What’s The Meaning Of Inadvisable?


As adjectives the difference between inadvisable and unadvisable. is that inadvisable is unwise; not recommended; not prudent; not to be advised while unadvisable is inadvisable.

Is Inadvisedly a word?

In a manner that is not advisable.

What is meaning of impolitic?

: not politic : unwise.

What importunate means?

1 : troublesomely urgent : overly persistent in request or demand importunate creditors. 2 : troublesome.

What does infelicitous mean in English?

: not felicitous: such as. a : not appropriate or well-timed an infelicitous remark. b : awkward, unfortunate an infelicitous moment.

What does injudicious mean in English?

: not judicious : indiscreet, unwise injudicious outbursts.

What does it mean when something is invaluable?

The original (and current) meaning of invaluable is “valuable beyond estimation“; the word describes something so precious that one cannot assign a price to it. This, clearly, is the opposite of the meaning “having no value; valueless” that the word might seem to carry.

Is counter productive one word or two?

thwarting the achievement of an intended goal; tending to defeat one’s purpose: Living on credit while trying to save money is counterproductive.

How do you use advisable?

worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent or wise.

  1. We thought it advisable to seek police assistance.
  2. It is advisable to insure your life against accident.
  3. Regular medical check-ups are advisable.
  4. It is not advisable to drink too much.
  5. It is advisable to leave now.

What is an example of invaluable?

Invaluable meaning

The definition of invaluable is priceless or having value too great to measure. An example of invaluable is the sentimental worth of your great grandmother’s wedding band.

Is invaluable positive or negative?

If valuable means costly or precious, it seems intuitive that invaluable would be its opposite, namely, not costly or precious. The prefix in- is often used as a negation, like in the words inattentive and indefensible. Invaluable requires some mental gymnastics.

Is invaluable a good thing?

Invaluable, on the other hand, means “valuable beyond estimation.” Much like priceless, it describes something that is of such a great value that it cannot fairly be quantified: Great mentors have had an invaluable impact on my career success to date.

What is another word for unable to read?

You can describe a person unable to read or write as illiterate. … Illiterate, from the Latin illiteratus “unlearned, ignorant,” can describe someone unable to read or write, but it can also imply that a person lacks cultural awareness.


How do you use the word injudicious?

Injudicious in a Sentence ?

  1. The dumb kid’s injudicious decision to rob the bank landed him in the slammer for 15 years.
  2. My decision to speed through the school zone was injudicious one that cost me my driver’s license.
  3. The politician’s injudicious statements were ill-advised, landing him in serious hot water.

What is the origin of frivolity?

frivolity (n.)

1796, from French frivolité, from Old French frivole “frivolous,” from Latin frivolus (see frivolous).

What does distasteful mean?

1a : objectionable because offensive to one’s personal taste : unpleasant, disagreeable found the job distasteful a shady, distasteful character. b : objectionable because in poor taste, inappropriate, or unethical a harmless stroking … but it seems oddly distasteful in retrospect— Richard Sandza et al.

How do you remember infelicitous?

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for infelicitous

the bully pushed you: IN FELL CITY which is unfortunate and makes you unhappy… FELICIDAD means HAPPINESS in Spanish language. So infelicitous means unhappiness. the bully pushed you: IN FELL CITY which is unfortunate and makes you unhappy…

What is the meaning of Aposite?

apposite AP-uh-zit adjective. : highly pertinent or appropriate : apt.

What does unremitting mean in English?

: not remitting : constant, incessant unremitting pain.

How do you use importunate in a sentence?

Importunate in a Sentence ?

  1. My mother left her husband because he was an importunate man who treated her like an unpaid servant.
  2. As soon as you become rich, you can expect to come into contact with many importunate people who will do nothing but demand things of you.

Is Importantness a word?

The quality of being important; importance.

Should I use valuable or invaluable?

Something that’s valuable is worth a lot of money and would net a good price. Something that’s invaluable, on the other hand, is valuable beyond estimation. It’s priceless. The distinction may be easy to make when discussing things: Betsy’s diamond bracelet is valuable.

What does Unvaluable mean?

1 obsolete : invaluable. 2a : not valuable. b : having negative value.
