When Can We Expect Shadowlands Pre Patch?


The pre patch will go live when servers return from their weekly maintenance on Tuesday, May 18 (Wednesday, May 19 in some regions) at 1am PDT/4am EST.

What time is Shadowlands patch?

Typically the weekly reset brings servers down from 10am EST to 11am EST, but with the massive patch, we expect Shadowlands 9.1 will finally launch at roughly 3pm EST.

When can you enter Shadowlands?

Once you hit level 10 with your new character, you’ll be able to “go back” to any previous expansion until you hit level 50 and begin the Shadowlands story.

Can you fly in Shadowlands?

It’s been a long time coming but we’re finally able to fly in WoW Shadowlands. The 9.1 patch is the first major update to hit the current expansion. As well as a new zone, a raid, and a mega-dungeon, several new campaign chapters have also been introduced, which ties in with how you unlock flying in Shadowlands.

What happens in Shadowlands pre-patch?

Shadowlands pre-patch comes with a massive leveling revamp, featuring not only a level squish but also an item level squish. Experience is removed from heirlooms, which are now part of an item set with new utility bonuses. Stats on all gear have been reduced with the item level squish.

What will Shadowlands pre-patch bring?

This pre-patch makes a lot of changes in the game system. Players will not be able to enter the new zones as of now but they will be able to experience new features like new abilities, new leveling mechanisms, an invasion by the Scourge (zombies) along with some character changes.

Do you need Shadowlands for pre-patch?

The Shadowlands pre-patch event goes live October 10, 2020 (US) or October 11, 2020 (EU). Although you do not need to purchase Shadowlands to participate in the event, a Level 50 character is still required.

Will Jewelcrafting be in pre patch?

Jewelcrafting is a new profession coming in the Burning Crusade pre-patch. While you cannot max out the profession in the pre-patch, or acquire gear with sockets, you can use the time during the pre-patch to level the profession to 300.

Can you level 70 in pre patch TBC?

The pre-expansion patch for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade is slated to launch today. … The Dark Portal won’t be opened until the launch of the actual expansion on June 1, meaning players won’t be able to reach level 70 for a few weeks.

Is Leveling in TBC faster than classic?

Its actually quite a bit faster than in classic vanilla. Even though the xp required from 20 to 60 was reduced by 30%, the leveling is faster by more than 30% because a lot of quests, quest hubs and flight pathes were also added.

Did Shadowlands release pre-patch?

October 14, 2020 You can get your hands on WoW: Shadowlands’ pre-patch now.

What is coming in Shadowlands?

Shadowlands is World of Warcraft’s new expansion, following Battle for Azeroth. This, WoW’s eighth expansion, features the very first level squish, and new features such as Covenants, a procedurally generated mega-dungeon in Torghast, Tower of the Damned, and 6 new zones.


Can you level to 60 in pre-patch?

Level 120 players were squished in Pre-Patch to level 50 with the max level of the expansion being 60. In addition, leveling will be much faster and you’ll get to choose which expansion’s story you wish to play through.

Is the level squish coming in pre-patch?

Readjusted leveling and levels

The Shadowlands pre-patch comes with World of Warcraft’s first level squish. While the max level during Battle for Azeroth was level 120, the max level is now 50. … Well, any level 120 characters players had are now 50, and any characters below that will get a similar adjustment.

What changed Shadowlands?

Leveling Changes

In the Shadowlands expansion, players will have their level reduced to Level 50 and will have to level to Level 60 in the new areas. For players that wish to level from 1-50, there will be new zones for Level 1-10, followed by players being able to level from 10-50 in any expansion of their choosing.

What do I do when I hit level 60 in Shadowlands?

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

One of the first things that World of Warcraft: Shadowlands players will want to do after hitting Level 60 is to grab the introductory quest-line for Torghast and the Runecarver. The first quest can be found in Orbis, takes place in The Maw, and revolves around Broker Ve’nari.

What is required to fly in Shadowlands?

– You’ll now need to reach Renown level 44. Once that’s done, from the second week of the patch dropping, Chapter 4 of the campaign, ‘The Last Sigil’ will be unlocked. – Once this is completed, you’ll be rewarded with ‘Memories of Sunless Skies’, a usable item that will then unlock flying completely account-wide.

Will BFA flying be unlocked in Shadowlands?

Unfortunately, the requirements to unlock BFA flying remained unchanged with the launch of Shadowlands. This means you will need to earn two achievements to unlock flight — Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One, and Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part Two.

Is Shadowlands worth coming back for?

That being said, it still offers some great content, and arguably some of the most intense moments you’ll experience in the game. So those wanting to take the fight to their fellow players, you’ll be pleased to know it’s definitely worth your time.

What level is Shadowlands content?

Players experiencing the Shadowlands content for the first time are required to reach level 60 before they can choose to pledge themselves to a Covenant, while alts are able to do so at the start of the Shadowlands content.

How long does it take to level a TBC Classic?

If you have the right class, the right guides, and the right tools, current estimates suggest that you can go from level 60 to 70 in TBC Classic primarily through questing in about 30-40 hours. However, that number assumes that you are following the most leveling strategy and executing it on a professional level.
