Who Gets Killed In Pulp Fiction?


If you go by the actual chronology of the movie’s story, the ending of ‘Pulp Fiction’ is actually when Bruce Willis’ triumphant boxer, Butch, disappears on the back of a chopper (not a motorcycle) to collect his winnings with his girlfriend, Fabienne, played by Portugese actor Maria de Medeiros.

Why did Marcellus kill Butch?

In the very beginning, Butch had already made a promise to Marsellus to lose the match and had taken Marsellus’s money. So Marcellus had every good reason to seek vengeance upon Butch for his betrayal. And again, if not for chasing Butch, he would not possibly have become captured in the pawnshop.

Why did Vincent not like Butch?

In short, Vincent knew that Butch was a boxer who would be throwing a fight. Vincent was having a bad day and was merely responding to Butch’s staring at Vincent for too long while buying a pack of Red Apple cigarettes from English Dave.

Did Mia and Vincent steal the trophy?

After the movie’s iconic dance scene, you see Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace walk into her house holding a trophy. The audience assumes they won the contest, but later in the film, a barely audible advert states the trophy had been stolen – meaning Vince and Mia lost the competition then stole the trophy.

Who keyed Vincent’s car in Pulp Fiction?

Quentin Tarantino’s movies, ranked

It turns out, we have an answer, and it’s been known online for a while now. I was researching something completely unrelated when I stumbled on a strange fact that kind of blew my mind: Butch, the boxer played by Bruce Willis, is the character who keyed Vega’s car.

What’s with The Gimp in Pulp Fiction?

Apparently, The Gimp is a hitchiker who fell victim to Maynard and his brother. Plus, Tarantino intended for the poor guy to die by the end of the film: “It doesn’t quite play this way in the movie, but in my mind when I wrote it, the Gimp’s dead. Butch knocked him out and then when he passed out he hung himself.

What happened Zed?

Since Butch saved him Marsellus called off his feud with him, provided Butch left Los Angeles forever and swore that he would keep what happened there between the three of them. Afterwards Zed was tortured, mutilated and killed by Marsellus’ men.

Does Butch kill Vincent?

Meanwhile Butch has since betrayed Marsellus, who vows to kill him. While Marsellus and Vincent are staking out Butch’s apartment, Marsellus leaves to get them some coffee and Vincent goes into the bathroom. … Seconds go by, a pair of Pop-Tarts jump out of the toaster and Butch shoots Vincent in the chest, killing him.

What is the point of Pulp Fiction?

Pulp Fiction is the story of three men — Jules, Vincent, and Butch — and the choices each of them makes regarding life and death, honor and disgrace, and the vagaries of chance.

What was on the briefcase in Pulp Fiction?

The briefcase in ‘Pulp Fiction’ is, without doubt, one of the most well-known MacGuffins in film history. … The scar on the back of his head, which is clearly visible throughout most of the film, is where his soul was taken from. Not only that, the combination on the briefcase was 666 – the number of the devil.

Why Pulp Fiction is a bad film?

3 Aged Poorly: Sexual Violence


Pulp Fiction has a reputation for being a very violent movie, but it might just be the way violence is treated in the film that threw audiences off. People are shot and killed so randomly and with such a lack of caring that there is a dark humor to the whole deadly affair.

Is Pulp Fiction 2 hours 34 minutes?

Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction is 154 minutes long, but there are 24 minutes of extra footage consisting of five additional or extended scenes.

Why did the kids have the briefcase in Pulp Fiction?

It was divine intervention. In a 1995 interview with Playboy, Samuel L. Jackson explained how he asked Tarantino what was in the suitcase and got the reply, “Whatever you want it to be.” Every time Vincent Vega goes to the bathroom, something terrible happens.

Is the Gimp dead in Pulp Fiction?

The Gimp dies when Butch hangs him in the pawn shop’s basement.

Was Zed a police officer?

Voice Actor

Zed McGlunk was a former hyperactive gang leader with eccentric mannerisms, appearance, and taste. After being arrested by Hooks in the 2nd film, he reforms and decides to become a police officer along with Sweetchuck in the third film.

What happened to Dr Zed in Borderlands 3?

Zed Blanco lost his medical license for unknown reasons. Currently, he maintains the medical vendors around Pandora, more or less. He spends much of his time in the infirmary chopping up corpses.

Is Gimp dead?

It turns out the Gimp is dead, but it wasn’t the punch from Bruce Willis’ character that killed him. Who is the Gimp? … The storeowner is accompanied by his security guard Zed (Peter Greene) and the Gimp, a mute character dressed head to toe in a leather bondage suit.

Is that a Hanzo sword in Pulp Fiction?

(Headcanon) The sword in pulp fiction is a Hattori Hanzo sword.

How did Butch betray Marcellus?

One of the stories in Pulp Fiction follows Butch Coolidge, a boxer who makes the dangerous decision of betraying Marsellus Wallace – but why does he do that? … Butch accepted a bribe from Marsellus to lose the fight, but he double-crosses him and arranges for the money to be bet on him, and goes on to win the fight.

Why did Butch keyed Vincent’s car?

After agreeing to throw his boxing match (which doesn’t actually end up happening), Butch is looking for a way to retaliate. He didn’t want to do anything to kingpin Marsellus Wallace (Ving Rhames) obviously, so instead, he keys Vega’s car out of frustration.

What car did Bruce Willis Drive in Pulp Fiction?

The car Butch (Bruce Willis) drives in Quentin Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction” (1994) is a 1980 Honda Civic SL. This same white Honda Civic SL was involved in a few other Tarantino films. Jackie drives this car in “Jackie Brown” (1997). It’s also seen on the parking lot of “My Oh My’s” in “Kill Bill: Volume 2” (2004).

Why did Vincent Vega go to Amsterdam?

As it turns out, Vincent’s time in Amsterdam was going to be explored in a movie starring him and another character from Tarantino’s movie universe. … Speaking to CinemaBlend, Tarantino explained that Double V Vega would have seen Vincent and Vic in Amsterdam, where Vincent had been running a club for Marsellus.
