Who Saved Atticus And Tom From The Mob?


After the mob disperses, Mr. Underwood tells Atticus that he had him “covered all the time.” In some senses, Scout also “covers” Atticus.

What does Scout do that helped Atticus?

Scout, Jem, and Dill protect Atticus by following him there. Jem refuses to leave when he sees that the men are threatening his father. Scout defends Jem when the burly man grabs him. She also unknowingly protects her father by causing the mob to disperse.

Who was quietly and secretly protecting Atticus with a shotgun?

In fact, Mr. Underwood had been in the background all along, sitting quietly in his own apartment above the Maycomb Tribune office with a double-barreled shotgun, ready to fire in case the mob became violent. He tells Atticus that he had Atticus’ back covered the entire time. In Chapter 16, Atticus comments that Mr.

Why was Mr Underwood covering Atticus at the jail?

Why do you suppose a man like Mr. Underwood (who is a known racist) is covering Atticus at the jail? … Underwood is covering Atticus because he knows that it is the morally correct and lawful thing to do.

Did Atticus lose the case?

Though the trial targets Tom Robinson, in another sense it is Maycomb that is on trial, and while Atticus eventually loses the court case, he successfully reveals the injustice of a stratified society that confines Black people to the “colored balcony” and allows the word of a despicable, ignorant man like Bob Ewell to …

Why does Atticus refuse to hunt?

Atticus does not hunt because he prefers helping to hurting. Scout goes out of her way to explain that her father is different from other fathers. He is old, and he cares deeply about living things. On the subject of hunting, her impressions are that he does not hunt and it makes him boring.

Why did Scout cry when she got home?

Why does Scout cry after returning home from the jail? Scout cried because the full impact of the evening’s events really hit Scout when they get home. She realizes how much danger Atticus was in both when he faced the mad dog and when he faced the mad mob. She realizes how evil people can be.

Why do Dill and Scout think Boo Radley never left?

Why do Dill and Scout think Boo Radley never left? He had no place to go. He had no money of his own. He could not read and write.

What does Atticus reveal about Mr Underwood?

Atticus says that Mr. Underwood “despises Negroes, won’t have one near him. However, his behavior emphasizes the theme that good and evil coexist in all people.

How did the children disobey Atticus disobey him?

Atticus asks Jem to take the two younger children home, but Jem refuses, deciding instead to stand by his father. … Atticus tells Jem to “go home,” but Jem refuses to leave. Jem openly disobeys his father because he knows that leaving the situation will put Atticus in further danger.

Who is Mr Underwood?

Mr. Underwood is the owner, editor, and printer of The Maycomb Tribune, the town’s newspaper. He works and lives in the Tribune office, which is located across from the courthouse, and spends his days at his linotype. He constantly refreshes himself with his ever-present gallon jug of cherry wine.

Why does the lynch mob suddenly lose interest and head home?

Why does the lynch mob suddenly lose interest and head home? They had every advantage, so what happed? Scout’s innocence and presence makes Mr. Cunningham realize Atticus is a father and it’s not worth it.


Why does Scout kick the man in the mob?

Terms in this set (6) Scout was able to break up the mob by talking to Mr Cunningham about his son. He realized that what he was doing was wrong. Scout didnt know what she was doing because she was too young to understand racism.

Who does Scout recognize in the mob?

As was mentioned in the previous posts, Scout recognizes Walter Cunningham, the leader of the Old Sarum bunch, in the mob scene. In Chapter 15, the children end up searching for Atticus and find him sitting outside of Tom Robinson’s jailhouse.

Who was watching Atticus at the jail?

In Chapter 15, who are the men that surround Atticus at the Maycomb jailhouse? Why are they there? Walter Cunningham and the Old Sarum bunch surround Atticus at the Maycomb jailhouse because they wish to lynch Tom Robinson.

Why does Scout cry at the end of Chapter 15?

Scout is not prone to crying but this makes her cry, more from her confusion because she would never expect Atticus to worry about keeping up appearances. … In chapter fifteen, when Atticus goes out one evening in his car (which is an unusual occurrence), the children follow him because Jem is worried about him.

Why does Scout cry in front of Atticus?

what makes scout cry while Atticus is talking with her and Jem? Atticus speaks sharply to her, and she becomes emotional. She is upset because Atticus is not acting like himself and is telling them things he does not believe in: “This was not my father.

Who is the bravest person Atticus has ever known?

Dubose to be “a great lady,” “the bravest person” he ever knew (p. 149). Upon hearing Atticus describe her that way, Jem throws the candy box that contained her posthumous peace offering into the fire.

What was Atticus nickname?

Oh, Atticus Finch has an absolutely awesome old nickname of “One-Shot Finch” which we find out about in Chapter 10 of To Kill a Mockingbird.

How old is Atticus?

Atticus is close to fifty. We learn this when Scout states: Atticus was feeble: he was nearly fifty. This is meant to be a comic utterance, saying more about the young Scout’s perception of age than anything about Atticus.

Did Atticus know he would lose?

Expert Answers

Atticus tells him he does not know if he is going to win or lose. Scout describes Atticus as “exhausted.”

Does Atticus think he will win the case?

No, Atticus knows from the start that he will not win the case against Tom Robinson, because the rules of white southern society in the 1930s won’t allow a black to win against a white.

Why does JEM think Atticus will win the case?

Expert Answers

Jem believes that the evidence presented in the case clearly demonstrates Tom Robinson’s innocence. He is correct in this view. It is for this reason, rational as it is, that Jem believes Atticus will win the case. Jem is not sufficiently “realistic”, despite his rationality, to predict the verdict.
