Who Is Stronger Than Goku?


Dragon Ball: The 15 Most Powerful Saiyans, Ranked According To Strength

  1. 1 Goku. Goku has always led the way when it comes to mastering new transformations and that continues to be the case in the modern age.
  2. 2 Broly. …
  3. 3 Cumber. …
  4. 4 Vegeta. …
  5. 5 Kale. …
  6. 6 Goku Black. …
  7. 7 Gohan. …
  8. 8 Future Trunks. …

Who has the highest power level in Dragon Ball?

The highest power level ever officially stated in the Daizenshuu guides is Super Saiyan Goku’s power level of 150,000,000 while battling Frieza on Namek. The overall highest power level officially stated was 5,300,000,000 for Frieza’s power level in Dragon Ball Z: The Real 4-D.

Who is the weakest Saiyan?

  1. 1 Strongest: Kale. Kale is a female Saiyan who hails from Universe 6 and also a Legendary Super Saiyan.
  2. 2 Weakest: King Vegeta. …
  3. 3 Strongest: Gohan. …
  4. 4 Weakest: Fasha. …
  5. 5 Strongest: Future Trunks. …
  6. 6 Weakest: Gine. …
  7. 7 Strongest: Goku Black. …
  8. 8 Weakest: Turles. …

Who can defeat Goku?

Top 10 Anime Characters Who Can Beat Goku

  • Saitama (One Punch Man) …
  • Nanika (Hunter x Hunter) …
  • Eri (My Hero Academia) …
  • Shigeo Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100) …
  • Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass) …
  • Ryuuk (Death Note) …
  • Anos Voldigoad ( The Misfit of Demon King Academy) …
  • Truth (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

Who is the weakest god of destruction?

Here are the 8 Strongest (And 8 Weakest) Gods In Dragon Ball, Ranked.

  • 16 Weakest: Supreme Kai. …
  • 15 Strongest: Fusion Zamasu. …
  • 14 Weakest: Old Kai. …
  • 13 Strongest: Champa. …
  • 12 Weakest: Grand Kai. …
  • 11 Strongest: Beerus. …
  • 10 Weakest: King Kai. …
  • 9 Strongest: Belmod.

Can Goku go Legendary Super Saiyan?

Goku has evolved into several different Super Saiyan forms, but not the actual Legendary Super Saiyan form that matches Broly’s size, bulk, and power level. The fact that Broly can do something that Goku can’t already makes him the stuff of legends.

Can Eri beat Goku?

Perhaps the biggest upset imaginable is a matchup between Eri, with her Rewind Quirk, and Goku. Rewind allows Eri to reverse someone’s body to a previous state. … So yes, Goku can be beaten by a little girl, albeit an incredibly powerful little girl.

Can Goku beat Naruto?

Goku can easily defend and attack Naruto without having to overthink or strategize. Not to mention how his blue energy attacks have enough power in them to easily obliterate Naruto. However, one of the biggest drawbacks of this technique is being stable enough to use it consistently.

Can Goku go Super Saiyan Rose?

Goku Black achieved the form when his power as a Super Saiyan surpassed Super Saiyan God, naturally evolving his Super Saiyan form into Super Saiyan Rosé. … This form, like its mortal counterpart, provides Black with the precise ki control needed to properly utilize, and maintain, this form.


Why is Broly evil?

Due to Paragus’ influence throughout his life and by the time he meets Goku and Vegeta, Broly can be best described as a “Villain by Proxy”, due to misguidance rather than him being inherently evil. He also only went on a rampage because of Frieza killing his father.

Can Broly beat Beerus?

6 Can Defeat: Beerus

Although Broly is thought to be stronger than Beerus, it can’t be denied that Beerus has powers, such as Hakai, up his sleeve which give him the edge over pretty much anyone, including Broly.

Could Mr Popo beat Frieza?

Popo would have easily defeated Raditz, smoked Vegeta and Nappa, and mercilessly obliterated Frieza. … The only other Above Buu being Beerus (And his attendant Whis) Frieza was told this by his Father, King Cold, who says that Frieza is powerful, but must never challenge the likes of Majin Buu and Beerus the destroyer.

Is King Kai stronger than Goku?

The Ginyu Force were defeated by the Z Fighters and sent to Hell, which was rather impressive considering King Kai considered them to be most fearsome group in the universe, and at least five times stronger than Goku prior to training.

Who killed Beerus?

Eventually, Goku, with the help of the other Saiyans, transforms into the Super Saiyan God and fights Beerus, just to be defeated by the God of Destruction.

Can Goku beat Ichigo?

Boomstick: while Ichigo had more abilities and defenses, Goku beat him in most of the other categories .

Can Goku beat Giorno?

Literally the only character who could defeat defeat Giorno was Dio Over Heaven, and he can bend reality however he pleases. Goku’s will may turn to 0, turning any form he is in, back to his black haired form, not being able to fight or move, letting Giorno hit him.

Can Naruto beat Saitama?

Naruto’s speed has passed the speed of light and there isn’t a possible way for Saitama to defeat that. … Naruto wins by virtue of his stamina and speed. If you are faster than your enemy, it tilts the battle in your favor.

Who is Mr. Satan’s wife?

Miguel (ミゲル, Migeru) is the wife of Mr. Satan, and the mother of Videl. She is never seen in the anime or manga, and she is dead, according to the Daizenshuu.

Is Chi Chi stronger than Goku?

So it’s hard to believe that the most powerful Saiyan in the universe is terrified of his wife, Chi-Chi. … Compared to martial arts and strength, Goku wins by a long shot, but when it comes to practical matters unrelated to fighting, Chi-Chi comes out on top.

Can Herkule beat Kid Goku?

He would win against any of our best boxers and martial artists. However, he would not win against kid goku.

Can Goku Black do Kaioken?

He did after Zamasu fused with Goku Black he did but was drained of energy at that point. He did use the Kaioken technique when Zamasu fused. … Just as king Kai said, I think that this would be right but I believe that since Goku could use it, Goku black could also use kaioken, just that he didn’t know about it.
