Who Were The Sepoys And What Did They Do?


The mutiny began when sepoys refused to use new rifle cartridges (which were thought to be lubricated with grease containing a mixture of pigs’ and cows’ lard and thus religiously impure). They were shackled and imprisoned, but their outraged comrades shot their British officers and marched on Delhi.

What was the Sepoy Rebellion and why was it important?

Even so, the rebellion proved to be an important watershed in Indian and British Empire history. It led to the dissolution of the East India Company, and forced the British to reorganize the army, the financial system, and the administration in India, through passage of the Government of India Act 1858.

Who were the sepoy’s and why did they rebel?

The immediate cause of the Indian Revolt of 1857, or Sepoy Mutiny, was a seemingly minor change in the weapons used by the British East India Company’s troops. The Company had upgraded to the new Pattern 1853 Enfield rifle, which used greased paper cartridges.

Why didn’t the educated class support the rebels?

The modern educated Indians also did not support the Revolt. … The educated Indians wanted to end the backwardness of the country. They mistakenly believed that British rule would help them accomplish these tasks of modernization while the rebels would take the country backward.

What was the most significant cause of the Sepoy Rebellion?

The immediate cause of the rebellion was rumors that were spreading among the Indian soldiers regarding the new cartridges they had been issued. The rumors said that they cartridges were made with either pork or beef fat (depending on whether the soldiers were Muslim or Hindu).

What were the positive and negative effects of the Sepoy Rebellion?

Positive: Improved transport, Farming methods, order justice, and education. Negative: Exploitation, destruction of local industry, deforestation, and famine. How did British rule lead to growing Indian nationalism? Western-educated Indians learned ideas about democracy, which they applied to their situation.

What was the political result of the Sepoy Rebellion?

The immediate result of the mutiny was a general housecleaning of the Indian administration. The East India Company was abolished in favour of the direct rule of India by the British government.

Why did the war break out in 1857?

The main causes of the War were political, social, economical, military and religious. … The main event which became the immediate cause of the war was the refusal of the Sepoys to use the grease covered cartridges (greased with fat of pig and cow) on January 23, 1857.

What was the main problem during the Sepoy Rebellion?

An uprising in several sepoy companies of the Bengal army was sparked by the issue of new gunpowder cartridges for the Enfield rifle in February 1857. Loading the Enfield often required tearing open the greased cartridge with one’s teeth, and many sepoys believed that the cartridges were greased with cow and pig fat.

How many sepoys were dismissed?

9th May 1857- Eighty-five sepoys were dismissed from service and sentenced to ten years in jail for disobeying their officers. August 1858 – A new Act passed by the British Parliament transferred the powers of the East India Company to the British Crown.

Was the Sepoy Rebellion successful?

Indian Mutiny, also called Sepoy Mutiny or First War of Independence, widespread but unsuccessful rebellion against British rule in India in 1857–59.


Why was India referred to as the jewel in the crown?

India was considered the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ for the British Empire due to India’s resources and location. Britain exploited India’s natural assets. … Being considered the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ also meant that India was strategically placed. India is in between England and China so it was perfect for the silk trade.

What do you mean by Sepoy Class 8?

sepoys were the Indian soldiers in British army.

Why did the Indians fight for Britain?

For Native Americans, the War of 1812 was a desperate struggle for freedom and independence. Native Americans became involved in the conflict to secure British support for their own war against the United States. Led by Tecumseh, they played a key role in defending Canada.

What was a result of the Sepoy Rebellion quizlet?

What was the result of the Sepoy Mutiny? The British East India Company wins. … It was the British rule over India. British take direct control and India is now a colony.

What were the long term effects of the Sepoy Rebellion?

Some effects of the rebellion was a bitter legacy and a mistrust on both sides. the rebellion also resulted in the brutal masscre of british men, women, and children.

What were the political causes of the revolt of 1857?

British policy of expansion: The political causes of the revolt were the British policy of expansion through the Doctrine of Lapse and direct annexation. A large number of Indian rulers and chiefs were dislodged, thus arousing fear in the minds of other ruling families who apprehended a similar fate.

Which regions were most affected by the Sepoy Rebellion?

The Northwest Provinces were the most affected by the Sepoy Rebellion. This included the city of Dethi and area along the Ganges River. After brutal massacres of British citizens, Britain crushed revolts.

How did the Sepoy Mutiny lead to increased British racism?

How did the Sepoy Mutiny lead to increased British racism? Rebellions took place, many went to jail, British took control and it took years to get back to where they were. … British get paid more, based on racism.

Why did the Sepoy Rebellion leave a bitter legacy of fear hatred and mistrust on both sides?

The Sepoy massacred British women and children during their rebellion. Why did the Sepoy Rebellion leave” A bitter legacy of fear, hatred and mistrust on both sides?” … Britain began selling opium which became a huge commodity in China. They started controlling trade.

Why did the emerging middle class not support the rebels?

The emerging middle class comprised of modern educated Indians, teachers, businesspersons, craftsmen traders e.t.c who did not support rebels as they were repelled by the rebels’ appeals to superstitions and their opposition to progressive social measures.

Why modern educated Indians did not support the Revolt of 1857?

The Educated indians not support the revolt of 1857 because they believed that British rule would help the modernisation of India, which led to end the backwardness of the country.
