What Type Of Word Is Munificence?


the quality of being munificent, or showing unusual generosity: The museum’s collection was greatly increased by the munificence of the family’s gift. Sometimes mu·nif·i·cent·ness .

Is Munificently a word?

adj. 1. Very liberal in giving; generous: a munificent benefactor. 2.

Where did the word other come from?

Old English oþer “second, the second of two; additional, further” (adj.), also as a pronoun, “one of the two; a different person or thing from the one in view,” from Proto-Germanic *anthera- (source also of Old Saxon athar, Old Frisian other, Old Norse annarr, Middle Dutch and Dutch ander, Old High German andar, German …

Who made the word history?

The word history comes from the Ancient Greek ἱστορία (historía), meaning “inquiry”, “knowledge from inquiry”, or “judge”. It was in that sense that Aristotle used the word in his History of Animals.

When was word first used?

Microsoft Word, word-processor software launched in 1983 by the Microsoft Corporation. Software developers Richard Brodie and Charles Simonyi joined the Microsoft team in 1981, and in 1983 they released Multi-Tool Word for computers that ran a version of the UNIX operating system (OS).

How is munificent pronounced?

Phonetic spelling of munificent

  1. myoo-nif-uh-suhnt. Katheryn West.
  2. mu-nif-i-cent.
  3. mu-nif-i-cen-t. Rory Lueilwitz.

What big hearted means?

: generous, charitable. Other Words from bighearted Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About bighearted.

What is the word bounteous mean?

1 : giving or disposed to give freely. 2 : liberally bestowed.

How is munificence calculated?

Munificence is measured as the coefficient resulting from regressing time against the industry sales divided by the mean value of the industry sales, using sales of four years as indicated in the Enterprise Survey of 2007 and 2013 (see for more information the explanation of the control variable ‘munificence’).

What is meant by magnanimity?

1 : the quality of being magnanimous : loftiness of spirit enabling one to bear trouble calmly, to disdain meanness and pettiness, and to display a noble generosity He had the magnanimity to forgive her for lying about him.

What drear means?

Definitions of drear. adjective. causing dejection. synonyms: blue, dark, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, drab, dreary, gloomy, grim, sorry cheerless, depressing, uncheerful. causing sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy.


What does infamy mean in ww2?

infamy Add to list Share. … The day the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, just before the start of World War II, was described by President Roosevelt as “a day that will live in infamy.” Infamy contains the root word fame, but rather than meaning “the opposite of famous,” its meaning is something closer to “fame gone bad.”

What is the noun for mendacious?

mendacity. (uncountable) The fact or condition of being untruthful; dishonesty. (countable) A deceit, falsehood, or lie.

What is another word for verified?

Some common synonyms of verify are authenticate, confirm, corroborate, substantiate, and validate.

What is Lion Hearted mean?

: courageous, brave. Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About lionhearted.

What does have a good heart mean?

: having a kindly generous disposition.

What does it mean when a guy says you have a big heart?

: to be kind and generous He has a big heart.

How do you use munificent in a sentence?

Munificent in a Sentence ?

  1. The wealthy actor always gives the members of his staff munificent appreciation gifts.
  2. If you were lucky enough to buy that particular technology stock early on, then soon you will be receiving some munificent rewards.

Who invented the first words?

The word is of Hebrew origin(it is found in the 30th chapter of Exodus). Also according to Wiki answers,the first word ever uttered was “Aa,” which meant “Hey!” This was said by an australopithecine in Ethiopia more than a million years ago.

What was before word?

My first computer word processing software was AppleWorks, on an Apple ][+, in the mid-1980s. Then (surprise) WordPerfect for DOS 5.0, then WP for Windows, then Word for Windows, then OpenOffice, and now LibreOffice at home and still Word at work.

Who is the father of MS word?

The first version of Microsoft Word was developed by Charles Simonyi and Richard Brodie, former Xerox programmers hired by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1981. Both programmers worked on Xerox Bravo, the first WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) word processor.

Who is the mother of history?

Answer: Abigail, Josephine, Adams and Anna are called as mothers of modern history.

What is history one word?

Explanation: Answer in one line: the study of past events, particularly in human affairs. History also means the whole series of past happenings related with a particular person or period.
