Who Do You Go See For Lockjaw?


If you’re experiencing TMJ pain, you should see a dentist. Dentists don’t just treat your teeth—they’re specialists who are trained in the anatomy of the jaw and diagnosing dysfunction in the bite.

Do you see a dentist for lock jaw?

Lockjaw becomes a dental emergency when it interferes with normal activities that are required to be productive at work or school. A qualified emergency dentist should provide round-the-clock services and have the skills to treat this condition immediately.

Do I see a dentist or doctor for TMJ?

TMJD can have a number of causes and affects people of all ages. If you think you might have a temporomandibular joint disorder, you should visit your doctor or dentist for a full examination and discuss the TMJD treatment options that are most suitable for you.

How I cured my TMJ naturally?

Natural TMJ Pain Remedies

  1. Eat Soft Foods. One of the best ways to start finding relief from TMJ pain is by simply just eating softer foods. …
  2. Learn Stress Management. One of the top causes of TMJ is actually stress. …
  3. Wear a Bite Guard. …
  4. Limit Jaw Movements. …
  5. Try Acupuncture or Massage Therapy. …
  6. Use Heat or Cold Therapy.

How can I fix TMJ permanently?

Having said that, the following are how TMJ could be permanently cured:

  1. Custom-made splints. Custom-made splints are made to be fitted over your lower or upper teeth. …
  2. Physical therapy. Physical therapy involves appropriate exercises for the joint. …
  3. Surgery. …
  4. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation.

Is jaw locking serious?

Lockjaw causes serious trouble in speaking, eating or even in maintaining the usual oral hygiene. It can be a temporary problem, as well as a permanent one. However, temporary lockjaws are more frequent. In severe cases, it can even alter the facial appearance.

What’s the difference between lock jaw and TMJ?

Jaw lock is the term used to describe a locked jaw caused by the temporomandibular joint, also commonly referred to as the TMJ. Although still painful, scary, and serious, jaw lock won’t lead to death, but should still be evaluated and treated by a dentist in Northern Virginia.

How can I unlock my jaw at home?

How to Try Unlocking Your Jaw on Your Own

  1. Option #1: Calm Down. Make a conscious effort to relax your jaw. …
  2. Option #2: Apply Heat. Gently place a moist heat pad or compress on each side of the jaw and let it rest there for about 45 minutes (per side). …
  3. Option #3: Over- and Under-Bite Exercises. …
  4. Option #4: Wiggle Away.

What happens when TMJ goes untreated?

Although not life threatening, if TMJ disorder is left untreated, it can contribute to significant discomfort and tension. Chronic pain can even lead to the development of diseases like anxiety and depression.

When should I see a doctor about jaw pain?

Seek medical attention if you have persistent pain or tenderness in your jaw, or if you can’t open or close your jaw completely. Your doctor, your dentist or a TMJ specialist can discuss possible causes and treatments for your problem.

Does TMJ show up on xray?

Your doctor may examine your jaw to see if there is swelling or tenderness if you have symptoms of a TMJ disorder. Your doctor may also use several different imaging tests. These can include: X-rays of the jaw.

How do you fix a clicking jaw?

How is jaw popping treated?

  1. applying an ice pack or moist heat to the jaw.
  2. taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil) and aspirin, antidepressants, or muscle relaxants.
  3. eating soft foods.
  4. wearing a night guard or splint.
  5. performing TMJ-specific exercises.

How can I relax my jaw?

Repeat small mouth-opening and mouth-closing movements several times as a warm up. Then, place your fingers on the top of your front four bottom teeth. Slowly pull down until you feel slight discomfort on the tight side of your jaw. Hold for 30 seconds, and then slowly release your jaw back to the staring position.

Will TMJ go away on its own?

Minor TMJ discomfort will usually go away without treatment. However, anyone with the following TMJ symptoms should consider an evaluation to prevent or avoid future issues: Constant or repeated episodes of pain or tenderness at the TMJ or in and around the ear. Discomfort or pain while chewing.

What does a locked jaw feel like?

When someone has a locked jaw, they may also feel like the jaw is cramping up, and experience muscle spasms that are involuntary and uncontrollable. It may also result in trouble chewing and swallowing. In more serious cases, patients may even experience fever and break out in cold sweats from the pain.

Should I go to the hospital for a locked jaw?

Additionally, you should always go to the emergency room if your jaw remains locked in an open or closed position. The emergency room doctor can manually place the jaw back into position. This is not something to attempt at home. If the jaw is closed and in a locked position, sedation is usually necessary.

What can a dentist do for lockjaw?

If you have been diagnosed with TMJ or another oral health disorder and you develop lockjaw, our NYC emergency dentists may be able to provide near-instant relief through various muscle relaxation treatments, including BOTOX® Cosmetic, while working on a larger treatment plan to address underlying causes.

What should I do if my jaw locks?

How Do You Fix Lockjaw?

  1. Massage the jaw joint and muscles to loosen them. This is helpful to relieve the pain and stiffness during a lockjaw flareup.
  2. If the jaw hurts, then an alternate heat and cold treatment can help reduce pain. Hold ice or cold pack on the side of the face near the jaw joint for 10 minutes.

Can stress cause locked jaw?

Too much tension on your jaw can even lead to lockjaw, a condition in which muscle spasms prevent you from opening your mouth very wide.

Why does my jaw keep locking and popping?

In addition, jaw injuries, arthritis, sleep apnea, infection, an over or underbite, tumors, overextension, problems with the temporomandibular joint, and myofascial pain syndrome can also cause your jaw to pop and lock up.

How can I fix my TMJ without surgery?

Other ways we treat TMJ without surgery include orthodontics, restorative dentistry, and other types of dental services. In some cases, corrective jaw surgery may be your best option.

What causes TMJ to flare up?

That said, the main causes of TMJ flare ups are stress, which can lead to jaw clenching or bruxism (teeth grinding) while you’re asleep or awake; hormonal changes, such as those brought on by birth control or supplements; hard and chewy foods, which can strain the already stressed TMJ and includes foods such as apples, …

What can be mistaken for TMJ?

Conditions That May Be Mistaken for TMJ Disorder

  • Trigeminal Neuralgia. Just as you have two temporomandibular joints on each side of the face, you also have two trigeminal nerves that control your jaw. …
  • Cluster, Migraine, or Tension Headaches. …
  • Sinus Issues. …
  • Other Causes of TMJ Pain.
