Who Is The Stranger At The Three Jolly Bargemen?


Then, the stranger pulls out a file and uses it to stir his drink. This file looks exactly the same as the one Pip stole from Joe’s forge and gave to the convict to help him remove his chains. As he rises from the table to leave, the stranger gives Pip some change wrapped in what looks like a piece of paper.

What are the three parts of Great Expectations?

Ambition and self-improvement take three forms in Great Expectations—moral, social, and educational; these motivate Pip’s best and his worst behavior throughout the novel. First, Pip desires moral self-improvement.

What is the Blue Boar in Great Expectations?

The Blue Boar: An inn in Pip’s village where he often stays on his visits home. London: On the news of his inheritance, Pip travels to London, where his gentlemanly education is to begin. London is most often portrayed as full of suspicious, cutthroat characters, men like Jaggers and his clients.

Who married Pip?

Recovering from his own illness after the failed attempt to get Magwitch out of England, Pip returns to claim Biddy as his bride, arriving in the village just after she marries Joe Gargery. Biddy and Joe later have two children, one named after Pip.

Who married Estella?

And rather than marrying the kindhearted commoner Pip, Estella marries the cruel nobleman Drummle, who treats her harshly and makes her life miserable for many years.

Why did Joe marry Mrs Joe?

By the time the reader is introduced to her, she has already buried two parents and five brothers and has no husband, and hence, no means to support herself. Joe solves that by marrying her. However, because of all the loss in her life early on, she fears abandonment and wants security, so her focus is survival.

How old is Pip at the end of Great Expectations?

This story begins when Pip is seven years old and ends (with the alternate ending) when he is nearly 35. The first six chapters cover just a couple of days, when Pip meets the convict.

Does Pip love Estella?

Estella states throughout the text that she does not love Pip. However, she shows numerous times in the novel that she holds Pip in a much higher regard compared to other men, and doesn’t want to break his heart as she does with the others that she seduces.

Who gave Pip 2 pound notes?

By reacting in this way, Joe demonstrates that he is not accustomed to dealing with large and unexpected amounts of money. He has clearly lived a modest life. For Joe, giving Pip two pound notes is certainly a mistake and Joe’s honesty shines through when he returns to the inn to give back the money.

Why did Joe give Pip more gravy during dinner?

Pip stole food and the objects that the convict wanted him to steal from his sister and her husband. Joe gives Pip more gravy to comfort Pip because grown adults are picking him on about his gender and his gratitude for being raised by his sister.

How did Pip Recognise the stranger?

Summary: Chapter 18

Pip recognizes him as the large, dark man he met on the stairs at Miss Havisham’s (in Chapter 11 ). The stranger introduces himself as the lawyer Jaggers, and he goes home with Pip and Joe. … Biddy is also sad, but Pip adopts a snobbish attitude and thinks himself too good for his surroundings.

Who is Miss Havisham’s fiance?

They conspired against her, as she had inherited the greater part of their father’s estate. Compeyson seduced Miss Havisham and fooled her into thinking that he loved her and would marry her.


What is Arthur’s vision on his deathbed?

He dies poor and alone in Compeyson’s house, and, on his deathbed, he sees the ghost of a lady in white trying to smother him with a shroud.

Who is Pip’s best friend in Great Expectations?

Pip first meets Herbert Pocket in the garden of Satis House, when, as a pale young gentleman, Herbert challenges him to a fight. Years later, they meet again in London, and Herbert becomes Pip’s best friend and key companion after Pip’s elevation to the status of gentleman.

How much older is Joe than Pip?

How much older than Pip is his sister? Mrs Joe Gargery, Pip’s hot-tempered adult sister, Georgiana Maria, called Mrs Joe, is 20 years older than Pip. She brings him up after their parents’ death.

Do Pip and Estella marry?

However, in both endings Pip and Estella do not get together. In the revised ending, we are told that Pip has “no shadow of another parting from her” but this is not an indication that they get together. … Pip tells Estella that he still lives abroad. He never married.

Why did Pip cry in the graveyard for one day?

(ii) Where did Pip start to cry in the graveyard one day? Ans- One day Pip stood in the chruchyard and looked over his parents’ tombstone. It was a cold day the grey land and the grey sky made him feel sad. Suddenly he realized that he was an orphan and began to cry.

Is Joe gargery married to Pip’s sister?

Although Joe is married to his sister, and is therefore a parent figure to him, Pip considers Joe his equal. “I always treated him as a larger species of child, and as no more than my equal.” Joe is a simple, good-hearted man, and Pip views him as a “fellow-sufferer” of Mrs. Joe.

What were Mrs. Joe’s last words?

Pip asks to hear the particulars of Mrs. Joe’s death and Biddy tells him her last words were “Joe,” “Pardon,” and “Pip.” Pip asks her about Orlick and hears that he is now working in the quarries and that he lurked by the forge the night Mrs.

Why is Mrs. Joe so mean?

Mrs. Joe resents being responsible for Pip and emotionally and verbally abuses him. Her husband Joe is subject to the same abuse, as she continuously reminds him of the shame he brings her by working as a lowly blacksmith.

Why did Estella marry?

Estella married Drummle because she knew he was a terrible person and everyone would be perplexed and hurt that she married him. She was more interested in hurting her suitors, because there were plenty of excellent men that wanted her. She married Drummle to spite them all.

Who is Pip’s mother?

The orphaned Pip’s dead parents are named Georginia and Phillip Pirrip. Pip, the oldest of their six sons, is named Phillip Pirrip after his father. Pip’s five younger brothers died very young and are buried in the same graveyard as their parents.

What is Miss Havisham’s secret?

Pip reminds Herbert to tell him Miss Havisham’s story. This is Herbert’s account of Miss Havisham: She was a spoiled little only child until her dad (a country gentleman who owned a brewery) secretly married a cook. When the cook died, he told Miss Havisham that she had a half-brother named Arthur.
