Why Does Thorwald Kill The Dog?


Lars Thorwald is a traveling salesman in an unhappy marriage who kills his wife in order to run off with another woman. He would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for those nosy kids—a wheelchair-bound photographer and his buddies.

What was buried under the flowers in rear window?

1 Answer. The American Film Institute has a synopsis that explains: The police apprehend Thorwald, who confesses that he deposited most of his wife’s body in the East River, except for her head, which he first buried in the garden and then packed in a hatbox.

When did Thorwald kill his wife?

In a scene in “Rear Window”, Thorwald is seen leaving his apartment with a woman in the morning, after he supposedly killed his wife and deposited her body parts in the night before. That scene was to convince that he left with his wife in the morning to see her off at the train station.

What does Lisa believe is a woman’s hardest job?

Jefferies : She’s like a queen bee with her pick of the drones. Lisa Fremont : I’d say she’s doing a woman’s hardest job: juggling wolves.

Who is Sam in it had to be murder?

Sam is one of the names that Jeff mentioned in the story. And Sam is an important person for the story because he’s the houseman or the assistant of Jeff. He comes to him every morning and helps him to prepare food, drinks, and also, he helps him the main point of the story.

What happened to Mrs Thorwald in rear window?

Another policeman reports that Thorwald has confessed to murder; as Jeff suspected, he cut up Mrs. Thorwald’s body and disposed of it in the East River. There was actually something buried in the flowerbed, but the dog got “too inquisitive”, so he moved it to a hatbox in his apartment.

What happened to Miss Lonelyhearts in rear window?

Preoccupied with ‘Miss Lonelyhearts’ who is conducting a suicide attempt on the ground floor due to her failure to find a suitable companion, Stella convinces Jeff to call the police to alert them, and he is distracted from his look-out duties. Lisa starts looking around the apartment for the jewelry.

Why is rear window a masterpiece?

They are the reasons why, according to director Martin Scorsese, Rear Window is viewable and enjoyable over and over and over again. It is pure cinema. Everything in it worthy of praise – the sets, the colors, the lighting, the music. It is the master’s masterpiece.

What does Lisa find in Thorwald’s apartment?

The minute Thorwald leaves, Lisa heads over to his apartment and starts looking for evidence. She finds his wife’s wedding ring but is interrupted by Thorwald’s return.

What does Hitchcock imply in the tracking shot toward Lisa that ends with a close up of her when she says tell me everything you saw?

What is implied in the tracking shot toward Lisa that ends with a close-up of her when she says, “Tell me everything you saw”? She is angry that Jeff doesn’t think she can live his lifestyle. She is drawn into and now believes Jeff’s theory about Mrs. Thorwald’s disappearance.


How did Jimmy Stewart break his leg in rear window?

Jefferies. Jeff, Jimmy Stewart’s character, has been in his cast for six weeks, and has one more week to go. He broke his leg while photographing a car crash on a race track.

Is rear window a film noir?

Although most reviews of the film tend to focus on its incredible treatment of suspense, I assert that this film is birthed from the film noir genre as one of the first true ‘neo-noir. ‘ Critically, Rear Window is universally praised for its suspense.

How did Jeff break his leg in rear window?

“Jeff” Jefferies breaks his leg while getting an action shot at an auto race. Confined to his New York apartment, he spends his time looking out of the rear window observing the neighbors. He begins to suspect that a man across the courtyard may have murdered his wife.

What does Miss Lonelyhearts symbolize?

The lamb Miss Lonelyhearts sacrifices in his youth is an obvious symbol for Jesus. The Bible makes this symbolic link clear: just as Jesus died for man’s sins, so does the unblemished, innocent lamb in a sacrifice.

What does Miss Torso represent in rear window?

Objecting to his interpretation of Miss Torso, Lisa asserts that she is “doing a woman’s hardest job, juggling wolves.” Later he sees Miss Torso resisting the advances of an insistent escort. His calling her “Miss Torso” reduces her to being only a body and is ironic in view of Mrs. Thorwald’s dismemberment.

What does the character Miss Lonelyhearts represent?

Critics have often read Miss Lonelyhearts as something of an allegory of America’s Great Depression, which spanned the stock market crash of 1929 to the start of World War II. West makes the harsh economic climate a focal point in the lives of his readers.

How was Mrs Thorwald killed?

Lars Thorwald did not get along with his wife as they had constantly argued with each other. This in turn causes him to finally snap and kill her. … After he kills his wife, he cuts off her body parts and buries them in various places.

Was rear window based on a true story?

Alfred Hitchcock was inspired by two actual murder cases.

Hawley Crippen and the 1924 case of Patrick Mohan. Crippen killed his wife, told friends she went to America, and then aroused suspicion by flaunting his secretary around town.

Is Disturbia based on rear window?

Partially inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window, the film released on April 13, 2007.

Is the woman in the window based on Rear Window?

It’s no secret this movie is inspired by the classic mysteries of Alfred Hitchcock. Its heaviest inspiration, “Rear Window,” is playing on the TV in the opening minutes. There are many scenes of Fox voyeuristically spying on her neighbors with a camera like L.B. Jeffries.

Who are the characters in it had to be murder?

Rear Window/It Had to be Murder

  • Raymond Burr. as. Lars Thorwald.
  • Jimmy Stewart. as. L.B. Jeffries.
  • Grace Kelly. as. Lisa Fremont (not in the short story)
