Which Tricep Head Makes Arms Bigger?


There’s the long head, which is responsible for most of the overall mass of your triceps and is located towards the back of your arm.

  • There’s the lateral head, which is smaller than the long head but is the most visible head from the side.
  • And lastly, there’s the medial head.

Which head is bigger in biceps?

The short head of your bicep is on the inside of your arm. The short head is usually the part of your biceps which helps to make your arm look bigger and fuller. Therefore, if you are trying to put more size on your arms, train your short head. On the outside of your biceps is your long head.

How do you target the biceps head?


  1. TRI-SET I. Do five sets of 12 reps for each move (or to failure with the narrow-grip chins), with no rest between exercises. …
  2. TRI-SET II. …
  4. 2/ HAMMER CURLS. …
  6. 1/ BARBELL CURLS. …

How can I get huge arms?

8 Weight-Free Exercises to Tone Every Muscle in Your Arms

  1. Arm circles. Strengthen your shoulders and arms with simple, yet effective circular motions. …
  2. Tricep dips. Build your triceps by using only your body weight. …
  3. Bicep curls to push press. …
  4. Plank sidewalk. …
  5. Kickboxing punches. …
  6. Rolling pushups. …
  7. Side plank. …
  8. Superman.

What tricep exercise hits all 3 heads?

Diamond push-ups: This exercise emphasizes all three heads of the triceps muscle and is the most effective move for that. Kickbacks: This move also targets all three heads of the triceps, but not quite as much as the diamond push-up. This exercise is also easier, so may be more user-friendly than the push-ups.

How do you train each tricep head?

Best Triceps Exercises for All Three Heads

  1. Overhead Triceps Extensions. Grab a pair of dumbbells or a similar weight that you can hold in each hand. …
  2. Triceps Pulldowns. Get some great activation of all three heads with the pulldown, which is basically a pushdown with an underhand grip. …
  3. Dumbbell Floor Press.

How do I build my triceps long head?

Here are the 10 best long head triceps exercises.

  1. Cable Overhead Triceps Extensions. …
  2. Dumbbell Triceps Kickbacks. …
  3. Overhead EZ Bar Triceps Extensions. …
  4. Dumbbell Incline Triceps Extensions. …
  5. Seated Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions. …
  6. Close-Grip Push-ups. …
  7. Cable Triceps Pushdowns. …
  8. High Cable Overhead Triceps Extensions.

Do triceps or biceps make arms look bigger?

Well-developed triceps will make your arms look bigger because they will be bigger. The triceps are the largest muscle on the back of your upper arm. You see people working their biceps all the time but it is the triceps that must be developed if you are working to get a big set of “guns”, not just your biceps.

What head does tricep kickback work?

Tricep kickbacks work the lateral head, medial head, and long head of the muscle, putting special emphasis on the lateral head. Tricep kickbacks build functional strength. With proper form, the tricep kickback can enhance stability and flexibility in your shoulders and arms.

Which head does tricep pushdown work?

Tricep pushdowns tone your arms.

Tricep pushdowns target the medial and lateral heads of the triceps. With proper form and regular practice, tricep pushdowns can tone the muscles on the back of your arms and increase stabilization around your shoulder joint.


Do dips hit all three tricep heads?

Unlike some triceps movements, dips hit every head of the triceps: the long, medial, and lateral. … That’s fine, it’s a good one for that muscle group, but if you want to put most of the work on the triceps, here are some rules to keep in mind: Keep the body as upright (vertical) as possible.

Do skull crushers work long head?

Skull Crushers Muscles Worked

While lowering the bar over your head works primarily the long head of the triceps. This is the upper part of the triceps that inserts under your rear delt.

Do skull crushers work triceps?

As mentioned, skull crushers are an amazing exercise to help tone your triceps. That’s because it’s a similar move to an overhead triceps extension—but just lying down instead of standing. Additionally, due to the position, they hone in on strengthening the stabilizers in your elbows and shoulders.

Is bench press enough for triceps?

Key Points: The bench press works the lateral head of your triceps well – even better than tricep extensions. The bench press does not work the long and medial head of your triceps well – but tricep extensions do. Combine bench pressing with tricep extensions to work all heads of your triceps.

Are tricep kickbacks worth doing?

The kickbacks do not provide any kind of meaningful stretch to the triceps. … Due to the position of the elbow (which is in line with your body), kickbacks emphasize the contraction of the triceps and are completely useless when trying to stretch them under resistance.

How can I get big arms in 2 weeks at home?

Can You Get Bigger Arms in Two Weeks?

  1. Begin each workout with chinups. While often considered a back exercise, chinups are great for biceps and forearm growth. …
  2. Move on to dips as your second exercise. …
  3. Perform preacher curls using dumbbells or a barbell as your third exercise. …
  4. Finish your workout with skullcrushers.

How do Skinny Guys Gain arm Mass?

This 3-Set Workout Is Designed to To Build Muscle On Skinny Arms

  1. 1A: Narrow Dumbbell Press: 3 Sets of 8-10 Reps. …
  2. 1B: Dumbbell Skull Crushers: 3 Sets of 10-12 Reps, 90sec Rest. …
  3. 2A: Neutral-Grip Chin-Up: 3 Sets of 8-10 Reps. …
  4. 2B: Supinated- Grip Inverted Row: 3 Sets of 10-12 Reps. …
  5. 3A: Banded Pull Down: 3 Sets of 10-12 Reps.

Does toning your arms make them bigger?

First, toned arms are muscular; the muscles are just less bulky. With toned arms, you can see muscle definition or cuts, and there is very little fat that covers the muscles. … They will be greater in size with pronounced muscle definition in the biceps, triceps, shoulders and forearms.

What are the 3 best bicep exercises?

Best Biceps Exercises

  • Barbell Curl.
  • Chin-Up.
  • EZ-Bar Preacher Curl.
  • Hammer Curl.
  • Incline Dumbbell Curl.
  • Facing-Away Cable Curl.
  • Reverse-Grip Bent-Over Row.
  • Cable Curl.

Do bicep curls work both heads?

The bicep curl is one exercise with many variations, all targeting the long or short head of the bicep, or both simultaneously, as well as other smaller muscles within the arm. It enables you to build strength and size of the bicep, as well as increase your overall grip strength.
