What Type Of Satire Is Tartuffe?


Tartuffe is a satirical comedic play written by Molière in 1664. It is focused around the family of Orgon and the character of Tartuffe, who has become Orgon’s personal holy man. Before being brought into Orgon’s home, Tartuffe was nothing more than a common beggar who learned how to act pious.

How is Tartuffe a comedy?

Tartuffe is a five-act stage comedy that satirizes religious hypocrisy. To win the laughter of the audience, the author infuses the play with witty dialogue, caricature, situation comedy, and irony. The setting is a middle-class home in Paris. The time is the 1660’s, when Louis XIV sat on the throne of France.

Is Tartuffe anti religious?

Religion, Piety, and Morals Theme Analysis. … Tartuffe does not use religion for good, but rather as a tool to manipulate those around him. He displays piety when others are watching, but drops his act as soon as he sees something he covets (such as Elmire, or Orgon’s wealth).

What is the lesson of Tartuffe?

In Tartuffe, we learn that, though there are some cases where right and wrong are clearly defined, more often than not we find ourselves in a gray area between the two extremes. However light and humorous Tartuffe may be, Molière has a real interest in teaching his audience about right and wrong.

Why did the church not like Tartuffe?

Explanation: Even though it was very well received, the Church saw it as a direct attack. A play about a hypocritical criminal masquerading as a holy man did not make the church particularly happy. Also Orgon, a member of the higher class, was portrayed as a fool.

Who is Tartuffe pretending to be?

Most of the characters realize that Tartuffe is a loathsome hypocrite who pretends to be a religious zealot. However, the wealthy Orgon and his mother fall for Tartuffe’s illusion. Before the action of the play, Tartuffe arrives at Orgon’s house as a mere vagrant.

Who is the hero in Tartuffe?

Orgon is the protagonist in Tartuffe. He is a wealthy member of the French upper class.

Why did Tartuffe get banned?

Tartuffe was banned because the influential members of the church believed it was anti-religious.

How is Tartuffe a hypocrite?

The title character of this work, Tartuffe, is the ultimate hypocrite: his sinful actions completely contradict the Catholic values that he preaches. Although Tartuffe claims to be pious, charitable, and holy, he is in fact lustful, greedy, and treacherous.

Why does Tartuffe not appear until the third act What is the effect of this delayed entrance?

In Tartuffe by Molière, the actual character Tartuffe does not enter the scene until the third act of the play. However, Molière is able to establish Tartuffe’s hypocrisy beforehand through what other characters say about him. … We therefore learn almost immediately that Tartuffe has deceived someone.

Who is Tartuffe in love with?

Elmire, Orgon’s wife, arrives and Tartuffe, thinking that they are alone, makes some professions of love to Elmire and suggests that they become lovers.

Who has the most power in Tartuffe?

The most powerful character in Tartuffe is King Louis XIV.


Is cleante Orgons brother?

CLÉANTE, Orgon’s brother-in-law, tries, usually unsuccessfully, to get everyone to view things with calm and reason. TARTUFFE, a hypocrite, is a superb scoundrel who can don any pose and become a master of it.

What is the message in Tartuffe?

The main theme of “Tartuffe” is hypocrisy. Tartuffe is a pretentious person who is nothing like the devout, holy man he tries to convince everyone that he is. He is, in fact, a dishonest, hypocritical, swindler.

How does the play Tartuffe end?

Tartuffe evicts the family, but as they begin to leave, a messenger from the king arrives. He arrests Tartuffe for his nefarious actions against Orgon. The king also invalidates the paperwork that gives Tartuffe Orgon’s home. This ending is pleasing not only for Orgon, but the audience as well.

What act does Tartuffe first appear?

Tartuffe: Summary & Analysis Act I Scene 1 | Tartuffe Play Summary & Study Guide | CliffsNotes.

What made Molière so controversial?

In 1662, at the age of 40, Molière married Madeleine’s daughter, Armande, resulting in a noisy scandal and accusations of incest.

Why did the Catholic Church condemn Tartuffe?

Copies of Molèire’s 1664 script were banned, burned, and lost to history after leaders of the Catholic church condemned the comedy as an attack on religion. … This kind of religious satire (as it was later deemed) had no place in public life, lest it provoke undesirable behavior in its audience.

How many times did Molière rewrite Tartuffe?

Tartuffe, comedy in five acts by Molière, produced in 1664 and published in French in 1669 as Le Tartuffe; ou, l’imposteur (“Tartuffe; or, The Imposter”). It was also published in English as The Imposter.

What is the main theme of Tartuffe?

The central theme of Tartuffe is the exploration of religious hypocrisy in contrast to true Christian virtue. Tartuffe is a hypocrite because he creates an outward appearance of extreme piety and religious devotion while secretly leading a life of crime and immoral behavior.

Why is Tartuffe so important to Orgon?

Tartuffe was a poor peasant before he came into Orgon’s house. On the contrary, Orgon was of significant possession as a merchant and the king server, which, thus, incentivized Tartuffe to approach Orgon in an effort to escape his poverty.

What does Tartuffe use to manipulate others?

Tartuffe’s primary skill in manipulating Orgon is his ability to read Orgon’s character and employ the strategy of reverse psychology.

Who does Tartuffe attempt to seduce?

Tartuffe tries to seduce Elmire, but she fends him off and agrees not to tell Orgon about his attempted seduction if Tartuffe promises to let Mariane marry Valere. Damis overhears everything and threatens to reveal Tartuffe’s hypocrisy.
