Which Of The Following Do Not Undergo Nitration?


We can see from the above discussion that we obtain 1-nitropropane, 2-nitropropane, nitroethane and nitromethane from the nitration of propane. So, the correct answer is “OptionA,B,C and D”. Note: The nitration of alkanes is a conversion of great commercial use.

What is Vapour phase nitration of alkanes?

(ii) Vapour phase nitration: Lower member of alkanes can be nitrated by vapour phase nitration i.e. by heating a gaseous mixture of hydrocarbon and nitric acid vapours at 673-773 K. … It is carried out by heating higher alkanes (hexane or higher members) with fuming sulphuric acid.

Is the reaction between methane and chlorine endothermic?

If more energy is put into a reaction than is given off, the ΔH is positive, the reaction is endothermic and not energetically favorable. … Since, the ΔH for the chlorination of methane is negative, the reaction is exothermic.

What is the chlorination of methane?

If a mixture of methane and chlorine is exposed to a flame, it explodes – producing carbon and hydrogen chloride. The reaction we are going to explore is a more gentle one between methane and chlorine in the presence of ultraviolet light – typically sunlight. …

What is benzene nitration?

The nitration of benzene

Nitration happens when one (or more) of the hydrogen atoms on the benzene ring is replaced by a nitro group, NO2. Benzene is treated with a mixture of concentrated nitric acid and concentrated sulphuric acid at a temperature not exceeding 50°C.

Why are lower alkanes not sulphonated?

Lower alkanes do not undergo sulphonation easily unless tertiary hydrogen is present. This is because the abstraction of hydrogen to form free radical in lower alkanes is much difficult as compared to higher alkanes because free radical of lower alkanes are less stable due to less inductive effect.

How does methane react with HNO3?

Nitromethane is formed when methane reacts with conc. HNO3 at high temperature. … Methane reacts with conc. HNO3 at high temperature to form nitromethane.

How is nitromethane prepared by nitration of methane?

Preparation. Nitromethane is produced industrially by combining propane and nitric acid in the gas phase at 350–450 °C (662–842 °F). This exothermic reaction produces the four industrially significant nitroalkanes: nitromethane, nitroethane, 1-nitropropane, and 2-nitropropane.

Do alkanes react with nitric acid?

A variety of alkanes including alkylbenzenes were nitrated to the corresponding nitroalkanes as major products in moderate yields with formation of oxygenated products under mild reaction conditions. … The reduced polyoxometalates subsequently react with nitric acid to produce the oxidized form and nitrogen dioxide.

Is Sulphonation electrophilic substitution?

Nitration and sulfonation of benzene are two examples of electrophilic aromatic substitution. The nitronium ion (NO2+) and sulfur trioxide (SO3) are the electrophiles and individually react with benzene to give nitrobenzene and benzenesulfonic acid respectively.

Why aliphatic compounds do not undergo nitration easily?

That is they activate the benzene nucleus at the respective position. So the nitration occur more readily than aliphatic compounds, which is not possible in the case of aliphatic hydrocarbons.


What is molecular formula alkane?

Alkanes are hydrocarbons in which the carbon atoms are held together by single bonds. Their general formula is CnH2n+2 for molecules which do not contain ring structures.

Why is the second nitration slower?

However, nitro groups make the ring much less reactive than the original benzene ring. Two nitro groups on the ring make its reactions so slow that virtually no trinitrobenzene is produced under these conditions.

Is h2so4 an electrophile?

The slightly positive hydrogen atom in the sulphuric acid acts as an electrophile, and is strongly attracted to the electrons in the pi bond. The electrons from the pi bond move down towards the slightly positive hydrogen atom.

What type of reaction is nitration of benzene?

The type of reaction is classified by its rate-determining step. Since this mechanism has a rate-determining step which involves the attack on the nitronium ion which is an electrophile by the benzene ring electrons, therefore nitration of benzene is an electrophilic substitution reaction.

Which reacts explosively with methane?

Methane reacts violently with OXIDIZING AGENTS (such as PERCHLORATES, PEROXIDES, PERMANGANATES, CHLORATES, NITRATES, CHLORINE, BROMINE and FLUORINE). Methane can react violently with boiling WATER and cold WATER. Liquefied Methane combined with liquefied OXYGEN can form an explosive mixture.

Why chlorination of methane is not possible in dark?

termination step cannot take place in dark it requires sunlight. Hint: Chlorination of methane is a free radical substitution reaction. Chlorine is not able to convert into free radicals in the dark, so the reaction doesn’t happen. Hence, presence of sunlight is must for the reaction to occur.

What is the major product of chlorination of methane?

Thus the final product of chlorination of methane in the sunlight is carbon tetrachloride, i.e. option D is the correct answer. Note: The chlorination of methane also takes place in thermal conditions. If the amount of chlorine is limited then the major product is methyl chloride i.e. .

What is the action of cl2 on methane?

When methane reacts with chlorine in presence of sunlight, it undergoes chlorination to form methyl chloride.

Does fluorine react with methane?

Fluorine is the most reactive. If no precautions are taken, a mixture of fluorine and methane explodes. The reaction between methane and chlorine is easily controllable, while bromine is even less reactive than chlorine.

Why does iodine not react with methane?

Correspondingly, reactions with fluorine have a relatively small activation energy and Iodine have relatively large activation energy. In the case of Iodine the energy of activation is so high that Iodination of methane does not occur.

Why is SO3 electrophile?

Three highly electronegative oxygen atoms are attached to sulphur atom. It makes sulphur atom electron deficient. Due to resonance also sulphur acquires positive charge. Both these factors make SO3 an electrophile.
