial superstructure. Flies migrate towards the light. If the superstructure is dark inside, they will be drawn towards the top of the vent pipe but cannot escape because of the fly mesh.

How do you keep pit latrine clean?

How to Keep Your Pit Toilet from Smelling

  1. #1: Use Vinegar. Natural vinegar has long been known to control foul odor. …
  2. #2: Lime. Lime can also be used to eliminate the odor. …
  3. #3: Use Air Freshener Tablets. Keep these air freshener tablets hanging near the pit. …
  4. #4: Ventilation. …
  5. #5: Integrate crushed BIOCHAR.

What is the difference between toilet and latrine?

A latrine is a toilet or an even simpler facility that is used as a toilet within a sanitation system. … Nowadays, the word “toilet” is more commonly used than “latrine”, except for simple systems like “pit latrine” or “trench latrine”.

What is VIP latrine benefits?

Why build a VIP latrine? VIP latrines effectively control odour and flies while still allowing users to clean themselves with hard materials such as newspaper and leaves which may not suitable for use with a pour-flush latrine. Wind blowing over the top of the ventilation pipe causes air in the pipe to rise.

What is closed pit toilet?

Closed pit toilets. A closed pit toilet has a platform with a hole in it and a lid to cover the hole when it is not in use. The platform can be made of wood, concrete, or logs covered with earth. … The ventilated improved pit (VIP) toilet uses a vent pipe to reduce smells and flies.

What is a pit vault toilet?

The common backcountry solution for sites with drivable road access, but without running water, is what is called a “vault toilet.” Waste is held in an underground vault or tank… The building is installed on the slab with connections to the vault for the toilet and vent pipe. …

How many pits are made in leach pit latrine?

Two leach pits (twin pits) are linked to a pour-flush toilet with a Y junction. Only one pit is used at a time as the Y junction is blocked for the other. When it is full, the pit is sealed and the other is brought in use. The excreta in the sealed pit will decompose by composting and anaerobic digestion.

How much does it cost to build a latrine?

For a family of seven people, the cost of constructing a basic pit latrine that delivers a basic level service ranges from US$ 1-4 per person. The benchmark per person cost of building a VIP latrine ranges from US$ 5-51 per person.


How do you use pit latrine sanitizer?

– Simply open the packet and drop the tablet into the pit latrine. – Always ensure that there is water in the pit latrine. Wastewater like washing water can be used. – Add one HTH Scientific Pit Latrine Sanitizer Tablet per month into each pit latrine, or when the pit latrine begins to release unpleasant odours.

What are the two types of latrine?

  • Service type latrines (Conservancy System)
  • Non-service type (Sanitary latrines) a) Bore hole latrine. b) Dug well or Pit latrine. c) Water-seal type of latrines (PRAI, RCA, Sulabh Shauchalaya) d) Septic tank. …
  • Latrine suitable for camps and temporary use. a) Shallow trench latrine. b) Deep trench latrine. c) Pit latrine.

What is toilet called in English?

“Lavatory” (from the Latin lavatorium, “wash basin” or “washroom”) was common in the 19th century and is still broadly understood, although it is taken as quite formal in American English, and more often refers to public toilets in Britain. The contraction “lav” is commonly used in British English.

Why do they call it a latrine?

The word Latrine has its roots in both Latin and French. It comes from the Latin word for wash, ‘lavare’. Over time, this Latin word evolved into ‘lavatrina’ which was then shortened to ‘latrina’ before eventually becoming ‘latrine’ courtesy of the French people in the mid-1600s.

What is a room with just a toilet called?

To builders nowadays, a water closet refers to a room with just a toilet, although some companies, such as Richmond American Homes, will include water closets in the same category as a powder room or a half bath—a room with a toilet plus a sink.

Do pit latrines smell?

The reason given is that pit latrines smell bad, a fact which is unfortunately and immutably true. The smell can be mitigated by proper maintenance, but for all but the most infrequently used toilets, it is unavoidable.

How do you treat smelly pit latrine?

10 tips to reduce odours in household and public toilets

  1. Washing and drying towels. …
  2. Make sure you close the toilet seat after going! …
  3. Clean your ventilation every six months at least. …
  4. Open windows or activate ventilation. …
  5. Use a odour eliminator rather than an air freshener. …
  6. Electric air and surface sterlisation.

How do you get rid of pit latrine smell?

Some only mask the odor, while others encourage bacterial activity to break down the solids. A generic product that has been proven effective is hydrated lime. One cup of hydrated lime sprinkled periodically over the pit contents will minimize odors and aid in decomposition.

How deep is a latrine?

Dig the hole 6-8 inches deep (about the length of the trowel blade) and 4-6 inches wide and 12 inches long or more, depending on your group size or night’s stay. Each person will use the latrine when they have to go.

Is latrine a French word?

From French latrine (“latrine”), from Latin lātrīna (“bath; toilet”).

What are the types of toilet?

Toilet Types Explained

  • Double Cyclone Flush. Double cyclone flush toilets are the latest option on the market. …
  • Pressure Assisted Toilets. …
  • Gravity-Flush Toilet. …
  • Composting Toilets. …
  • Waterless “Dry Sanitation” Toilet. …
  • Upflush Toilet. …
  • Portable Toilets. …
  • Two-Piece Toilets.
