Why Is My Foreskin Splitting?


The foreskin is removed and stitched onto the remaining skin of the penis. Stitches that dissolve are used to close the wound. They will be absorbed by the body within 7 to 10 days. The wound may take up to 3 weeks to heal.

What happens if you get a cut on your foreskin?

If you have torn the skin that joins your foreskin to the tip of your penis, you should avoid sexual activity until the tear has healed. In most cases, the tear will get better without treatment. Once it has healed, you can try using a lubricant during sex to prevent the problem from happening again.

Can I put Vaseline on my foreskin?

The attempt to retract the foreskin has probably caused a small cut or tear. Raw surfaces are painful. Cover the raw area with a layer of antibiotic ointment (such as Polysporin). If you don’t have one, use petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline).

What does Balanitis look like?

Redness or red patches on the penis. Itching under the foreskin. Swelling. Areas of shiny or white skin on the penis.

How do I get rid of dry cracked foreskin?

wash the penis regularly with warm water and only a small amount of mild soap. wear cotton clothing and supportive, but not overly tight, underwear. use lubrication to reduce friction during partnered or solo sex. keep the skin moisturized.

Why can’t I pull my foreskin back at 15?

It’s normal. During childhood, many boys can begin to pull back their foreskin as it separates gradually from the glans. But even at 10 years, many boys still can’t fully pull back their foreskins because the opening at the end is too tight. … The foreskin might not fully separate from the glans until after puberty.

Why can’t I pull my foreskin back?

What is phimosis? Phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin can’t be retracted (pulled back) from around the tip of the penis. A tight foreskin is common in baby boys who aren’t circumcised, but it usually stops being a problem by the age of 3. Phimosis can occur naturally or be the result of scarring.

Why can I not pull my foreskin back when I’m erect?

If you can’t pull the foreskin back over the widest part of your penis you could have a condition called phimosis. It’s a common complaint for men where the foreskin is excessively long, or if the skin has been torn and healing has led to the foreskin contracting.

How do you moisturize your foreskin?

A cream designed especially for the skin in the penis is recommended because regular hand and body lotions may contain chemicals that can trigger allergic reactions. Look for one that contains Shea butter and vitamin E, which may help lock in moisture and prevent dryness. Shop for moisturizing penis creams.

Can I use Neosporin on my foreskin?

Older circumcised boys will often get irritation and redness at the urethral meatus which is the opening of the urethra (the small hole at the end of the penis) called meatitis. You should treat this with Neosporin antibiotic ointment applied several times per day.

Can I put hydrocortisone on my foreskin?

Seborrheic dermatitis is treated by washing the genitals with water and soap twice daily for the entire duration of the inflammation. After washing, the glans and the foreskin should be dried and antiseptic hydrocortisone cream applied. The rash usually eases within a few days.

Can balanitis go away by itself?

Balanitis generally is not a serious condition and can be treated with antibiotic creams and pills. Most occurrences of balanitis clear up within three to five days of starting treatment. Left untreated, however, it can become more painful or cause other health problems.

What STD causes balanitis?

Certain infections, including some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), can cause balanitis and balanoposthitis, such as:

  • Yeast infections (Candida)
  • Streptococcus infections.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Gonorrhea.
  • Trichomonas.
  • Syphilis.
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)

What can be mistaken for balanitis?

Some sexually transmitted infections may cause balanitis. For example, genital herpes and syphilis. Certain skin conditions may cause a balanitis, or be mistaken for a balanitis. For example, psoriasis.

Should I dry under my foreskin?

Once your foreskin separates easily from the glans, gently retract and clean underneath the foreskin with each bath or shower. Then, after washing, pull the foreskin forward to its normal position. When it’s time to dry off, retract the foreskin again so you can dry the head of the penis with a towel.

Should I leave my foreskin pulled back?

If you are not circumcised, you can still avoid paraphimosis by: Always pulling the foreskin back down to its natural position. This could be after having sex, going to the bathroom, or cleaning yourself. Never leaving the foreskin behind the head of your penis for any longer than you need to.

How can I stop my foreskin from itching?

Preventing penis itching

Bathe or shower daily and thoroughly rinse soap from your private area. Make sure you clean underneath your foreskin to remove dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria, which can cause irritation and itching. It’s also important to completely dry your body after bathing.

How can I shorten my foreskin?


  1. Circumcision: This is the surgical removal of all or part of the foreskin. …
  2. Preputioplasty: This procedure involves the cutting and stretching of the foreskin. …
  3. Frenuloplasty: Similar to preputioplasty, a frenuloplasty involves the surgical cutting of the foreskin on the underside of the penis.

What age should you wash under foreskin?

A boy as young as 3 can be taught to clean under his foreskin as a normal part of his hygiene. When a boy reaches puberty, he needs to clean under his foreskin every day. If your son’s foreskin does not fully retract by the time he reaches puberty, call your doctor for advice.

Does uncircumcised smell bad?

It’s much more common under the foreskin if you’re uncircumcised. The area under your foreskin normally needs lubrication from this mixture. When too much smegma builds up — because you sweat a lot or don’t wash your penis regularly — it can create smelly white chunks that can cause bacteria to grow.

Does getting circumcised hurt?

Conclusions: Pain is mild to moderate after circumcision in adults under general anesthesia with an intraoperative penile block. Severe pain is rare and mostly related to complications. Younger patients generally have more discomfort.

Can I get circumcised at 40?

Getting circumcised often is associated with baby boys. However, many people are surprised to learn that adults can request the procedure. In fact, at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, we perform somewhere between 50 and 100 adult circumcisions each year.

How do you know if your foreskin is infected?

3. Infection

  1. small white spots around your glans and foreskin.
  2. painful urination if the tip of your penis is swollen.
  3. itchiness or soreness around your glans and shaft.
  4. chunky, foul-smelling discharge.
