Who Is The Best Fighter In Game Of Thrones?

  • 5 Tormund Giantsbane. …
  • 6 Ser Arthur Dayne. …
  • 7 Ser Brienne Of Tarth. …
  • 8 Greatjon & Smalljon Umber. …
  • Who is the best fighter in Game of Thrones?

    1. Arya Stark. Perhaps it’s surprising to see Arya Stark at the top of this list in favor of countless other Game of Thrones warriors who are bigger, stronger, and more experienced.
    2. Gregor Clegane a.k.a. The Mountain. …
    3. Jaime Lannister. …
    4. Bronn. …
    5. Brienne of Tarth. …
    6. Grey Worm. …
    7. Jon Snow. …
    8. Sandor Clegane a.k.a. The Hound. …

    Is Jon the best swordsman in Westeros?

    While not as historically well known or revered throughout Westeros as the Kingsguard, Ramsay Bolton notes that Jon is regarded in the North as the finest swordsman who ever lived, and Jon and his trusty sword, Longclaw, saw a lot of action in the series.

    Who did Ned Stark say was the best swordsman?

    In season 1 ned seemed to get the upper hand on the kingslayer before being stabbed in the leg. Jaime, with two hands, was considered one of the greatest swordsman alive and worth an all time mention.

    Did Arthur Dayne lose on purpose?

    Dayne was stabbed in the back by an opponent that was believed to have been dead. No way he lost/ died on purpose.

    Who defeated Arthur Dayne?

    At the tourney at Harrenhal in 281 AC, he was defeated by Rhaegar once again.

    Could Ned have beaten Jaime?

    10 Ned Beats Jaime: If He Could Stomach It, Ned Could Exploit Jaime’s Lack Of A Hand. … If Ned would have been able to stomach it (and had still been alive when it happened), it’s likely he would have been able to best Jaime in battle because of this liability.

    Can Khal Drogo beat the mountain?

    Khal Drogo would end up the same way as Oberyn if he showboated against an opponent as dangerous as Gregor Clegane. As long as he remained respectful of the threat posed by The Mountain, Kahl Drogo’€™s natural killing ability would come to the fore, allowing his braid to grow even longer.

    Who are the 3 people who could beat Jaime Lannister?

    So the three people were probably Selmy, the Hound and the Mountain. I don’t think I can name all three but we all know that one of them is Barristan Selmy. The only thing that puts that to doubt is that at the time, Ser Barristan wasn’t actually in Westeros.

    Who is the biggest badass in Game of Thrones?

    10 Most Badass ‘Game of Thrones’ Characters of All Time

    • Tywin Lannister.
    • Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish. …
    • Eddard “Ned” Stark. …
    • Cersei Lannister. …
    • Joffrey Baratheon. …
    • Daenerys Targaryen. …
    • Bronn. …
    • Davos Seaworth. Sometimes loyalty means more than anything when it comes to defining character traits, and this is one of those instances. …

    How good is Arya Stark?

    On Game of Thrones, Arya Stark is a fan favorite and total badass. … From the very beginning, Arya has shown she is willing to fight against tradition and forge her own path. That path led her to become one of the most badass people in Westeros and even killing the Night King.

    Is Brienne taller than Jaime?

    Brienne is unfeminine in appearance and is considered unattractive by Westerosi standards. … Just off the top of my head, I would say Brienne is taller than Renly and Jaime and significantly heavier than either, but nowhere near the size of Gregor Clegane, who is the true giant in the series.


    Who taught Jaime Lannister to fight?

    In Game of Thrones, Jamie Lannister trains with Bronn in two different scenes.

    How good is bronn Game of Thrones?

    Bronn is an above average swordsman, for a lowborn sellsword. He’s mostly just smart and lucky, and he’s smart enough to use his luck to his full advantage. Compared to any of the other living “great” swordsmen swordspeople (Brienne, whoops!), he probably wouldn’t cut it UNLESS he got lucky and fought extremely dirty.

    Who is bigger Hodor or the mountain?

    One of the few characters who could match them inch for inch was Hodor (Kristian Nairn), the lovable man servant of House Stark. (At 7’0”, actor Kristian Nairn is actually taller than both McCann and Björnsson (the Mountain).) … Leaving the Hound and Hodor being permanently injured as children of House Clegane?

    Who was the greatest Khal?

    Khal Drogo. was the most powerful Khal in the Dothraki sea, with a khalasar of forty thousand warriors and he had never been defeated in battle.

    Is Gregor clegane a zombie?

    In Season 5, The Mountain was reintroduced, this time as the Westerosi answer to Frankenstein’s monster. … While fans haven’t seen The Mountain fight since he became a zombie-like servant, it’s clear that he lost any hope of being anything other than a killing machine.

    Why does Ned Stark not like Jaime Lannister?

    Ned wanted to apply justice without having to kill Jaime. If he hated Jaime he’d have simply wanted him dead. Secondly, while Ned does believe Jaime is an oathbreaker, that’s not what his issue was when Jaime thought he was judging him.

    Is Jaime in love with Brienne?

    Yes, Jaime loves Brienne. … We know he feels like he can’t escape his past, which suggests he might feel a little unworthy of the always-honorable Brienne. So while he does love her, and some part of him probably wants to be with her still, it didn’t feel right to him.

    Does Jamie like Tyrion?

    Jamie might not have been a bad kid at heart. He loved Tyrion because he was family and Jamie was a protector. Tyrion needed protection because he is a dwarf.

    Why did Arthur Dayne use two swords?

    And the two swords makes sense as a shorthand way to convey Dayne’s badassery without pausing to give us an expository monologue about Dawn.

    Did Ned Stark hear bran?

    Bran calls out to him as he heads up the stairs, and Ned appears to be able to hear him in the above clip. What Bran doesn’t realise at the moment is that Ned doesn’t hear his voice – what he hears is more of a whisper, or some other kind of natural omen like the rustling of leaves.

    How old was Arthur Dayne when he died?

    If I had to guess, I’d say he was born something in the late 240’s to early 250’s, putting him in his early-to-mid 30’s when he died. Somewhere around 250 seems likely.

    How old is Brienne of Tarth?

    Brienne of Tarth

    Brienne is 32 during her first appearance and 39 at the Battle of Winterfell.

    Did Cersei really love Jaime?

    While Jaime cared deeply for his sister and loved her fiercely, Cersei only mildly returned the affection. She did love him, but moreso as a sibling than a lover. While Jaime was always faithful to her and never lay with another woman, Cersei continued to have interests in other men.
