Where Does Mistletoe Grow In The United States?


Mistletoe lives throughout the southern United States, from the Atlantic Coast to California, and on every continent except Antarctica. Having true parasitic properties, mistletoe is devoid of roots.

Can mistletoe grow anywhere?

Mistletoe is a parasite. It is a plant that lives on trees. It has thick, leathery leaves with white berries. Mistletoe plants can be found almost anywhere in the world.

Is mistletoe easy to grow?

Most species of mistletoe seed needs light for germination but can also sprout in moist seed flats. … The mistletoe will need to be moved to a host plant to grow on, but rooting can be sporadic. Ideally, you should just push the seeds into a host plant’s bark and spritz them daily with water to keep them moist.

Can you root mistletoe?

No, mistletoe can only grow from seeds. It is impossible to grow it from a cutting. Can I plant mistletoe in soil? No, mistletoe is hemiparasitic, which means it feeds mostly on the water and nutrients of the tree you plant it on.

Can you eat mistletoe berries?

There are two main species of mistletoe, Viscum album (European or Common mistletoe) and Phoradendron (American or Oak mistletoe). Both contain a mix of toxic compounds in their stems, leaves and berries that, if ingested, can be harmful to humans and pets. However, of the two, Viscum album is the more toxic.

Can you smoke mistletoe?

Do not smoke mistletoe. That feeling of euphoria you may experience after a mistletoke is your soul leaving your body.

What is the myth of mistletoe?

The origins of kissing under the mistletoe, a plant that often bears white berries, are often traced to a tale in Norse mythology about the god Baldur. In the story, Baldur’s mother Frigg casts a powerful magic to make sure that no plant grown on earth could be used as a weapon against her son.

Is mistletoe a poisonous plant?

Most experts say that all parts of the plant can be toxic, though it is the berries that are particularly dangerous. … Other studies have found similar effects, suggesting that while mistletoe can be toxic, its lethal reputation is not quite deserved. THE BOTTOM LINE. Mistletoe is not deadly.

Should mistletoe be removed from trees?

The leaves of the mistletoe must be completely wet and the process needs to be done before the host tree has leafed out. … Only some of the mistletoe will fall off, but the plant will slowly grow more. Trees are able to withstand most mistletoe infestations, so removal is not absolutely necessary.

What does a mistletoe symbolize?

Historically, mistletoe represents romance, fertility, and vitality. Because nothing says love like bird feces and poison. But seriously, the Celtic Druids valued mistletoe for its healing properties and likely were among the first to decorate with it.

What is mistletoe used for?

Mistletoe is a semiparasitic plant that grows on trees, such as apple, oak, maple, elm, pine, and birch. It has been used for hundreds of years to treat medical conditions such as epilepsy, hypertension, headaches, menopausal symptoms, infertility, arthritis, and rheumatism.

What does mistletoe mean in Christmas?

The Tradition of Mistletoe at Christmas

It is also meant to possess mystical powers which bring good luck to the household and wards off evil spirits. It was also used as a sign of love and friendship in Norse mythology.


Why do we hang mistletoe at Christmas?

The plant’s romantic overtones most likely started with the Celtic Druids of the 1st century A.D. Because mistletoe could blossom even during the frozen winter, the Druids came to view it as a sacred symbol of vivacity, and they administered it to humans and animals alike in the hope of restoring fertility.

How do you harvest mistletoe?

The easaiest way to harvest mistletoe is to find a clump that is low in a tree, as close to the ground as possible, and use a pole-pruning tool like the one shown in the photo at right, to cut the mistletoe from the tree, where it attaches to the tree.

Can you drink mistletoe?

Only European mistletoe can be used therapeutically, as American mistletoe is unsafe. Don’t consume raw mistletoe of any variety, as it can be poisonous and may induce vomiting, seizures, slowed heart rate, and even death.

How long does mistletoe last?

How long does it keep fresh? Mistletoe and holly will keep for up-to a month if stored in a cool damp place. If taken indoors it will last around 7-10 days in a room at average room temperature.

What are the berries on a mistletoe?

Mistletoes produce white berries, each containing one sticky seed that can attach to birds and mammals for a ride to new growing sites.

Is mistletoe poisonous to dogs?

The symptoms of mistletoe toxicity include gastrointestinal upset (vomiting and diarrhea in dogs and cats; colic in horses), difficulty breathing, weakness (due to low blood pressure or slowed heart rate), and odd behavior.

Can mistletoe have red berries?

Plants are often round in form and up to 1 meter in diameter, depending on the species. … The small, sticky berries are white, pink or red and are ripe from October to January, depending on the species. Evergreen clumps of mistletoe are readily observed on bare deciduous trees in winter.

Is mistletoe an air plant?

These plants are members of the Bromeliaceae family. Like many other bromeliads, these plants are epiphytes, or air plants. This indicates that they do not require soil to root in but can survive and thrive, hanging on branches of trees or other structures.

Does mistletoe look like holly?

Holly is a shrub or tree with dark green color spiny leaves. Moreover, it produces red colored berries. In contrast, mistletoe is a parasitic plant grown in the crowns of oaks, apple trees, and other trees. It contains olive-green color leaves and produces white color berries.

What is the health benefit of mistletoe?

Some people use European mistletoe for treating mental and physical exhaustion; to reduce side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy; as a tranquilizer; and for treating whooping cough, asthma, dizziness, diarrhea, chorea, and liver and gallbladder conditions.

Are mistletoe injections safe?

Preliminary studies suggest that intravesical mistletoe extract is safe and well tolerated in patients with nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer (38), and that mistletoe extract injection may be efficacious for chemical pleurodesis in patients with malignant pleural effusion (39)(44).
