Why Did Summer Sit With Auggie At Lunch?


Christopher Blake has been Auggie’s best friend since they were little, so he was there through all of Auggie’s surgeries. Three years ago he moved to Bridgeport, Connecticut, more than an hour away from North River Heights, where Auggie lives.

Who did Auggie sit with in almost all of his classes?

Out of the blue though, a really nice girl named Summer sits down and strikes up conversation. She first sits with him because she feels sorry for him, but it doesn’t take long for the two kids to become friends. Outside of lunch, Jack’s desk is next to Auggie’s in almost every class.

Who was the only student who willingly sat with August at lunch?

Auggie was asked repeatedly if he had been in a fire. Who was the only student who willingly sat with Auggie at lunch? Summer was the only student who sat with Auggie because she wanted to.

Does Jack will have a crush on Summer?

When Summer walks up, August tells her that she looks nice. Jack then tells her in a matter-of-fact way that she looks okay, causing August to realize that Jack has a crush on Summer. Afterwards, Jack goes with the rest of his family, Summer’s family, and August’s relatives to August’s house.

Why does August accuse his mom and Via of lying?

Why did Auggie accuse his mother and sister of lying to him? He understood Olivia was embarrassed to have her friends see him at the show. … He threw it out because he was tired of having Auggie cover his face.

Why did Auggie cry when his mom was reading The Hobbit to him?

Auggie’s had a pretty tough first day at school. Although he tells his mom that it wasn’t as bad as he expected, he can’t forget Julian’s hurtful comments about Darth Sidious. Later that evening, as his mom reads to him from The Hobbit, Auggie starts to cry, wanting to know why he has to be so ugly.

Who is unhappy when Auggie cuts off his Padawan braid?

Padawan. After the first day of school, Auggie cuts off his Padawan braid. His dad doesn’t care, but his sister is pretty outraged.

Why did Auggie cry at the lake?

Why was Auggie crying at the lake? Henry, Amos, and Miles tell Jack and Auggie that they had seen the guys before, so they knew that the older students were there. Auggie’s sweatshirt has ripped, but worse, he lost his hearing aids in the scuffle. Overwhelmed, Auggie starts to cry, and even Amos starts to comfort him..

Are Charlotte and Auggie friends?

Charlotte is a student at Beecher Prep and one of Auggie Pullman’s welcoming buddies when he visits the school. Over time, she becomes close friends with Summer Dawson and Ximena, due to the dance performance that they are all part of.

Who was VIA’s best friend?

Julia Roberts as Isabel Pullman, Auggie’s mother. Owen Wilson as Nate Pullman, Auggie’s father. Izabela Vidovic as Olivia “Via” Pullman, Auggie’s older sister. Danielle Rose Russell as Miranda Navas, Via’s best friend.

Who gave Auggie the astronaut helmet?

August’s astronaut helmet was given to him by Miranda long before the start of the story told in R. J. Palacio’s novel. The gift had been given as a gesture of love in response to Auggie’s natural self-consciousness about the way he looked.

How did Auggie feel after lunch?

August has brought his lunch from home, so he gets it out and unwraps it slowly. He feels the other kids staring, and he hears some girls whispering. He does not acknowledge them. August’s deformities make him a messy eater.


Who has a crush on Summer in wonder?

Savanna tells Summer that Julian likes her, and might ask her out if she were to stop spending so much time with Auggie. This statement bothers Summer, who calls her mother and leaves the party. Later, Summer tells Savanna that she has a crush on someone other than Julian to get Savanna to leave her alone.

Why is Summer invited to Savanna’s Halloween?

Summer is thrilled to get an invitation to Savanna’s Halloween party because Savanna is the most popular girl in school. She already has a boyfriend and looks like a teenager. … Within five minutes, Savanna and Henry tell Summer that if she stopped hanging out with August, she could be popular.

Why did Auggie cut off his braids?

Auggie recognizes that Julian is teasing him and decides to cut off his beloved Padawan braid later that night. Overall, Auggie cuts off his Padawan braid because he does not want to draw attention to himself and desires to avoid Julian’s teasing.

Why did August have a Padawan braid and why he cut it off?


When Auggie came home after his first day and decided to cut off his “padawan” braid, which he and his friend Christopher had both been growing for years, Via became concerned that he was going to allow the fact that he was now going to school to change him.

How long did it take the kids in Auggie’s class to get used to his face?

Here’s how long it took for people to get used to seeing his face: One week for the kids he sees every day; two weeks for the other kids in his grade; about a month for the entire rest of the school.

What did August say was the real reason he didn’t go to school before 5th grade?

What did August say was the real reason he didn’t go to school before the 5th grade? Because of all the surgeries he had. … He didn’t know he was going to tour the school.

Why does Auggie call the dog Bear?

After the Pullmans’ first dog, Daisy, died, Nate Pullman came home with a white box. Inside was a puppy. … Because of this, August suggested that they name the puppy “Bear.” The rest of the Pullmans agreed that was a perfect name for the puppy, so he was named “Bear.”

How was Julian rude to Auggie?

Melissa photoshops the photo and persuades him to not think about Auggie. Julian continues to insult August by calling him nicknames such as “Zombie Boy” and “Freak”. He developed a ridiculous game called The Plague, which means anyone who touches or makes contact with August will get the “cooties”.

What is VIA’s secret?

Via’s Secret

In which Via is busted for not having told her family about the school play.

What did Auggie find out at his annual checkup?

What did Auggie find out at his annual check up? He needed hearing aids.

Why did VIA and Miranda stop being friends?

Miranda stopped talking to Via in Wonder because she felt guilty about the lies she told at camp. Upon her return, Miranda called Ella instead of Via. She knew that Ella wouldn’t ask her uncomfortable questions about her personal life or her experiences at camp.
