Why Does Odysseus Not Accept Eurymachus Offer Of Restitution?


Eurymachus tries to calm Odysseus down, insisting that Antinous was the only bad apple among them, but Odysseus announces that he will spare none of them. Eurymachus then charges Odysseus, but he is cut down by another arrow. Amphinomus is the next to fall, at the spear of Telemachus.

What does Eurymachus do when he fails to calm Odysseus?

Zeus struck a lightning bolt down to stop Odysseus from killing anyone, which calms him down, then everyone “goes home.”

What does Eurymachus offer to Odysseus to get Odysseus to spare their lives?

Eurymachus tries to convince Odysseus to spare the rest of the suitors by offering him restitution.

What reason does Odysseus give for killing the suitors?

Why does Odysseus kill the suitors? Odysseus wants revenge on the suitors. They have wasted a lot of his wealth, by living at his expense during his absence. More importantly, by taking advantage of his absence, the suitors have insulted Odysseus and damaged his reputation.

What happens after Odysseus kills the suitors?

Lesson Summary

After Odysseus and his crew kill many suitors, Athena joins in and ends the battle. Telemachus then kills the twelve female servants disloyal to Odysseus. Odysseus finally orders Eurycleia to bring him sulfur and fire so he can fumigate the palace. And that is where Book 22 ends.

Why is Odysseus displeased with Penelope?

What are the suitor’s reaction to Odysseus when he takes up the bow? … Why is odysseus displeased with Penelope? Because she doesn’t believe it is him. What is Penelope’s test, and how does Odysseus pass it?

Why is Eurymachus upset when he can’t string Odysseus’s bow?

Overall, Eurymachus is angry that he cannot string the bow because he realizes that he is vastly inferior to Odysseus and is worried that his reputation as a strong, valiant leader is ruined because of his public failure.

Who is the god or goddess that helps Odysseus the most?

Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom and battle strategy, and was also the patron goddess of heroes. Odysseus was a great hero among the Greeks, and so had Athena’s favor and aid in many of his exploits. She was a key goddess in the story of the Odyssey as a divine assistant to Odysseus on his journey home.

Who is one person spared the slaughter in Book 22?

But at the request of his son, he decides to spare two of those present who are begging for their lives; one is the minstrel Phemius, who was not there of his own choosing, but was forced by the suitors to sing for their entertainment; the other is Medon, who had been kind to Telemachus when he was a child.

How does Penelope trick Odysseus in Book 23?

To assure herself of Odysseus’ identity, Penelope tests him. As he listens, she asks Eurycleia to move the bedstead out of the couple’s chamber and spread it with blankets. The king himself had carved the bed as a young man, shaping it out of a living olive tree that grew in the courtyard of the palace.

Why can’t the suitors string Odysseus’s bow?

Telemachus tries it first, to set an example, but he can’t even string the bow. The suitor Leodes tries the bow and fails: it is too stiff to bend. Other suitors lack the strength to string it as well.

Why does Odysseus start crying when he looks around his home?

He does not recognize his homeland—he thinks he is somewhere else. Why does Odysseus start crying when he looks around his home? Odysseus is lying to the swineherd. … Athena is complimenting Odysseus’s imagination.


Who shot Odysseus first?

Odysseus first kills Antinous by shooting an arrow at him while he appears to be drinking from a cup. The buttshaft of the arrow is sticking out of his neck when all is said and done. This is the man who was most after his wife and sort of was the ring leader of the men vying for Penelope’s hand in marriage.

What was so special about Odysseus bed?

The bed is a permanent piece of furniture, representing the stability of the marriage between Odysseus and Penelope. Like a tree, solid and long-lasting, Odysseus and Penelope refuse to uproot themselves and join with another partner to create a new family.

Why does Penelope devise the contest with the bow?

why do you think Penelope devises the contest with the bow? … Penelope knows that Odysseus is the only one who can shoot the arrow through the 12 arrowheads. she makes it so that she won’t have to marry someone else. this reveals that she is clever.

Which guest can hit all 12 axes?

Penelope tells the suitors, ”I offer you the mighty bow of Prince Odysseus; and whoever with his hands shall lightliest bend the bow and shoot through all twelve axes, him I will follow. ” She then gives the bow to Eumaeus, the shepherd, to take to the suitors.

Why does Penelope put the suitors through the contest of the bow?

Penelope’s choice of contest — one that only Odysseus could win — supports the suspicion that she is aware of the beggar/Odysseus’s real identity. When the beggar/Odysseus asks for an unofficial chance at the bow, Penelope immediately counters Antinous’ objection.

How does Telemachus react when Odysseus reveals himself?

How does Telemachus react when Odysseus identifies himself? At first he does not believe it is him. “No, you’re not Odysseus! Not my father!

Which God is helping Odysseus once he reaches home?

Poseidon is keeping Odysseus from going home because Odysseus blinded his son, Polyphemus.

Was Odysseus justified in killing the suitors?

In addition to having the justification in order to kill the suitors he also was justified to kill the maids. All they did was aide the suitors. … They made no effort to get the suitors out of the house. This is why Odysseus was justified to kill them.

Does Penelope cheat on Odysseus?

Pausanias records the story that Penelope had in fact been unfaithful to Odysseus, who banished her to Mantineia upon his return. … Other sources report that Penelope had sex with all 108 suitors in Odysseus’ absence, and gave birth to Pan as a result.

What is Odysseus afraid of?

The men sail off, but Odysseus never tells the men about the last prophecy. … As they sail, Odysseus and his men are afraid of being eaten by Charybdis as she sucks in the water. Odysseus stayed closer to Scylla as he had been warned to avoid Charybdis so he wouldn’t lose his entire ship and crew.

Why do the suitors want to marry Penelope?

Odysseus’ wife Penelope has suitors because of Odysseus’ long absence. They assume that he is dead, and they hope to marry Penelope to inherit all that she has. The suitors believe Odysseus to be dead. … Upon Odysseus return, the suitors pay for their treachery.
