What Time Of Year Can I Lay Turf?


Lightly firm down the turves with the head of a rake or piece of wood to ensure good contact between the underside of the turf and the soil. Any remaining cracks can be filled with a light soil (Turf & Lawn Seeding Topsoil is ideal) and tamped down.

Can you lay turf in the rain?

It’s fine to lay turf in just about any type of weather – just so long as you can prepare the ground properly. … If you can work your soil into a nice friable consistency without making a soggy mess, then yes, it’s OK to lay turf in the rain.

Can you lay turf in winter?

Generally the cold weather won’t affect laying turf either. Winter is actually a great time to lay turf as it gives the turf time to settle and root before the summer months when you’ll be wanting to use the lawn more often.

What is the best month to lay new turf?

Turf is best laid in mid-autumn, but can be laid any time between mid-autumn and late winter whenever the soil is not too wet or frosty. In spring and autumn little mowing is needed so newly-laid turf can be left relatively undisturbed for several weeks.

What happens if you walk on new turf?

Do ensure that your new turf is regularly watered to prevent the grass from being put under stress. Don’t walk on your new turf until it has been properly rooted into the soil, this could take a several weeks. … Dog urine can cause brown patches in your grass as well as causing it to burn.

Do you wet the soil before laying turf?

Wet soil is a lot easier compacted and will do so when walked on, which could lead to dips, uneven patches and even damaged rooting. Make sure that you use laying boards to walk over and alleviate the risk. Another really important point to consider when laying turf in the wet weather is watering your turf.

Should you wet the ground before laying sod?

Laying sod is a gratifying experience—you get a new, green lawn in no time! The time to lay sod is early morning before it gets too hot. The soil in the planting area should be moist, not soggy or dry. Water thoroughly one or two days before the sod is delivered so that the top several inches of soil are wetted.

Do you lay turf on wet or dry soil?

You can lay turf at any time of the year, as long as the ground is not frozen, waterlogged, muddy or very dry. The main thing is that you prepare the ground properly so that your turf can establish itself quickly and take root. Spring and autumn tend to be the best times for laying new turf.

Do I need to remove old grass before laying new turf?

Laying new turf over old lawn is possible, but results will not be satisfactory in the long run. New grass will grow over old turf, however, your lawn’s condition will deteriorate over time as the old grass dies. For best results, you should always remove any old vegetation before laying new turf.

Should you compact topsoil before laying turf?

This is a great question and is fundamental in helping your lawn to look great in the future. A deep root run is the key to great grass. Compacting soil too much and the roots will not be able to penetrate. Too little and the soil will sink, creating a lumpy lawn.

How long does turf take to root?

The whole process of laying turf can take up to four weeks depending on weather and how well the ground was prepared prior to laying the fresh turf. During these four weeks, the roots in the turf will grow into the soil and the turf will become stronger and more able to withstand harsh weather conditions.

How soon after laying turf can I mow?

Mowing should commence as soon as the turf is adhering to the soil. This can be as soon as within 10 days of laying in the summer. A good way to check is to turn back a corner of one of the turves. If it is well anchored by roots it is alright to start mowing.


How long after laying turf can you walk on it?

When can I walk on my new lawn? It is best to wait for about three weeks. This will have given the roots the time to knit into the soil below.

How do you look after freshly laid turf?

There are 5 rules to caring for new turf

  1. Water regularly, never let the ground dry out.
  2. Keep off the grass until it has rooted in.
  3. Mow little and often once the grass is growing well.
  4. Top up soil nutrient levels to encourage strong root growth.
  5. Don’t allow fallen leaves or debris to accumulate on your new lawn.

Can I lay sod without tilling?

If your yard has soft soil that is not compacted, you can install sod without tilling. This can save you time, money, and result in a beautiful yard. In order to install sod with the no-till method: Test your soil to make sure it is soft enough that tilling isn’t necessary.

Should I fertilize before laying new sod?

Tips for Laying Sod | Be sure to fertilize first!

Apply a Starter Fertilizer first, before laying down the sod. You would also want to include an application of Gypsum, which will loosen the existing ground and encourage a healthier root system.

Can u lay sod in mud?

Any dead grass, clumps of mud or clay, twigs, roots, rocks, and other debris must be removed from the ground before you install the sod. The soil should be tilled, as well, and topsoil should be added to fill in low areas of soil to create a level foundation for the sod.

Does turf sink after laying?

So that your lawn won’t sink in places after the turf has been laid, the soil needs to be firmed and settled. Make your way across the lawn doing the “gardeners shuffle”.

Should you leave gaps laying turf?

When you lay turf for a new lawn, it’s important that the pieces butt up tightly together. … However, if your new lawn looks dry and brown and the gaps between turfs seem to be getting wider, you may have a problem with shrinkage.

How dry should soil be before turfing?

Your soil should be watered a day before your install your turf. If it dries out, water it again. As always, the aim is to have moist, not soggy, soil. Tip: In hot weather, it’s important to lay turf on damp soil in order to avoid damaging the tender roots of your new grass.

How do I know if my new turf is dying?

You may see the leaves at the edge of each turf turning yellow and then brown. The grass in the middle of the turves will start to look patchy and unhealthy. Eventually the turf will die. In hot weather, unwatered turves can be completely dead within 48-72 hours.

How long should I water newly laid turf?

New turf may require watering twice a day for the first week, then 2-3 times a week, then, after 3-6 weeks, once a week. Once your turf is established, it is best to water it well before noon, so it will dry off before evening.

How long does a new lawn take to establish?

Whether you’re repairing bare spots, overseeding an existing lawn or starting from scratch, you can generally expect grass seedlings to emerge within seven to 21 days when grown under proper conditions. It may take another three to four weeks of growth before grass is long enough to mow.
