What Type Of Word Is Undecided?


undecided (adj.)

1530s, “not decided, unsettled,” from un- (1) “not” + past participle of decide (v.).

Is Undecidedness a word?

un•de•cid•ed. adj. 1. not yet decided or determined.

What indecision means?

: a wavering between two or more possible courses of action : irresolution.

What is an undecided person?

if someone is undecided, they have not yet made a decision about something. Synonyms and related words. Indecision and undecided. torn.

Is uncertain or undecided?

As adjectives the difference between undecided and uncertain

is that undecided is open and not yet settled or determined while uncertain is not certain; unsure.

How do you use undecided in a sentence?

Undecided sentence example

  1. He was considering going to school but undecided about course study. …
  2. I’m still undecided which one is my target but I’ll soon have my answer and more!

What is the difference between indecisive and undecided?

Undecided refers to a specific decision, while indecisive is the characteristic of being unable to decide in general.

What does concensus mean?

noun. The quality or condition of being in complete agreement or harmony: unanimity, unanimousness.

What does Undecidedly mean?

1. Not yet determined or settled; open: Our position on this bill is still undecided. 2. Not having reached a decision; uncommitted: undecided voters.

What’s another word for being unsure?

In this page you can discover 64 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unsure, like: doubtful, uncertain, hesitant, dubitable, problematic, indefinite, borderline, indecisive, inconclusive, tottery and undecided.

What does undecided major mean?

What Is an Undeclared Major? An undeclared major (sometimes also called an “undecided” major) refers to a student who has not yet declared an actual major. Your major is the degree that you will focus your studies on throughout college and, if all goes according to plan, graduate from college with.

What is a word for unclear?

ambiguous, uncertain, unsettled, confused, hazy, fuzzy, obscure, vague, unsure, imprecise, cloudy, dim, elusive, intangible, nebulous, shadowy, blurry.

How do you use jobless in a sentence?

1. They joined the ranks of the jobless. 2. Jobless and penniless , he had to sleep rough in the fields for several months.


What is uncertain situation?

1 not able to be accurately known or predicted. the issue is uncertain. 2 when postpositive, often foll by: of not sure or confident (about) a man of uncertain opinion. 3 not precisely determined, established, or decided.

What do you mean by uncertain life?

From big things to small, being uncertain does not mean you are lost or a failure. It just means you’re alive. At times, you may be overwhelmed by uncertainty, but if you can learn to deal with life’s uncertainty each day, you’ll be more confident and able to trust that things will work out for the best.

What is uncertain time?

adj. 1 not able to be accurately known or predicted.

What do Hessians mean?

The term “Hessians” refers to the approximately 30,000 German troops hired by the British to help fight during the American Revolution. They were principally drawn from the German state of Hesse-Cassel, although soldiers from other German states also saw action in America.

What means untruthful?

: not containing or telling the truth : false. Other Words from untruthful. untruthfully -​fə-​lē adverb.

What causes indecision?

The most common reason of all for being indecisive – fear of failure. Making a decision means you might be wrong. And nobody likes to be wrong. Being decisive can be intimidating.

Is being indecisive a bad thing?

Indecision isn’t always bad. Sometimes hesitation gives you valuable time to think about the situation. It gives you the chance to gather more information and weigh the facts. If you can’t make a quick decision, it may be a sign that the choice really matters to you.

What is mean hesitate?

1 : to hold back in doubt or indecision She didn’t hesitate when they offered her the job. 2 : to delay momentarily : pause He hesitated and waited for her to say something.

What is the feeling of Unsureness?

: not marked by or given to feelings of confident certainty : not sure was unsure of what to do. unsure of oneself. : lacking confidence in one’s abilities …
