Why Are There No Apples On My Tree?


Over-pruning (removing more than 25 percent of the canopy in any one year) may result in the production of watershoots (epicormic growth), which are vigorous, tall, upright and leafy branches, producing no flowers or fruit.

What are the stages of an apple tree?

Growth Stages: (1) dormant, (2) swollen bud, (3) bud burst, (4) green cluster, (5) white bud, (6) bloom, (7) petal fall, and (8) fruit set.

What is the best fertilizer for fruit trees?

Fruit trees prefer an organic, high nitrogen fertilizer. Blood meal, soybean meal, composted chicken manure, cottonseed meal, and feather meal are all good, organic nitrogen sources. There are also specially formulated fruit tree fertilizers.

How do you increase the yield of fruit trees?

Increasing yields

  1. Increase early yields and mature yields to reduce per box costs by planting at high densities with good light interception.
  2. Improve the price received for fruit by growing new premium varieties.
  3. Improve fruit quality by growing thin, narrow canopies to improve light distribution.

Which fruit trees bear fruit fastest?

Among the most popular fast-growing fruit trees, peaches are vigorous producers of plump, delicious fruits. Peach trees do best in full sun—at least 6 hours per day—and good airflow.

What is easiest fruit tree to grow?

Cherries are one of the easiest fruit trees to grow and care for. They require minimal to no pruning and are rarely plagued by pests or diseases. Sweet cherries need two trees for cross-pollination unless you plant a tree with two different varieties grafted on it.

What is the quickest fruit to grow?

Strawberries, blackberries and raspberries are some of the fastest-growing fruits. They produce the fastest fruiting the second year, compared to blueberries that can take three to five years before producing berries. Fruits generally take longer to mature than vegetables, but some are faster than others.

What is the fastest fruit tree to grow?

Top 10 Fastest Growing Fruit Trees

  1. Peach Trees. USDA Zones: 4-9, but they do best in zones 6-8. …
  2. Mulberry Trees. USDA Zones: 5-9, but some varieties are hardy to zones 3-4. …
  3. Apple Trees. USDA Zones: 3-8. …
  4. Citrus Fruit Trees. USDA Zones: 8-10 (in-ground) …
  5. Apricot Trees. USDA Zones: 5-8. …
  6. Mandarin Fruit Trees. …
  7. Cherry Trees. …
  8. Fig Trees.

How do you increase the yield of an apple tree?

Nitrogen and potassium are key elements in boosting shoot and leaf growth, maximizing flowering, fruit set and fill, as well as yield potential. Phosphorus is important for early growth and rooting, and then again for producing a large number of healthy flowers clusters, and good fruit size.

How many times a year do you fertilize fruit trees?

It is completely possible to fertilize a fruit tree too often. Fruit trees don’t require constant feeding. Once a year, in the spring, should be more than enough. If you’re thinking about a second feeding, do a soil analysis first to make sure your fruit tree really does need a bit of a nutrient boost of some kind.

Is Epsom salt good for fruit trees?

Sweeten Fruits

If you have some fruit trees, a boost in magnesium will do them a world of good. Epsom Salt is used on fruit trees or vegetables to help them yield larger, sweeter, and more fruits. It works great also for nut trees and fruit shrubs.


What months do you fertilize fruit trees?

Spring is the best time for fertilizing fruit trees, because that’s when they need plenty of energy to push out new leaves and nurture baby fruits.

Can you use Miracle Grow on fruit trees?

Miracle-Gro has tree spikes specially formulated for trees, shrubs, evergreens, fruit, citrus, and palm trees. They should be used annually, in the spring and early fall, for a continuous release of nutrients. These easy-to-use spikes provide nutrition directly to the roots, where plants need it most.

What fertilizer make fruit bigger?

Potassium is the key driver of fruit size and alongside nitrogen is required in large quantities throughout fruit development and growth. However, too much nitrogen at a late growth stage can restrict fruit size; therefore a balanced nutrient application is crucial. Phosphorus can restrict fruit growth too.

Can you use cow manure on fruit trees?

Once matured, cow manure can be used on all matter of plants, including native plants. Because cows eat grass, their manure is perfect for adding structure and increasing aeration in the soil.

How can I make my apples grow bigger?

Hot, dry weather in spring can exacerbate it. Although the amount of fruit that falls on its own might be alarming, you often need to do some additional thinning to get the larger fruit you desire. It is ideal to remove all but the largest fruit from each cluster and space the apples 8 to 10 inches apart on the branch.

Will a pear tree pollinate an apple tree?

Apple and pear trees cannot cross pollinate one another because they are not part of the same species nor genus. Apples are in the genus Malus while pears are in the genus Pyrus.

How close should apple trees be to pollinate?

For pollination purposes, the recommended planting distance for apple trees is within a 100 foot distance. To summarize, nearly all apple varieties need to be cross-pollinated with pollen from the flowers of a different apple variety to produce fruit.

What is the hardest fruit tree to grow?

Some fruits are easier to grow than others, but all will require special care. Fruits listed, from the easiest to grow to the most difficult, are: apples, pears, sour cherries (sweet cherries do not grow well here), plums, apricots and peaches.

What fruits grow in 30 days?

The Fastest Growing Vegetables and Fruits

  • Sunflower shoots – 12 Days. …
  • Radishes – 21 days. …
  • Scallions – 21 days. …
  • Lettuce – 30 days. …
  • Spinach – 30 days. …
  • Turnips – 30-55 days. …
  • Beets – 35-60 days. …
  • Zucchini – 40-95 days.

How long does it take a fruit tree to bear fruit?

The average bearing age of fruit trees is as follows; apple – 4 to 5 years, sour or tart cherry – 3 to 5 years, pear – 4 to 6 years, and plum – 3 to 5 years.

How long does it take for a strawberry plant to produce fruit?

California strawberries

Like the June bearing and the ever-bearing variants, these strawberries are planted in early spring. They produce flowers in late spring and become ready to harvest in six weeks.
