Why Does My Voice Suddenly Sound Deeper?


The most common (and preventable) cause of vocal cord damage is overworking your throat. Singing without warming up can make you feel raw or scratchy sooner, and persisting too far hurts your body and your pitch.

What does raspy voice mean?

If you are hoarse, your voice will sound breathy, raspy, or strained, or will be softer in volume or lower in pitch. Your throat might feel scratchy. Hoarseness is often a symptom of problems in the vocal folds of the larynx.

How do you cure a raspy voice?

Home Remedies: Helping a hoarse voice

  1. Breathe moist air. …
  2. Rest your voice as much as possible. …
  3. Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration (avoid alcohol and caffeine).
  4. Moisten your throat. …
  5. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking, and avoid exposure to smoke. …
  6. Avoid clearing your throat. …
  7. Avoid decongestants. …
  8. Avoid whispering.

Can thyroid problems cause voice changes?

Voice changes may occur even in the cases of mild thyroid failure since thyroid hormone receptors have been found in the larynx, which proves that the thyroid hormone acts on the laryngeal tissue . Hypothyroidism can cause notable voice changes, such as low voice, roughness, reduced range, and vocal fatigue .

What is Mongolian throat singing called?

In the western Mongolian Altai, throat-singing is called höömii (also khöömii or xöömii) and is practiced traditionally by the western Khalkha, Bait, and Altay Uriangkhai peoples.

Why do Inuit throat sing?

Mark clarified there are some Inuit men who do a form of throat singing – they imitate animal sounds while they’re hunting and shamans chant. But women and children throat sang in the way we hear it today to keep their minds busy and their bodies warm during frigid weather.

What is Tuvan throat singing also called?

Tuvan throat singing, which main technique is known as khoomei (Tuvan: хөөмей, romanized: xöömej, Mongolian: хөөмий, romanized: khöömii, Russian: хоомей, Turkish: höömey), includes a type of overtone singing practiced by people in Tuva, Mongolia, and Siberia.

Do men’s voice get deeper with age?

Men’s voices often deepen up to an octave, while women’s voices usually move about three tones lower. After puberty and well into older adulthood, some people’s voices may change, but not everyone’s. Men’s voices tend to go up in pitch.

What are the signs of voice breaking?

Voice strain can be revealed by the following early symptoms:

  • pain, leading indirectly to a change in voice tone or quality;
  • sore throat;
  • croakiness;
  • tension, leading to change in voice quality;
  • discomfort speaking;
  • lower pitch to the voice;
  • breaking voice;
  • loss of vocal range;

Why is throat singing banned on Tiktok?

In the early 20th century, throat singing was banned by Christian missionaries that entered Canadian Arctic communities because the outsiders thought the music sounded satanic. … Since it’s revival, the Canadian province of Quebec in 2014 gave throat singing cultural heritage status.


Can people sing two notes at once?

Singing two notes at once is possible, and the result is one of the most amazing vocal things we’ve heard. German singer Anna-Maria Hefele shares the mind-blowing possibilities of overtone singing, where one person sings two notes at the same time.

What is nasal singing voice?

People with a nasal voice can sound as though they’re speaking through a clogged-up or runny nose, which are both possible causes. Your speaking voice is created when air leaves your lungs and flows upward through your vocal cords and throat into your mouth. The resulting sound quality is called resonance.

Is Inuit throat singing banned?

Inuit throat singing was banned by Christian missionaries in the early 20th century who saw it as satanic. The ban was only lifted in the 1980s, and now Novalinga and her mother are using apps like TikTok and Instagram to preserve and celebrate the music.

What are some Inuit dances?

Yup’ik dance or Yuraq, also Yuraqing (Yup’ik yuraq /juʁaq/ sg yurak dual yurat pl) is a traditional Inuit style dancing form usually performed to songs in Yup’ik, with dances choreographed for specific songs which the Yup’ik people of southwestern Alaska.

What does Inuit mean in their language?

“Inuit,” meaning “people,” is used in Canada, and the language is called “Inuktitut” in eastern Canada although other local designations are used also.

Why do throat singers hold each other?

It was traditionally used as a game to help pass time during the long winters in a call and response competition until one of the women breaks or stops. Two women will face each other as they stand holding each others’ arms and sometimes rock left and right or slightly bounce.

What are early warning signs of thyroid problems?

Early signs of thyroid problems include:

  • Gastrointestinal problems. …
  • Mood changes. …
  • Weight changes. …
  • Skin problems. …
  • Sensitivity to temperature changes. …
  • Vision changes (occurs more often with hyperthyroidism) …
  • Hair thinning or hair loss (hyperthyroidism)
  • Memory problems (both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism)

Is no voice a symptom of Covid?

Some COVID-19 patients report their voices going hoarse as the virus takes its course. But that symptom has its roots in other consequences of the COVID-19 virus. “Any upper respiratory tract infection is going to cause inflammation of the upper airway,” says Dr. Khabbaza.

What is Throat TikTok?

“Throat singing is usually done between two women in our Innu culture facing each other and imitating the sound of nature and animals. It’s a game between two women, a pastime, a lullaby.” RELATED: Indigenous TikTok star shares culture through app.
