Who Does Ahri Hard Counter?


League of Legends Wild Rift Orianna Counters are Aurelion Sol, Kennen, and Twisted Fate, which have the best chance of winning Orianna in the lane. You DO NOT want to pick Akali or Diana as they will most likely lose to Orianna. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Malphite and Yasuo are good with Orianna.

Does Jax counter ahri?

League of Legends Wild Rift Jax Counters

In Terms of Synergy, picks like Ahri and Orianna are good with Jax.

Who wins Jax vs Darius?

Jax wins against Darius 49.44% of the time which is 0.89% higher against Darius than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Jax wins against Darius 0.66% more often than would be expected.

Who is good vs Orianna?

Orianna Counter Pick

The strongest counter would be Zilean, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 51.68% (Good) and Play Rate of 2.31% (High).

Who is Orianna weak against?

Due to her lack of mobility and her inherent ability to push waves, Orianna tends to be weak against ganks.

Is Orianna good in wild rift?

League of Legends Wild Rift Orianna is a Burst Champion commonly played in the Middle Lane. When playing this Mage in the Mid Lane, we rank it as a A-Tier pick. Orianna will mostly do Magic Damage and is an overall reliable choice. Based on playstyle, we consider this champion Moderately Diffcult To Play.

Why is Ahri so weak?

Shes consistent, has mobility, and her charm is really strong. She has health sustain in lane too. Her range on AA and spells apart from w is good too. But her AP scaling and base damages arn’t great – thats why she can feel weak to play.

Is Ahri better than Annie?

Ahri wins against Annie 51.24% of the time which is 3.85% higher against Annie than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Ahri wins against Annie 1.78% more often than would be expected.

Is Lulu in wild rift?

League of Legends Wild Rift Lulu Build. League of Legends Wild Rift Lulu is a Enchanter Champion commonly played in the Dragon Lane as Support. When playing this Support in the Dragon Lane, we rank it as a S-Tier pick.

Is Orianna meta?

By the numbers: Syndra and Orianna still dominate

Using Worlds 2020 as a litmus test for the pro play meta, nothing much has really changed. Across all major regions, Orianna (72 out of 186 games globally) and Syndra (59) are still the top two mid laners, like they were at Worlds.


Is Orianna good lol?

Orianna is very good in these kind of comps because of her shield scaling off of ap and the fact that she can use her ult and slows to peal very well for an ADC. … The main reason Orianna can be effective in this team comp is because of her shield and the fact that she can use ult to disengage if jumped on while sieging.

How do I fight Orianna?

Oriana main strength is to poke you down, dodging her abilities will make it hard for her to win Lane against you. Another way of beating Orianna is roaming. Orianna does not have the greatest time at roaming so if you can out roam her and help other lanes then it will be very good for not only you but your team.

Who does orianna counter Reddit?

Ziggs, Zed, Xerath (If land skill shots) Ahri, Azir (I barely know anything about him) Syndra (best vs good ori’s imo), Yasuo with exhaust, blue ezreal (Can easily farm without taking harass), and corki. I know a lot about orianna and these are the main champions that will do fairly well against her.

Who can beat Jax?

The only 3 possibilities i can think of is fiora, darkin kayn, and Darius. But these are all skill matchups slightly favoring jax. If you go for pure DPS/dueling – Trinity>BOTRK>Guinsoo>Tank it looks like this: Nasus with 600+ stacks destroys you if you don’t have QSS to cleanse his W.

Who is good vs Jax?

The best champions that counter Jax are Akali, Pantheon, Malphite, Gangplank and Gragas.

What should I build against Jax as Garen?

Best Garen Items to Counter Jax

  • Trinity Force.
  • Hullbreaker.
  • Dead Man’s Plate.

Is Lulu a good support in wild rift?

What role / lane should I play with Lulu in Wild Rift? Lulu is a great support enchanter. She can also be played as a mid lane mage.

Will teemo be in wild rift?

Teemo is the first specialist to be introduced into Wild Rift. He does not fall into a certain category because of his unique kit which is centered on his ultimate, Noxious Trap which allows him to lay invisible mushroom bombs across the map. Learn more about Runeterra’s Devil and his little tricks in his guide!
