Who Can Do Dermabrasion?


There is a risk that microdermabrasion can spread infections from one part of your skin to another. So you should not have microdermabrasion if you have skin infections such as impetigo, or have had warts, herpes and other viral infections. Sometimes it can make other conditions like rosacea flare up.

Do dermatologists do microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a procedure performed by a dermatologist in their office. As with most cosmetic dermatology procedures, it is important to receive treatment from trained professional. Although there are many home kits, the treatments available at a dermatology office penetrate deeper and are more powerful.

Can you perform microdermabrasion at home?

Nowadays you can perform microdermabrasion at home either using gentle, but seriously grainy exfoliators (a little like the crystal treatment) or handy gadgets that smooth the skin’s surface (similar to the diamond option). Instantly you’ll notice your skin will look brighter and fresher.

Which is better chemical peel or microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion and chemical peels are both exfoliative treatments that can improve skin texture and tone. Chemical peels are more effective for treating acne-prone and sensitive skin, but microdermabrasion is safer for darker skin tones. Alternative treatments include laser therapy and at-home treatments.

Can I do dermabrasion myself?

The only caveat? You need to make sure you’re suuuper careful when trying microdermabrasion on yourself—follow your directions to a T and don’t overdo it. “Using an at-home microdermabrasion device too often may take off too many outer layers of skin, leaving skin burned and raw,” says Dr.

Can you see results after one microdermabrasion treatment?

Results Timeline

You will begin to see some changes in your skin immediately after the first treatment session. Your skin will be more vibrant and have a youthful glow right away.

Is a microdermabrasion facial painful?

So, to answer the question we started with: Microdermabrasion doesn’t hurt. You may feel a mild discomfort at most. The procedure has been compared to the rough lick of a cat’s tongue. Some say it feels like a gritty facial massage, and others say they feel a minor tugging on the skin.

Is microdermabrasion worth the money?

Microdermabrasion is considerably less invasive than surgical options and is even gentler than many other non-invasive skin procedures. Because it’s so gentle, many people wonder if the treatment is going to be effective or worth the time and money. However, its popularity is a testament to its success.

Can microdermabrasion ruin your skin?

Dermabrasion is generally only safe for people with fair skin. For people with darker skin, dermabrasion can result in scarring or discoloration. Microdermabrasion works on all skin types and colors. It makes subtle changes, causing no skin color change or scarring.

What can go wrong with microdermabrasion?

Common Treatment Side Effects

  • Redness: Most people find their skin is a bit pink to red after a microdermabrasion procedure. …
  • Dry or Flaking Skin: Dryness or flakiness in the days following a microdermabrasion treatment isn’t unusual.

How long do the effects of microdermabrasion last?

The results from this exfoliating treatment can last for about one month at a time, or sometimes longer if your skin condition is good.


How long does a dermabrasion procedure take?

How Long Does a Treatment Take? The actual microdermabrasion procedure is quick—it takes just 15 to 30 minutes.

Does dermabrasion tighten skin?

While microdermabrasion can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as age spots, it can’t tighten sagging skin or treat deep wrinkles.

What is the difference between dermabrasion and microdermabrasion?

Dermabrasion is a more aggressive technique than microdermabrasion, and it erases significantly more wrinkles or scars. Therefore, dermabrasion does cause bleeding, while microdermabrasion does not. There is downtime with dermabrasion while microdermabrasion resolves without any downtime.

How do I prepare my skin for microdermabrasion?

How to Prepare for Microdermabrasion

  1. Your skin should be product-free. The skin being treated should be free of makeup and creams. …
  2. Avoid sunburns. Avoid prolonged sun exposure for several days to a week before your session. …
  3. Don’t wax or shave. …
  4. Avoid other procedures. …
  5. Don’t smoke.

How long does a microdermabrasion facial take?

Typical microdermabrasion sessions can last anywhere from five to 60 minutes. Minimal to no recovery time is required after microdermabrasion and most people immediately return to daily activity after a session.

Do I moisturize before microdermabrasion?

It is important to avoid irritatig the treated skin with harsh chemicals, rubbing or tanning for one week. Although some peeling may occur in the treated areas, moisturizer should help minimize this effect.

Will microdermabrasion make me look younger?

Microdermabrasion is highly effective as an anti-aging treatment to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, lighten age spots and hyperpigmentation and boost collagen production.

What should I put on my face after microdermabrasion at home?

Clean your face straight after the treatment using a wet cloth and rehydrating toner to remove any dead skin cells left behind. Use a rich moisturizer once you have thoroughly dried the skin. Continue to use it for 4-6 days after your treatment as this will prevent any excessive peeling.

Does dermabrasion hurt?

Dermabrasion usually takes place in your doctor’s office or an outpatient surgery center. Your skin will feel raw and irritated and will be red and swollen after dermabrasion. Your doctor will put ointment and gauze or a bandage on the treated area. Pain is usually minimal.

What are the benefits of dermabrasion?

The Aesthetic Benefits of Microdermabrasion

  • Fresher-looking skin.
  • Diminished wrinkles.
  • Minimized fine lines.
  • Smoother skin.
  • Brighter skin tone.
  • Better skin color.
  • Shrunken pores.
  • Reduced age spots.

How is dermabrasion done?

During the procedure, the doctor moves a small motorized device across the skin with constant, gentle pressure. The device has an abrasive wheel or brush for a tip that removes the outer skin layers. Dermabrasion can take a few minutes to more than an hour, depending on how much skin is being treated.
