Where Does The Exflagellation Process Occur?


Plasmodium sporogony, an extracellular phase of asexual replication, occurs in Anopheles mosquitoes, although some species of lizard plasmodia, for instance Plasmodium mexicanum, can also be transmitted by sand flies (Ayala 1971).

Where does fertilization occur in Plasmodium?

In Plasmodium the sexual stages are produced in the vertebrate host, but fertilization takes place in the insect host. A case can be made for terming either host the definitive host!


What is Exflagellation and what are the resulting products called?

Answer: Male gametes of Plasmodium show lashing movements like flagella and get separated from the cytoplasm of microgametocyte. This process is called exflagellation and resultant products are called Male (or) Microgametes.
