Who Is Fleet Footwork Good On?


Fleet Footwork is a fine rune that will be very useful on a few key split-push style champions. This rune has a lot of potential to be both deeply obnoxious and very useful. If you love being a bad person playing Tryndamere, this is probably a good rune for you.

What are the best items for Yasuo?

Yasuo’s Top Items

  • Infinity Edge.
  • Mortal Reminder.
  • Bloodthirster.

Does fleet footwork do damage?

Moving and basic attacking generates Energize stacks, up to 100. When fully Energized, your next basic attack heals you for 10−100 (+0.4 bonus attack damage) (+30% ability power) (depending on level) and grants 20% bonus movement speed for 1 second.

Why does JHIN take fleet footwork?

The main reason why Fleet Footwork is the best on Jhin is because the keystone itself provides mobility and a bit of sustain while also granting access to the precision tree. The other Keystones are just as good, but because they provide bad overall trees it leaves Fleet Footwork to be the best.

Is Fleet good on Nasus?

Fleet in this lane is really good but if you feel confident you can try to go for Spellbook. if he can’t get an advantage in this lane, later on you will beat him 1v1.

Is Rageblade good on Yasuo?

So, there were changes to both Yasuo and Yones passives as well as Rageblade. Yasuo and Yone now get 250% of the normal crit chance from items and Rageblade gives 40 on-hit magic damage per 20% crit chance. Rageblade alone gives them 100 on-hit magic damage.

Is Yasuo a hard champion?

TL;DR: Yasuo is difficult because he has lots of options each second, and you have to choose the best one. It’s also not easy to execute these plans of action, as his skills require precise movements.

Is Yasuo top good?

Yasuo top can be very good. He is strong in lane against tanks and bruisers alike (although avoid fiora matchups, she is the queen of toplane right now) and he snowballs really hard. Personally i prefer him toplane just because he is harder to punish and the lane is longer, allowing you to be more agressive.

Why is fleet footwork on Kassadin?

Fleet Footwork is a great keystone for the laning phase. It synergizes perfectly with his passive, which allows him to ignore unit collision. Using the extra MS with the passive, it gives you great chase and kite potential.

What is lethal tempo?

Lethal Tempo allows you to temporarily exceed the attack speed limit. Attacking and moving builds Energy stacks.

How does fleet footwork stack?

Effects. Attacking and moving builds Energy stacks. At 100 stacks, your next attack is Energized. Energized attacks heal you for 3 – 60 (based on level) ( Adaptive ratio: +30% of Bonus Attack Damage or +30% of Ability Power) and grant +20% Movement Speed for 1 second.

How much damage does arcane Comet do?

Effects. Damaging a champion with an ability hurls a comet at their location dealing 30 – 100 (based on level) ( Adaptive ratio: +35% of Bonus Attack Damage or +20% of Ability Power) adaptive damage.


How do you activate the hail of blades?

Hail of Blades is an attack speed buff that triggers when you hit an enemy champion with an auto-attack. Immediately, it gives 110% attack speed and ignores the attack speed cap for your next 3 auto-attacks. It lasts for 3 seconds, and you can trigger it again after 8 seconds cooldown.

Who is the hardest ADC to play?

Top 5 hardest ADC’s to play in LoL

  • Twitch. Credit: Riot Games. Twitch is an ADC champion in LoL that, if played correctly, can run away with the game. …
  • Samira. Credit: Riot Games. Since her release, Samira has been a fan favorite. …
  • Aphelios. Credit: Riot Games. …
  • Kalista. Credit: Riot Games. …
  • Varus. Credit: Riot Games.

Who is the hardest champion in league?

League Of Legends: The Hardest Characters To Play, Ranked

  • 8 Akali. …
  • 7 Lee Sin. …
  • 6 Yasuo. …
  • 5 Nidalee. …
  • 4 Aphelios. …
  • 3 Orianna. …
  • 2 Gangplank. The “jack of all trades and master of none” phrase fits Gangplank like a tailored suit. …
  • 1 Azir. While no pick will be without controversy, Azir is on almost everybody’s top ten list.

Is Azir the hardest champion in league?

Azir is the hardest champion that Riot has ever released. He is also one of the most interesting. … He was so difficult that there was a long period where even players like Meteos were too afraid to pick him in professional matches.

Did they nerf Yasuo?

Udyr and Hecarim nerfed, Yasuo buffed in full League Patch 11.7 preview. … Udyr will be receiving a nerf to his base attack damage, while Hecarim is seeing the movement speed granted by Devastating Charge (E) reduced from 75 percent to 65 percent.

What does the new Rageblade do?

What does Guinsoo’s Rageblade do? Unique – WRATH: Deal 2 bonus physical damage on-hit for every 1% critical strike chance, up to 200 bonus physical damage on-hit at 100% critical strike chance, but you can no longer critically strike.

Does sett counter Nasus?

Sett wins against Nasus 49.80% of the time which is 2.23% higher against Nasus than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Sett wins against Nasus 0.84% more often than would be expected.

Is phase rush good on Nasus?

Phase Rush – Phase rush is very strong on nasus since you are already going to use w to slow and e to damage the area they are walking, then you just need to hit one q and you can stick to them every time you ult.

Does fleet footwork work on minions?

Fleet Footwork: Your next basic attack restores 5 − 50 (based on level) (+ 10% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) health and grant 30% bonus movement speed for 1 second. Healing is only 60% effective versus minions.
