Why Are Post-apocalyptic Stories Popular?


Scrivner added that he believe people are drawn to apocalyptic movies because they give viewers a safe way to experience the chaos of social breakdown. For the study, researchers questioned 310 volunteers about their film preferences and viewing histories.

What makes a good post-apocalyptic story?

Decide what kind of apocalyptic story it is: before the world ended, while the world ended, or after the world ended. Decide why the world ended and how: plague, nuclear war, aliens contact, etc. Decide how your character(s) survived the apocalypse (e.g. immune). If you don’t, you’ll leave major holes in your story.

What is the appeal of post-apocalyptic?

The most common is to have dystopian governments in place. Post-apocalyptic novels appeal to readers who like action and adventure. They also appeal to those who want to wonder, “what if?” They like stories where you have to figure out how to survive along with the main character(s).

What is the best car for the apocalypse?

Top 15 Apocalypse Cars for Surviving an Apocalypse

  1. Bulletproof Ford Raptor Truck. The Ford Raptor is one of the best apocalypse cars that comes with a sleek design and 450 horsepower. …
  2. Chevrolet Silverado Black. …
  3. Bentley Continental. …
  4. Brabus B63S. …
  5. Mercedes-Benz G-Class. …
  6. Jeep Wrangler. …
  7. Rezvani Tank. …
  8. Bulletproof Military Humvee.

What is the Apocalypse?

Apocalypse is a word that means “the end of the world” — or something so destructive it seems like the world has ended in a place, like a major earthquake. The apocalypse is the total destruction of the world, as prophesied in the biblical book of Revelation.

How do you make a post-apocalyptic story unique?

World-building tips for writers of apocalyptic fiction:

  1. Take us somewhere we’ve never been. …
  2. Think about your characters and how they will interact in the new world. …
  3. Think about your ending before you begin. …
  4. Create a world that challenges your characters at every turn, a world where they must adapt in order to survive.

How do you make a good zombie story?

Without further ado, here are my top-ten tips for writing zombie novels:

  1. Invest in your characters. …
  2. Take your story into uncharted territory. …
  3. Remember that humans can be scary, too. …
  4. Read widely, both in and out of the zombie genre. …
  5. Develop your vision for the “new world.” …
  6. When you get stuck, follow your instincts.

What is a post-apocalyptic world?

: existing or occurring after a catastrophically destructive disaster or apocalypse In a postapocalyptic world where nature has become just as violent as humanity …—

Why do I like post-apocalyptic books?

It’s a reflection of our fears and anxieties.

Post-apocalyptic fiction is also popular for the way it makes us confront existential fears and anxieties. Let’s face it. The world can be an unnerving place at times. From terrorism to war to climate change, there’s a lot to alarm us.

Is Apocalypse Sci Fi?

Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction are subgenres of science fiction that are set in a time period where the earth as we know it is coming to an end. Post-apocalyptic novels almost always take place in the future, although some describe the end of past civilizations that no longer exist.

Why do we love the apocalypse?

He says one reason we’re drawn to apocalyptic stories is because they capture the way that personal tragedy can feel like the end of the world. … Despite his fondness for end-of-the-world stories, he’s troubled at the way that so many of them make the death of billions seem like a fun adventure.


What would be valuable in a post apocalyptic world?

Items of value in a post-apocalyptic scenario will be anything that could make life more bearable. Food, water, shelter, medical/first aid, fuel, weapons, ammo or the means to make or obtain them will be considered very valuable, tradeable goods.

How do you describe a zombie?

Zombie Traits A zombie, according to pop culture and folklore, is usually either a reawakened corpse with a ravenous appetite or someone bitten by another zombie infected with a “zombie virus.” Zombies are usually portrayed as strong but robotic beings with rotting flesh.

How can you start a story off?

Find out which starter makes your partner most interested in reading your story.

  1. Start with action or dialogue.
  2. Ask a question or set of questions.
  3. Describe the setting so readers can imagine it.
  4. Give background information that will interest readers.
  5. Introduce yourself to readers in a surprising way.

What is the typical conflict of a post-apocalyptic novel play?

The central conflict for characters in a post-apocalyptic story is managing the new physical, social, and cultural landscape left behind by a recent disaster.

How do you write a zombie apocalypse novel?

Writing The Zombie Novel: Lessons on Craft

  1. Read everything. …
  2. Always be writing. …
  3. Conflict drives a story. …
  4. Write your fears, not your desires, into the apocalypse. …
  5. Respect your reader’s willing suspension of disbelief. …
  6. Write a story about people with zombies, not about zombies with people. …
  7. Do your homework. …
  8. Innovate.

How long should a post-apocalyptic novel be?

However, 80,000 words is about right for most flavours of novel. Some genres favour books heavier or lighter than that, but if you’re writing adult fiction, that length is unlikely to be considered “wrong” by anyone in publishing.

How do you survive the apocalypse?

  1. Purify water. Ensuring your drinking water is safe so that you don’t succumb to disease in a post-apocalyptic world will be crucial. …
  2. Prevent infection. …
  3. Generate power. …
  4. Grow food. …
  5. Drive tree-powered cars. …
  6. Restart a chemical industry. …
  7. Be scientific.

Is Apocalypse stronger than Thanos?

As stated, both Apocalypse and Thanos are extremely powerful, but based on our comic book experiences and the official numbers above, Thanos would beat Apocalypse.

What does Apocalypse say before he died?

Even in the face of his own destruction, Apocalypse remains content, muttering “All is revealed” – a knowing nod to Jean Grey’s connection with the Phoenix and a fulfillment of En Sabah Nur’s quest to push mutant evolution to new levels of power.

Which car is toughest?

The 5 Most Difficult Cars to Drive

  • Dodge Challenger Hellcat. At 4,449 pounds, the Dodge Challenger Hellcat is like a yacht on the land. …
  • Porsche Cayman. The Porsche Cayman is a gorgeous vehicle, but it is also difficult to drive. …
  • Cadillac CTS-V. …
  • Lamborghini Countach. …
  • TVR Sagaris.

What is the most badass vehicle?

6 of the Most Badass Classic Cars You Can Find Today

  • Chevrolet Camaro Z/28. …
  • Shelby Mustang GT500. …
  • Dodge Charger R/T. …
  • Plymouth Road Runner Superbird. …
  • Pontiac GTO. …
  • Ford Mustang Mach 1.
