Why Is Pedagogical Documentation Important?


Pedagogical documentation is, therefore, an effective planning tool. Teachers set a course in the classroom that emerges out of children’s inherent capacities and curiosities, rather than from pre-set agendas. Children’s learning, thus, becomes much more organic and meaningful to them.

What is your understanding of pedagogical documentation?

“Pedagogical documentation is about more than recording events – it is a means to learning about how children think and learn” (p. 21). … Pedagogical documentation according to Ontario’s pedagogy for the early years is rather a “process to explore all of our questions about children” (p. 21).

What are pedagogical documents of a teacher?

According to Rinaldi (2006), pedagogical documentation, in the education field, is the process of gathering evidence of children’s learning through observations, work samples and conversation transcripts; children’s and teachers’ reflections are then analyzed, interpreted and shared through such means as dialogue.

What are the 5 pedagogical approaches?

The five major approaches are Constructivist, Collaborative, Integrative, Reflective and Inquiry Based Learning ( 2C-2I-1R ).

What is pedagogical documentation in early childhood?

► In early years education, pedagogical documentation. refers to ‘making thinking and learning visible‘ in. many ways… using text, transcripts of children’s words (ideas, thoughts), photos of the process, and traces of children’s work.

What is the difference between documentation and pedagogical documentation?

If pedagogy is the study of teaching and learning, and documentation serves as a record, then pedagogical documentation is the recording of the teaching and learning in a way that influences future teaching and learning.

What is the role of documentation in early childhood education?

Documentation focuses on children’s experiences, memories, thoughts and ideas during their work. … Documentation reveals how the children planned, carried out, and completed the displayed work. Documentation makes possible for others to become aware of the children’s experiences in the classroom.

What are the different types of documentation in early childhood?

Documentation can be written as in taking observation notes on what you observe the child doing, or through dictation as you transcribe what the child explains about a picture, event or experience. Other forms of documentation can include photography, tape recording, and videoing.

What is the importance of documentation?

Documentation help ensure consent and expectations. It helps to tell the narrative for decisions made, and how yourself or the client responded to different situations. In this same manor, it is important to record information that can help support the proper treatment plan and the reasoning for such services.

What are we asking pedagogical documentation to help us look for?

Pedagogical documentation opens us up to relations and meanings that we have not thought to look for: this expansion of what we might learn to know and interpret is its gift to us. Pedagogical documentation invites us to be curious and to wonder with others about the meaning of events to children.

What are the types of documentation?

The four kinds of documentation are:

  • learning-oriented tutorials.
  • goal-oriented how-to guides.
  • understanding-oriented discussions.
  • information-oriented reference material.

Why do we document children’s learning?

Documented plans, records of children’s assessments and evaluations can be effective ways to support and extend children’s thinking, learning and development. … This recognises the professionalism of the sector and allows educators to concentrate on documentation that supports quality outcomes for children.


What is pedagogical narration?

‘Pedagogical narrations’ refers to the process of observing, recording, and, individually and collectively, interpreting a series of related ordinary moments in your practice. … ‘Pedagogical narration’ makes children’s learning visible and helps us reflect upon the educator’s practices.

What is pedagogical observation?

Simply, Pedagogical Documentation is observing for example children’s play, projects, discussions and inventions via taking photos, making notes, writing down explanations as well as tricky questions, saving artwork, videoing action, recording voice… and using all the documents purposefully.

What is the power of documentation?

An effective piece of documentation tells the story and the purpose of an event, experience, or development. It is a product that draws others into the experience—evidence or artifacts that describe a situation, tell a story, and help the viewer to understand the purpose of the action.

What is documentation of experiences and why is it important?

Experience Documentation is documenting now for future learning. Or, in more complete words: Experience Documentation is directed at making information available to third parties and facilitating their “learning in the future”. In addition, documentation serves accountability and archiving functions.

What are the importance of professional documents?

Definition professional documents

These are the documents which are used by the teacher in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of teaching/learning process. They include schemes of work, lesson plans, records of work and progress records. They are meant to make teaching and learning more effective.

How will you document children’s learning?

Examples of Documenting Children’s Learning

  • Bulletin board displays that show a process like an idea web.
  • Children’s writing samples.
  • A photo of the child engaged in learning captioned with a comment the child made about it.
  • Observation notes written by teachers.
  • Student journal.

What is the purpose of digital documentation in childcare?

Documentation is an essential part of your role as Early Childhood Educators. Not only does documentation allow you to plan for follow up experiences for the child, it maps their growth and development and allows you to convey this information to the children’s families in some shape or form.

How do you create a pedagogical narration?

  1. A Pedagogical Narration on ________ …
  2. Step 1: Focus on one child during an ordinary moment and be curious about.
  3. what they are doing: …
  4. Step 2: An observation of an ordinary moment: …
  5. Step 3: Record and describe an ordinary moment: …
  6. Step 4: Reflect and interpret an ordinary moment:

Is a learning story pedagogical documentation?

Pedagogical documentation is, according to the document,”more than recording events – it is a means to learning about how children think and learn” (p. … Learning stories are a viable way of making thinking/learning visible and giving voice to children.

What is a pedagogy in education?

According to Merriam-Webster, pedagogy is the “art, science, or profession of teaching; especially: education.” This definition covers many aspects of teaching, but pedagogy really comes down to studying teaching methods. There are many moving parts to pedagogy that include teaching styles, feedback, and assessment.

How do you make an ECE portfolio?

5 Tips for Creating a Professional Early Educator Portfolio

  1. Choose the Right Format. Your professional portfolio can be presented in various formats. …
  2. Demonstrate Your Teaching Philosophy. …
  3. Explain Your Work. …
  4. Show Continuous Improvement. …
  5. Include Praise.
