Where Are Swallowtail Butterflies Found?


Like Tiger Swallowtails, Black Swallowtails overwinter as pupa inside a chrysalis. The chrysalis may be brown or green to blend in with the color of its environment. Black Swallowtails attach their chrysalis to plant stems, sticks and rocks, usually within a meter of the ground.

How do you attract swallowtail butterflies?

Adult butterflies feed on nectar from many flowers. In my garden, they particularly seem to like zinnias and Mexican sunflower. If you want to attract Black swallowtail butterflies to your garden, be sure to include nectar-producing plants like sages (salvias), verbena, lantana, zinnias, and more.

Are swallowtail butterflies good?

Black swallowtails are not really harmful as adults but they don’t directly benefit any garden plants either. Their young are considered pests in large numbers, but the average hatch doesn’t kill carrot plants, just defoliates them.

What can I plant for a swallowtail butterfly?

The host plants of the Black Swallowtail butterfly include such plants as carrots, parsley, dill, fennel, Queen Anne’s Lace and rue. The Anise Swallowtail caterpillar feeds on anise as well and reportedly citrus plants also.

How do you keep Butterflies Alive in the winter?

We are often asked what to do with a hibernating butterfly in your home, garage or shed. The best solution is to rehouse the butterfly into a suitable location. Catch the butterfly carefully and place it into a cardboard box or similar, in a cool place for half an hour or so to see if it will calm down.

What do swallowtail butterflies do in the winter?

Swallowtail butterflies spend the winter as chrysalides. Just before they pupate, the longer nights and cooler temperatures will trigger the caterpillar to become a chrysalis and wait until spring to emerge. Other species spend the winter as adults.

How long do swallowtail butterflies live?

Most species of swallowtail have a life expectancy just around 1 month. Some, like the black swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) live only 10-12 days, while other species have been recorded living up to 45 days.

Are swallowtail butterflies rare?

Probably the most spectacular of the swallowtail butterflies, the zebra swallowtail flies in the eastern half of the country. However, it is one of the rarest swallowtail butterflies. It’s usually only found in great numbers where its host plant, pawpaw (Asimina sp.) also thrives.

Are black swallowtail butterflies rare?

The black swallowtail is found throughout southern Canada, most of the eastern and mid-western United States west to the Rocky Mountains, and southwest into Arizona and northern Mexico. It is rare in the Florida Keys, apparently due to the absence of its carrot family (Apiaceae) hosts (Minno & Emmel 1993).

What does it mean if you see a swallowtail butterfly?

Yellow Butterfly Meaning

Swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon). Butterflies that are yellow, or have predominantly yellow markings, include sulfurs, swallowtails, and birdwings. Yellow symbolizes happiness, optimism, intellect, and honor.

How can you tell if a swallowtail butterfly is male or female?

The male black swallowtail has more noticable yellow and less blue on the wings. The female black swallowtail has more blue and less yellow on the wings. red eyespot (red circle with a black bulls-eye) near the margin of each hind wing.

What are 3 interesting facts about butterflies?

10 Fascinating Facts about Butterflies

  • Butterfly wings are transparent. …
  • There are almost 20,000 butterfly species. …
  • Butterflies use their feet to taste. …
  • Butterflies only live for a few weeks. …
  • The most common butterfly in the US is the Cabbage White. …
  • Some butterfly species migrate from the cold.

Where do butterflies go in winter?

If you’re keen to find dormant butterflies this winter, good places to look are in sheds, farmyard buildings and sheltered structures like bird houses. Butterflies can also be found hibernating in natural hollows in trees, log piles, rock crevices, stone walls and other outdoor spaces.

Can butterflies live in winter?

We often say that butterflies hibernate during the colder months, although this isn’t strictly true; actually, they enter a period of dormancy, although the effect of sleeping through winter is the same. They can do this in several ways: as an egg, larva, chrysalis or in adult form, dependent on species.

What does a butterfly in your bedroom mean?

According to “World of Feng Shui,” a butterfly in the home is always a good omen. … In the Philippines, a spotted brown butterfly that flies into the house symbolizes good luck, perhaps bringing money to the homeowner or relatives. A lingering black butterfly in that culture indicates the death of a loved one.

What can I feed a butterfly in winter?

Provide sliced overripe fruit like oranges, bananas, berries, pineapple, melon, pears and plums. Katy adds, ‘Mashed banana works really well. You can also try mixing banana with a little bit of water to make a paste – it allows them to feed a little easier using their tongue-like mouthpart, called a proboscis.

What does it mean when a butterfly visits you?

Butterfly Meaning and Symbolism: What Does It Mean When A Butterfly Visits You? … It is the symbol of new beginnings, resilience, endurance, and change. In many cultural traditions, butterflies are said to embody the soul of a departed loved one.

What month do swallowtail butterflies lay eggs?

The first group of butterflies emerges between late April and early June after having overwintered in the chrysalis. They mate and then the females lay small white eggs on the underside and tops of plant leaves. The eggs hatch in 3-5 days.

How do you attract a giant swallowtail?

Nectar and Host Plants Used by the Giant Swallowtail

Some of the favorite nectar plants of the Giant Swallowtail are Milkweed, Lantana, Butterfly Bush, Zinnias, and many others. Favorite host plants include Hercules Club (or Devil’s Walkingstick), prickly ash, citrus, lime, herb rue, hoptree, and wild lime.

Do birds eat swallowtail butterflies?

Do birds avoid eating them just because they look like monarchs? The scientists did some feeding experiments to find out. They used red-wing blackbirds and three kinds of butterflies: monarchs, viceroys, and some swallow-tail butterflies. (The blackbirds often eat swallowtails.)

What color butterfly means death?

In some cultures, seeing a black butterfly means death. Whose death it is often is left up to the person witnessing the butterfly’s flight interpretation. It could just as easily mean the death of a job or a relationship. The message of rebirth is often associated with a black butterfly.
