Why Do You Get Pig Styes?


Though painful, a stye is a relatively harmless inflammatory response to a bacterial infection. Rarely, styes may spread if the bacteria that causes them is transmitted from one person to another through direct contact or from a contaminated towel or pillowcase.

How long does a stye take to go away?

As the stye grows, the eyelid becomes swollen and painful, and the eye may water. Most styes swell for about 3 days before they break open and drain. Styes usually heal in about a week.

Can a stye infection spread?

Most of the time a sty is not spread from person to person except under unusual circumstances. However, in the same person, the infection responsible for a sty can spread to other areas of the eyelid and eventually to other components in the eye to produce an emergency condition termed orbital cellulitis.

What happens when a stye Pops?

Popping a stye can open the area, causing a wound or injury to the eyelid. This can lead to several complications: It might spread the bacterial infection to other parts of your eyelid or to your eyes. It may worsen the infection inside the stye and cause it to get worse.

How long is a stye contagious for?

If you notice a bump or pimple on your upper or lower eyelid, it might be a stye. It’s an infection in the oil glands around the eyelids. You don’t have to worry about spreading a stye to someone else. It isn’t contagious.

What should you do if a stye Pops?

When the stye comes to a head, keep using the compresses to put pressure on it until it ruptures. Don’t squeeze it — let it burst on its own. Some styes spread skin infections when they pop. If that happens, you’ll have to take antibiotics.

What gets rid of a stye fast?

You can do a few things to get rid of it faster: After washing your hands, soak a clean washcloth in very warm (but not hot) water and put it over the stye. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes several times a day. Gently massage the area with a clean finger to try to get the clogged gland to open and drain.

Can stress cause a stye?

Styes can develop when the oil-producing gland in your eyelid becomes infected with bacteria. While there isn’t clinical evidence to prove that stress can cause a stye, research does show that stress can lower your immunity. When your immune system isn’t strong, you’re more likely to develop infections, like a stye.

Are styes caused by poor hygiene?

Styes are caused by infected oil glands on your eyelids, which form a red bump that resembles acne. Poor hygiene, old makeup, and certain medical or skin conditions can increase your risk for styes. To get rid of a stye, you can gently wash your eyelids, use a warm compress, and try antibiotic ointments.

Can a stye move to other eye?

Can Eye Styes Spread? A stye can spread from the affected eye to the other. It’s also possible for the bacteria from a stye to spread to other areas of the eye. In some cases, this causes an emergency condition called cellulitis.

Is there a cream for styes?

Use an over-the-counter treatment. Try an ointment (such as Stye), solution (such as Bausch and Lomb Eye Wash), or medicated pads (such as Ocusoft Lid Scrub).

When should I go to the doctor for a stye?

Most of the time, styes respond well to home treatment and don’t require advanced care. However, you should see a doctor promptly if your stye lingers more than 14 days, because occasionally the infection can spread to the rest of the eyelid, which can require aggressive treatment to cure.


Do eye drops help styes?

Many drugstores sell eye drops that may help relieve the pain of styes. These remedies will not heal the stye, but they may help ease the pain. Only apply these remedies with clean hands, and do not allow the tip of the bottle to touch the eye.

Does a stye turn into pink eye?

Understanding the difference between pink eye and a stye

While styes are typically caused by bacteria, a pink eye can be brought on as a result of a bacteria, virus, allergens, or irritants. In addition, viral or bacterial pink eye could be contagious, but a stye typically isn’t.

Can Heat make a stye worse?

Heat often brings a stye to a point where it drains on its own. Keep in mind that warm compresses will often increase swelling a little at first. Do not use hot water or heat a wet cloth in a microwave oven. The compress may get too hot and can burn the eyelid.

What antibiotic ointment is good for a stye?

The most commonly prescribed topical antibiotic for stye is erythromycin. Oral antibiotics are more effective, usually amoxicillin, cephalosporin, tetracycline, doxycycline, or erythromycin. The stye should clear in about two days, but the antibiotic should be taken for the full term prescribed, usually seven days.

What are the stages of a stye?

The stye gets bigger, bleeds, or starts to affect a person’s vision. The redness spreads to the entire eye or eyelid. The whole eyelid becomes swollen. Redness or swelling spreads to the cheek or other parts of the face.

Can stye bleed?

Styes can be quite painful, but they usually go away on their own. Warm compresses can help them drain and heal more quickly. A stye that doesn’t start improving in a couple of days, causes vision problems, or bleeds heavily should be evaluated by your doctor.

Is it good when a stye comes to a head?

Styes often look like pimples — making it tempting to squeeze them — but don’t do it. “When a stye comes to a head or when it pops it will slowly drain and heal, but you should always let it do that on its own time,” Dr. Goldman says.

Is an itchy stye healing?

The most common symptoms of a stye include itching sensation, sensitivity to light, tenderness of the eyelid, swelling, redness and tearing of the eye. Styes generally do not require any treatment and heal on their own over time. Styes on the outside of the eyelid turn yellow and release pus and heal faster.

What is the best over the counter medicine for a stye?

Common over-the-counter pain medicine — such as ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin), acetaminophen (Tylenol) and naproxen (Aleve) — can help relieve any pain or discomfort caused by a stye. Anti-inflammatory drugs can also reduce some of the swelling and redness along the eyelid.

Can you put Neosporin in your eye?

Some OTC ointments, like Neosporin and Polysporin, are only meant to be used on your skin. Don’t use them in your eyes. They’re not the same as the prescription ointments with the same name that are meant for eye infections.

Does rubbing a gold ring on a stye help?

DON’T rub your stye with a gold ring. This may sound obvious, but it is another persistent myth about treating this condition. Rubbing a ring near the eye can risk further infection as well as trauma to the delicate cornea of the eye.
