Which Of The Following Is An Example Of A Self Reduction Process?


Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), Copper (Cu)

Self-reduction is also known as the auto reduction process or air reduction process. The sulphide ores of less electropositive metals like Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), Copper (Cu), etc. are heated in the air, so a part of the oxide ore converts into sulphate.

Is Zn extracted by self reduction?

Zinc can be extracted by self-reduction. II. A depressant prevents a certain type of particles to come to the froth.

Which is extracted by auto reduction?

– In simpler words, the auto reduction process is used for the preparation of less electropositive metal like copper, mercury, lead, etc. Thus, copper, lead, and mercury is extracted through auto reduction.

Which is an example of auto reduction?

This reaction includes reduction of copper (I) oxide by copper (I) sulphide. In this process, copper is reduced by itself hence this process is known as autoreduction and the solidified copper. So, obtained is known as blister copper.

What is Auto reduction give one example?

Thus, in simple words we can say the auto reduction process is used in the preparation of less electropositive metals like Cu, Hg, Pb etc. Some of the examples are as following, Copper (Cu) ore extraction: Here, partial roasting of sulphide ore of Cu to give the oxide.

What is self reduction process?

In self reduction, the sulphide ores of less electropositive metals are heated in air so as to convert a part of the ore into oxide or sulphate which then reacts with the remaining part of the sulphide ore in absence of air to give the metal and sulphur dioxide.

Which metal is generally found in native state?

Only two metals, gold and platinum, are found principally in their native state, and in both cases the native metals are the primary ore minerals. Silver, copper, iron, osmium, and several other metals also occur in the native state, and a few occurrences are large enough—and sufficiently rich—to be ore deposits.

Which metal is refined by Mond process?

Note:The Mond process is a method for refining nickel. The nickel oxide and impurities react with the hydrogen gas to form an impure solid nickel. Nickel reacts with the carbon monoxide, forming nickel carbonyl, a gas.

Which metal is extracted by electrolytic reduction?

We say Aluminium is extracted by electrolytic reduction method. In electro-refining method, impure metal is taken as anode and pure metal is made of cathode. The electrodes are placed in acidified aqueous solution of metal salt or molten metal salt.

Which of the following can reduce Aluminium oxide?

Since Magnesium oxide’s line lies below Aluminum, Magnesium can tgus reduce Alumina. The answer is thus : Magnesium.

Is silver extracted by hydrometallurgy?

Hydrometallurgy, is the process of extraction of metal from ore by preparing an aqueous solution of a salt of the metal and recovering the metal from the solution. … More importantly, most of gold and much silver, large tons of copper and zinc are produced by the hydrometallurgy process.

What is Cupellation process?

Cupellation is a refining process in metallurgy where ores or alloyed metals are treated under very high temperatures and have controlled operations to separate noble metals, like gold and silver, from base metals, like lead, copper, zinc, arsenic, antimony, or bismuth, present in the ore.


What is hydrometallurgy process?

Hydrometallurgy is a chemical metallurgy method that conducts separation and extraction of metals based on reaction in aqueous medium.

Which metal does self-reduction?

Metals that are less electropositive can be obtained by the self-reduction process and these metals are mercury, copper, and lead.

Which metal is available in nature?

Only gold, silver, copper and the platinum metals occur in nature in larger amounts. Over geological time scales, very few metals can resist natural weathering processes like oxidation. This is why only the less reactive metals such as gold and platinum are found as native metals.

Is gold originally from Earth?

All of the gold found on Earth came from the debris of dead stars. As the Earth formed, heavy elements such as iron and gold sank toward the planet’s core. … Some gold may be found in rock ores. It make occur as flakes, as the pure native element, and with silver in the natural alloy electrum.

Which metal is not extracted by leaching?

But mercury as we all know is soluble at room temperature so it can go through the process of leaching. So, the correct answer is “Option B”.

Is Liquation applicable for tin?

Liquation, technique for separating constituents of an ore, a metal, or an alloy by partial melting. … It was formerly used for extracting antimony minerals from ore and for separating silver from copper with the use of lead as a solvent. It is still used in some refining of tin.

What is carbon reduction method?

Carbon reduction process is used for the extraction of. … Hint: The carbon reaction process is used to extract metals from their oxide ore by reacting with carbon which acts as the reducing agent. The transition metal elements show reduction reaction with carbon.

What do you mean by electrolytic reduction?

The electrolytic reduction is a type of electrolysis in which electric current is pass through an ionic substance (molten or dissolved ) producing chemical reaction at the electrodes and a decomposition of the materials. … Example: Sodium metal is obtained by the electrolysis of molten Sodium Chloride.

What is difference between mineral and ore?

Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic solids with a crystalline structure and a definite range of chemical formula. Ores are concentrations of minerals in rock that are high enough to be economically extracted for use.

What are the limitations of Ellingham diagram?

Limitations of Ellingham Diagram

It ignores the reaction kinetics means it does not provide any information about kinetics of the reduction reaction. The analysis is thermodynamic in nature, it means the reactions which are predicted by the Ellingham diagram can be very slow.

Which metal is obtained by auto reduction reaction?

Copper pyrite is the principal source of copper and copper is mined from the mine. During this process no external reducing agent is used so it is an example of self reduction. Hence, self-reduction takes place in the case of Copper. So, the correct answer is option D.
