Why Is Glissando Used?


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The glissando illusion is an auditory illusion, created when a sound with a fixed pitch, such as a synthesized oboe tone, is played together with a sine wave gliding up and down in pitch, and they are both switched back and forth between stereo loudspeakers.

What do you do when you see a glissando in music?

Glissando means simply to glide or slide. Musically, it tells the player that they are supposed to move, or glide, from one note or pitch to another. It sounds quite simple – after all, when you play the piano, aren’t you already moving from one note to another?

What is the difference between portamento and glissando?

Most simply stated, a portamento is an ornamentation used at the end of a note to connect to it to the next, while a glissando is more of a deliberate slide between two notes.

What is it called when you run your finger down a piano?

A glissando (also known as a gliss in this lazy music industry) is a fast slide across several keys on the keyboard. … To try a right-hand gliss, put your thumb on a high C note and drag your thumbnail down across the keys very quickly all the way to the bottom of the keyboard.

Who invented glissando?

The inspiration for the use of trombone glissando by Stravinsky in his ballet music probably came from his tutelage by Rimsky-Korsakov, whose knowledge of the techniques of brass and wind instruments was greatly enhanced by his familiarity with Russian naval bands,6 but its adoption by other composers active in Paris …

Which instrument is known for the glissando?

One well-known appearance of the gliss is in George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue,” which features a clarinet sliding up to the first sustained note of the piece. The instrument best known for its sliding notes is the trombone, which uses a set of sliding tubes to move the instrument smoothly from note to note.

Can flutes glissando?

Glissandi can be performed very smoothly on the open flute by uncovering the tone holes and rings of the open keys in one smooth movement. Glissando effects can also be achieved by fleeting fingering and sliding attack which produces tonal distortions. Modern flute works require sliding between pitches.

What is a slide called in music?

In music, portamento (plural: portamenti, from old Italian: portamento, meaning “carriage” or “carrying”) is a pitch sliding from one note to another.

What is a harp glissando?

One of the most beautiful and idiomatic sounds that the harp produces is the glissando. It’s played by rapidly sliding over a succession of adjacent strings with one or more fingers and can be executed with the left, right, or both hands.


What does Legato mean in music terms?

The musical term “legato” is a direction in sheet music. It indicates that a passage should be played “smoothly and connected,” so that the melody flows together. On a musical staff, curved lines known as slurs connect differently pitched notes to indicate this style of play.

How do you do a glissando without hurting your hand?

A few things to highlight when doing a glissando are the following:

  1. Use your nails as much as possible and avoid your skin rubbing the keys.
  2. Be sure you are getting enough Vitamin D for your nail health.
  3. Go slow when learning.
  4. Repetition.
  5. Use the proper technique for going up and going down.

What effect does glissando create?

With the singing voice, or with an instrument such as the trombone or a string instrument a glissando is a smooth slide in which the pitch gradually changes, becoming higher and higher.

How long is a glissando?

A Glissando or, more informally, a slide, spans two consecutive notes.

What does staccato mean in music?

A dot above or below a note tells you to play it short and detached. This should not be confused with a dot after a note which alters its value. Short, detached, jumpy notes are called staccato. Listen to the two examples below to hear how the same notes sound when played without and with accents.

What does F stands for written on a music score sheet?

F, sixth note of the musical alphabet, otherwise the fourth note of the scale of C. It also gives its name to the bass clef, whose distinguishing sign denotes the F line. Further, it serves as an abbreviation for forte (f) and fortissimo (ff).

Is Gliss a word?

No, gliss is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What is sliding quickly between 2 notes?

A trill occurs when you flutter your fingers very quickly between two notes that are close together, either a half step or whole step apart. So, what do you call fluttering between two notes that are farther apart? Well, you call it whatever you want, but the world of music calls it a tremolo.

What is portamento on a synth?

Edit. In synthesizer lingo, this refers to the gradual sliding or slurring of output frequency, from one note to the next, as a melody is played. Found on most monophonic and a few polyphonic synths, portamento can be a spectacular effect when not over-used.

What does legato look like in music?

A curved line above or below a group of notes tells you those notes should be played legato – smoothly, with no gaps between the notes. A slur is a legato line over a few notes which means they should not be rearticulated.
