Why Is It Important To Do Pre And Post Moderation Of An Assessment Task?


Definition. Moderation of. Assessment. Moderation is a quality assurance process by which an individual or group not involved in setting or marking an assessment task confirms that assessment is continuously conducted with accuracy, consistency and fairness.

What is the purpose of moderation in mathematics?

Moderation ensures equity, accountability, reliability, fairness, consistency and community building (Bloxham, Hughes & Adie, 2015) .

What is the point of moderation?

Moderation can promote equity when outcomes ensure that tasks enable all students to demonstrate intended outcomes, where all assessors are given opportunities to develop common understandings of standards, and when judgements about student work are consistent with agreed standards and comparable within and across …

Why do we need moderation?

Moderation in eating suggests dietary habits that avoid excessive consumption. … If you choose to eat moderately, you are choosing to eat in the middle, where there is freedom. This freedom to eat what your body desires in the quantities it needs is an an important concept in weight loss and health maintenance.

Why is moderation important in life?

Moderation is the idea that an individual should avoid extremes and instead focus on having a life committed to balance and wholeness. … While money can contribute to an individual’s sense of security and the ability to live comfortably, it does not directly relate to achieving happiness.

What are the functions of moderation system?

Moderation ensures learners are assessed in a consistent, accurate and well-designed manner. It ensures all assessors who assess a particular unit standard or qualification, are using comparable assessment methods and are making similar and consistent judgments about learners’ performance.

What is an example of moderation?

Moderation is defined as avoiding excess or extremes. When you want to eat 1,000 chips and you eat only 1, this is an example of moderation. … The moderation of a large online forum can be hard work.

How is moderation done?

Moderation is a quality assurance process that ensures appropriate standards. … Moderation involves checking and reviewing assessment schemes, items and assessor judgments. • It is essentially a form of feedback to markers to help them align their marking standards with those of other markers.

What are the 4 types of assessment?

A Guide to Types of Assessment: Diagnostic, Formative, Interim, and Summative.

What are the 4 principles of assessment?

There are four Principles of Assessment; Fairness, Flexibility, Validity and Reliability.

How do you test for moderation?

Moderation can be tested by looking for significant interactions between the moderating variable (Z) and the IV (X). Notably, it is important to mean center both your moderator and your IV to reduce multicolinearity and make interpretation easier.

What does pass with moderation mean?

If you have passed the unit, it will say Passed Subject to Moderation! If it says Refer this just means that your Tutor needs you to submit some more information against some questions. If this is the case, don’t worry! It is a common occurrence and not a problem. Feedback and questions can be seen by clicking REVIEW.


What does moderation of marks mean?

This (moderation as per new policy) is basically looking into the performance of the students and seeing what marks are to be enhanced or decreased in different subjects.” He added, “this moderation is to place the student in a sequencing manner lower or above by increasing or reducing the marks.”

How do you describe moderation?

* For a continuous independent variable and a categorical moderator variable, moderation means that the slope of the relationship between the independent and dependent variable differs across the groups represented by the categorical moderator variable.

What is an example of eating in moderation?

Eating in moderation can include anything from scaling back portion size, pushing away your plate when feeling full, limiting sweets, adding more nutritional variety to your meals, calculating caloric intake, or any combination of these options.

Is everything OK in moderation?

This is perhaps the most famous piece of diet advice ever given—everything in moderation. Depriving yourself leads to willpower depletion and the dreaded “rebound effect.” Unhealthy foods are only unhealthy if you eat them in excess.

What is the purpose of external moderation?

External moderation is the process through which internal assessment is monitored to ensure that it meets required standards and through which adjustments to marks are made where required to compensate for any differences in standards that are encountered.

What are moderation tools?

Moderation tools (or “mod tools”) are a variety of features you can utilize to customize your subreddit and moderate content within it. While in your community on a desktop browser using new Reddit, these can be accessed by clicking “Mod Tools” in your Community Details right-hand sidebar widget.

Why is it important to review the moderation process?

Leaders in a school or Kāhui Ako have an important role in ensuring effective moderation systems. They need to: develop consistent and cohesive policies and procedures for moderation, and ensure sustainability of practice. …

How do you practice moderation in everyday life?

One way to practice moderation is to slow down and make meals a meditative event in which all of your senses are engaged. Pause between each bite, savor the smell, taste and texture of the food, and try to make your meal last at least half an hour.

Is moderation really key?

Moderation is key in the sense that on top of eating your healthy foods, you should still allow yourself to have some less healthy foods, but in moderation. Take a serving of the junk and put it back in your pantry and you’ll still be on your way to a better and healthier you!

What does it mean to live a moderate life?

Moderate living does not mean you have to stop dreaming big, avoid going on adventures, or give up on your ambition. It’s about recognizing the importance of the small, daily steps that will get you there as you remain healthy and inspired to keep reaching new goals.

Can you learn moderation?

Fortunately for us, moderation is possible and can become habit over time in the same way abstinence can (Finney & Moos, 2006; Lovibond & Caddy, 1970).
