Why Don Non-germinating Peas Respire Less?


The germinating seeds will have a higher rate of oxygen consumption than the non-germinating seeds because the germinating seeds are living and need extra oxygen so that they can grow, whereas the non-germinating seeds are not nearly as active and won’t respire as much.

Do germinating peas do cellular respiration?

All organisms, including plants and animals, oxidize glucose for energy. Often, this energy is used to convert ADP and phosphate into ATP. Peas undergo cell respiration during germination.

How does temperature affect the respiration rate of non-germinating seeds?

As oxygen is consumed to provide energy, germinating seeds release carbon dioxide. … Additionally, that at higher temperatures, the rate of cellular respiration in the seeds will increase.

Are non-germinating seeds dead?

Non-germinating seeds, however, are dormant and use very little respiration. Some respiration must occur in order for the seed to live. The rate of cellular respiration will be greater in germinating peas than in dry peas, and temperature will have a direct effect on this rate.

Why do germinating peas respire more?

Germinating peas grow rapidly. This growth process requires a lot of energy for cell division, so the rate of respiration in germinating peas is high. One way to measure the rate of respiration is to measure the heat produced in the process. Vacuum flask – to prevent heat loss from the container.

Why do germinating peas perform cellular respiration instead of photosynthesis?

The food stored in the seed provides the pea plant cells with the energy they need to maintain themselves and divide, since the plant is not yet capturing sunlight through photosynthesis. The pea plant cells depend on cellular respiration to furnish them with the energy they need to stay alive and grow.

Do boiled peas respire?

Peas are disinfected, half of which are then boiled, before inserting equal masses into two vacuum flasks. … One flask records a temperature increase as the peas respire, however the other does not because boiling the peas denatured enzymes, preventing respiration.

Why do you soak peas before planting?

One of the plants we grow a lot of are Sweet Peas and I don’t know whether you know it, but they will germinate a whole lot quicker if they’re scarified. … That simply means boiling up some water, let it cool off a little, drop the seeds in and leave them soak overnight and they’re ready to plant.

Do bean seeds respire faster than pea seeds?

Mung beans will respire more than an equal number of germinating peas. … The germinating peas do, in fact, respire more than germinating mung beans.

Does germination have an effect on respiration?

The seed will use those calories to survive during dormancy and to germinate. To fulfill the high-energy needs of a germinating seedling, cellular respiration increases as a seed emerges from dormancy and begins germinating.

What does non-germinating mean?

Non-germinating seeds, however, are dormant and use very little respiration. Some respiration must occur in order for the seed to live. The rate of cellular respiration will be greater in germinating peas than in dry peas, and temperature will have a direct effect on this rate.


What is the difference between germinating and dormant peas?

Dormant peas do not have favorable environmental conditions, therefore they only need enough ATP to carry out normal processes. Germinating peas are actively growing and would require additional ATP, resulting in a higher rate of cellular respiration.

Why boiled seeds do not respire?

Boiled seeds won’t grow – evidence that they have been killed by the boiling process. The high temperature irreversibly destroys crucial proteins in the plant cells, including structural proteins, so the cells fall apart (that’s why the water goes green when you boil them) and cease respiration.

Do boiled beans respire?

Living seeds respire and evolve heat while the boiled seeds do not respire and do not evolve heat.

Why should the flask not be completely filled with peas?

Ans: It is because living seeds produce heat energy. … It is advisable not to fill the flasks completely with seeds.

Which set of seeds underwent respiration?

The unboiled germinated seeds underwent cellular respiration. The unboiled germinated seeds released carbon dioxide which mixed with water to form carbonic acid which then dissociated into hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions. The phenol red turned yellow in this acidic condition. 2.

When a seed is germinating or sprouting Is it performing photosynthesis or cell respiration?

The germinating seeds are growing and need ATP. Therefore, they are carrying out cellular respiration and producing CO2. 5.

Does germination produce heat?

Energy is released during the germination process. Seeds respire and release energy during the germination process. Heat is produced during the respiration process.

Do dried peas produce carbon dioxide?

For peas to germinate, they need a dark, warm environment after soaking in water. … Cellular respiration is aerobic, and glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen (O2) go into the reaction, and through the process, carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), and up to 38 ATP are produced.

Do dead seeds respire?

Dead seeds cannot germinate and so they cannot evolve carbon dioxide. … So the conclusion for the above experiment is germinating seeds only can respire anaerobically and evolve carbon dioxide while dry seeds cannot evolve carbon dioxide as they are inactive.

Do seeds breathe?

Seeds don’t breathe in the same way mammals do. Instead, they breathe at a cellular level. In cellular respiration, the seed uses stored sugars, water and oxygen to burn energy at a cellular level and germinate, or sprout. … The oxygen comes from tiny pockets of air in the soil.

Do germinating seeds respire anaerobically?

germinating seeds respire anaerobically. During this process, no carbon dioxide is released. It is because of the accumulation of lactic acid that there is fatigue and cramps in the muscles after prolonged exercises. … The aerobic respiration takes a longer time and hence, the cells resort to anaerobic respiration.
