Why Is Ptolemy Spelt With AP?


English has other examples of Greek words with the silent p. A “psalm” is a song of worship. … “Pshaw” is not a word I use, but I have heard others use it. And I truly thought the p was spoken.

Why is the p silent in pterosaur?

Everyone knows how to say “Tyrannosaurus rex,” but pterosaur names are not as familiar as those of their dinosaur cousins. Even the word “pterosaur” (TER-o-soar) can trip up readers with its silent “p” (the word originates from the Greek pteron, for wing, and sauros, for lizard).

Why P is silent in pneumonia?

The silent P: Psychology with no receipt

Indeed, when p or ‘ps’ starts a word it is almost always medical. This is thanks to its Greek origins. ‘Pneumonia’ – caused when you catch excessive cold – also has a silent p, so it is pronounced ‘new-moan-ee-a’.

Is the P silent in Ptolemy?

He found characters corresponding to the Greek equivalents of P, L, T, O, and E in each name. In other words, demotic characters didn’t just symbolize concepts; they spelled out how words were pronounced. (As you may have guessed, in Greek the P in Ptolemy isn’t silent.)

Is Pshaw a real word?

—used to express irritation, disapproval, contempt, or disbelief.

How do you say pterodactyl in Greek?

The word pterodactyl, pronounced “tear-uh-DACK-til,” refers to a now-extinct group of winged reptiles known as pterosaurs.

What words have a silent P?

Silent P

  • receipt.
  • raspberry.
  • psithurism.
  • ptyalism.
  • ptilopus.
  • psychedelic.
  • psionic.
  • phthisis.

What is Ptolemy’s full name?

Ptolemy, Latin in full Claudius Ptolemaeus, (born c. 100 ce—died c. 170 ce), an Egyptian astronomer, mathematician, and geographer of Greek descent who flourished in Alexandria during the 2nd century ce.

What does Ptolemy mean?

1 : of or relating to the second century geographer and astronomer Ptolemy of Alexandria and especially to his belief that the earth is at the center of the universe with the sun, moon, and planets revolving around it the Ptolemaic system.

Why do silent PS exist?

When “pt” starts a word, that slacker “p” primarily remains silent. This silent “p” frequently signals that the word comes from a Greek root. … Our alphabet is based on the Greek alphabet, but we adapted certain sounds to be more like those we were familiar with. So English speakers took out the “p” sound.


What are hard words to spell?

Top 10 Hardest Words to Spell

  • Misspell.
  • Pharaoh.
  • Weird.
  • Intelligence.
  • Pronunciation.
  • Handkerchief.
  • logorrhea.
  • Chiaroscurist.

How did pterodactyl get its name?

Pterodactylus comes from the Greek word pterodaktulos, meaning “winged finger,” which is an apt description of its flying apparatus.

Is Pish posh slang?

“Pash posh” (or “pish posh”) is apparently an 18th century Anglo-Indian invention, born of the long British colonial occupation of the country, and the term is said to have originally been “baby talk” used with children at mealtimes.

What does Pfft mean in slang?

PFFT is “An Expression Of Dismissal.” The interjection PFFT (pronounced “pufft”) is used to dismiss something that someone has said or typed. When used as a direct response to a statement by another person, PFFT can often be considered quite rude.

Is Sardony a word?

characterized by bitter or scornful derision; mocking; sneering; cynical; a sardonic grin.

Why is the k silent in knife?

It is not conclusively known why this occurred. However, some researchers believe it was due to the influence of Latin and French during this period, as these languages did not include the ‘kn’ cluster. This resulted in the ‘k’ being mispronounced or not pronounced and gradually eliminated.

Is the P silent in Psalm?

The word psalm, which is pronounced with a silent p, comes from the Greek word psalmos, “song sung to a harp,” and its root, psallein, “play a stringed instrument.” While they’re not often backed by a harp these days, psalms are frequently sung with musical accompaniment in churches and temples.

Is the P silent in pterodactyl?

The initial ‘p’ in ‘psychology’ (and ‘pterodactyl’, and other words from Greek) has become silent in English. Some English speakers – not all – simplify the word ‘tsunami’ by not pronouncing the initial ‘t’, so that it fits in with the phonological rules of English.
