Who Founded Cedars-Sinai Hospital?


Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles has more than its share of experience caring for high-profile celebrities: Among its reported past high-profile patients are Lucille Ball, Frank Sinatra, and Elizabeth Taylor—and just this month, Marvel comics creator Stan Lee reportedly received care at the hospital shortly …

How many Cedars-Sinai hospitals are there?

Today, Cedars-Sinai serves more than 1 million people each year in over 40 locations, with more than 4,500 physicians and nurses and 1,500 research projects in motion.


What is Cedar Sinai known?

Today, Cedars-Sinai is widely known for its national leadership in transforming healthcare for the benefit of patients. … Cedars-Sinai is a leader in the clinical care and research of heart disease, cancer and brain disorders, among other areas.
