Who Finds Odysseus On The Beach?


After eighteen days at sea, Odysseus spots Scheria, the island of the Phaeacians, his next destination appointed by the gods. Just then, Poseidon, returning from a trip to the land of the Ethiopians, spots him and realizes what the other gods have done in his absence.

Who did Odysseus meet when washing clothes?

Homer, Odyssey 6.57). Nausicaa is the Phaeacian princess who met the shipwrecked Odysseus when she was washing clothes on the shore.

Who finds Odysseus in the trees when he washes ashore?

Book 5-8 Summary Worksheet

After Calypso releases Odysseus, Odysseus leaves the island on a raft. Poseidon, his enemy, sets a tremendous storm, causing Odysseus to barely make it out alive when he was washed ashore on a random island. After this episode, he finds an olive tree and falls asleep.

What happened in Phaeacia in the Odyssey?

On his way to the palace of Alcinous, the king of the Phaeacians, Odysseus is stopped by a young girl who is Athena in disguise. She offers to guide him to the king’s house and shrouds him in a protective mist that keeps the Phaeacians, a kind but somewhat xenophobic people, from harassing him.

Who did Calypso marry?

In Homer’s Odyssey, Calypso attempts to keep the fabled Greek hero Odysseus on her island to make him her immortal husband. According to Homer, Calypso kept Odysseus prisoner at Ogygia for seven years.

Why did Poseidon not like Odysseus?

Mainly, Poseidon hates Odysseus for blinding Polyphemus, who is Poseidon’s son. Other reasons include their support for opposing sides in the Trojan war, Poseidon siding with the Trojans and Odysseus with the Greeks.

What is the punishment for Odysseus insults to the god?

For this, Poseidon punished Odysseus with what turned out to be a ten year journey home to Ithaca. Further insults against Poseidon complicated this journey. One insult includes the blinding of the Cyclops Polyphemus, who was the son of Poseidon. For this, Poseidon vowed Odysseus would never see his home.

Which God Goddess helps Odysseus the most?

Odysseus was a great hero among the Greeks, and so had Athena’s favor and aid in many of his exploits. She was a key goddess in the story of the Odyssey as a divine assistant to Odysseus on his journey home. From the very beginning of the Odyssey, Athena is helping Odysseus.

What God does not like Odysseus?

Poseidon was justifiably not happy to learn that his son had suffered in this way, which made him hate Odysseus even more. After Homer invoked the muses at the beginning of the Odyssey, the poet mentioned that Poseidon had a grudge against Odysseus, which made his journey home to Ithaca difficult.

Why are the suitors courting Penelope?

During the prolonged absence of Odysseus, the SUITORS OF PENELOPE began courting his wife. Penelope disliked the SUITORS’ attentions, and in order to win time fooled them with the help of The Shroud of Laertes, which she wove by day and unravelled by night.

How long does Odysseus stay with Nausicaa?

Because of his encounter with Nausicaa, Odysseus is able to reach his home in Ithaca after ten long years. Nausicaa paves the way for him to gain the sympathies of her parents, the king and queen.

Why was Athena in Nausicaa’s dream?

Odysseus has washed up on shore in the land where the Phaeacians live, ruled by the king Alcinous. While an exhausted Odysseus sleeps, Athena appears to the king’s daughter, Nausicaa, in a dream and convinces her that she must go down to the washing pools and clean her laundry.


Why did Zeus send a storm to Odysseus?

Odysseus tries to get his men to avoid Thrinacia… … The god Helios threatens that he will stop the sun from shining if his anger is not appeased at this violation, so Zeus sends down thunderbolts that destroy all but Odysseus, just as Circe had warned.

Why does Odysseus cry when demodocus?

During the feast Demodocus sings about the disagreement between Odysseus and Achilles at Troy. Everyone enjoys the singing except for Odysseus who bursts into tears because of the pain and suffering of which the song reminds him.

What happens to Odysseus in Ismaros?

From Troy, the winds sweep him and his men to Ismarus, city of the Cicones. The men plunder the land and, carried away by greed, stay until the reinforced ranks of the Cicones turn on them and attack. Odysseus and his crew finally escape, having lost six men per ship.

Who is Poseidon’s son?

Triton, in Greek mythology, a merman, demigod of the sea; he was the son of the sea god, Poseidon, and his wife, Amphitrite. According to the Greek poet Hesiod, Triton dwelt with his parents in a golden palace in the depths of the sea. Sometimes he was not particularized but was one of many Tritons.

Why did the gods hate Odysseus?

The god Poseidon certainly hates Odysseus, and this is because Odysseus blinded Poseidon’s son, the Cyclops Polyphemus. Odysseus then told the Cyclops his real name, out of pride, so that the monster can tell others who managed to outsmart him. Polyphemus then prayed to his father, Poseidon, to punish Odysseus.

Is Charybdis a god?

Charybdis, the daughter of the sea god Pontus and the earth goddess Gaia, was a deadly whirlpool. Three times a day, Charybdis would pull in and push out water with such force that ships would be sunk.

Why does Zeus not like Odysseus?

Although Zeus, the head Greek god, does not often appear in The Odyssey, he plays a major role in the epic. … Athena wants to rescue the clever Odysseus, and she begs Zeus to help him. Zeus knows that Poseidon, the god of the sea, is angry at Odysseus because Odysseus blinded his son, Polyphemus the Cyclops.

Who was more powerful than Poseidon?

Poseidon: Power. Both gods were extremely powerful, but Zeus was the supreme god and was the stronger and more powerful of the duo. Zeus was the most powerful of all the Greek gods, the one that both mortals and deities would call upon for help.

What did the God do to punish Odysseus and his crew?

They do so one afternoon as Odysseus sleeps; when the Sun finds out, he asks Zeus to punish Odysseus and his men. Shortly after the Achaeans set sail from Thrinacia, Zeus kicks up another storm, which destroys the ship and sends the entire crew to its death beneath the waves.

What does Poseidon hate?

In the epic poem the Odyssey, Poseidon hated the Greek hero Odysseus for blinding Polyphemus. In some myths, Poseidon was also the father of Theseus, a mortal hero and great king of Athens.

What made Poseidon so angry with Odysseus?

Poseidon was furious with Odysseus and his crew because they blinded his son, the cyclops Polyphemus.

What made Poseidon so angry?

The blinding of Polyphemus was given in Homer’s Odyssey as the cause of Poseidon’s anger toward Odysseus. The cyclops was the sea god’s son, and he was motivated to avenge the man who had blinded him. This justification seems unusual, however.
