What Soil Is Best For Monstera?


Monstera thrive in a well-draining potting mix; a premium potting mix is a good place to start, but a cacti/succulent mix or even chunky orchid mix works great to help with drainage.

What should I repot my Monstera in?

Repot your monstera at any time of year using all-purpose potting soil. Since these plants prefer to be pot-bound, it’s a good idea to repot only every two to three years. Once your monstera is in a container with a diameter of eight inches or larger, top-dress with fresh potting soil rather than repotting.

Can I use orchid potting mix for my Monstera?

You can combine 1 part of miracle grow potting mix with 1 part of coco fiber and a handful of perlite or orchid mix. This would provide your monstera with a well-draining soil that is nutrient-rich and can support the growth of your beautiful monstera foliage.

Do Monstera like to be root bound?

No, the Monstera Adansonii does not like to be root bound. Without the ability to get the water and nutrients into the soil that it needs, this plant won’t grow to its full potential. Young plants should be repotted once a year, and as it gets older, it can be repotted every two years.

Should I water Monstera after repotting?

Water the pot deeply right after potting. Wait a week or two and then resume a monthly feeding with liquid fertilizer during watering. Swiss cheese plant may simply get too big for its britches.

How do I know if my Monstera needs repotting?

A Monstera deliciosa should be repotted every two years, preferably during the spring when it enters the growing season. Signs that a Monstera needs to be replanted sooner include overgrown roots, a lack of new growth, and poor water retention.

Do Monstera like to be misted?

Monstera Deliciosa enjoys a humid environment, which is why we recommend frequent misting of its leaves. Alternatively, you can place your plant close to other plants, which increases the humidity of the air around them.

Why are variegated Monstera so expensive?

Variegated Monsteras are so expensive because of their rarity and popularity. The lack of chlorophyll in the leaves means it needs more light and grows slower. Slower growth means slower propagation and fewer new plants. … Growers have discovered that people will pay a lot of money for a variegated Monstera.

Does Monstera need direct sunlight?

Monsteras appreciate a warm, humid environment, a good amount of water and gentle sunlight. Place your Monstera where it can receive medium to bright indirect light.

Why is my Monstera not splitting?

You May Not Be Watering Correctly. Whilst insufficient light tends to be the most common reason why your monstera won’t produce split leaves, incorrect watering or fertilisation may also be a contributing factor.

How do you encourage Monstera growth?

The best way to make your Monstera grow faster is by giving it more light. The houseplant grows well in bright light. However, it doesn’t need direct sunlight. You can also make the plant grow taller by watering it properly, boosting the humidity around it, keeping it clean, and fertilizing it.

How do you get Monstera to climb?

What is the best way to make Monstera deliciosa climb? By providing a support structure such as a moss pole, coco coir pole, or trellis, you can encourage your Monstera deliciosa to grow upright. This trains it to follow its natural inclination for climbing and may lead to a healthier plant with larger leaves.


When should I mist my Monstera?

This plant will thrive in almost any environment, but if you want to give it a special treat, gently mist it once a week. It’s best to mist your Monstera in the morning so the water has plenty of time to evaporate before evening. Normal room temperatures between 60-80 degrees are great for your Monstera.

How long does it take a Monstera leaf to unfurl?

It can take anywhere from 1-7 weeks for your monstera houseplant to fully unfurl. If you’ve provided the perfect environment as well as proper monstera care, the new leaf may unfurl at a quicker rate, like under a week, depending on how old it is and what kind of monstera plant it is.

Should I mist my Monstera Adansonii?

If you have a bright window in your kitchen or bathroom, your Monstera adansonii will love a spot right there where it is warm and humid. Otherwise, temporary increase humidity by misting your plant frequently. … You could also get a humidifier and place it near the plant to keep the humidity up.

Does my Monstera need support?

Monstera deliciosa is a climber in its natural habitat, using its aerial roots to cling to large trees, so you should provide it with moss-covered support sticks or a trellis. If its aerial roots get unruly you can trim them, but it’s best to just tuck them back into the pot.

Can I fertilize Monstera after repotting?

Fertilizing After Repotting

If you repotted your Monstera during the growth cycle, then you can skip a dose of fertilizer. The new potting soil will have some fertilizer in it already and you don’t want to shock your plant. After that, you can resume fertilizing. Monsteras are pretty hardy plants.

Should you water plants at night?

Watering at night is not the best for your plants’ leaves or overall health. … Because of this, damp leaves become extra vulnerable to fungal development. Try to avoid watering late, especially if you live in a climate with humid nights. Wet leaves and moist weather are perfect conditions for fungus.

Does my Monstera need a moss pole?

Monstera is a vining plant from the rainforests of Mexico and Central America that makes use of aerial roots to climb up and through the branches of trees in its native habitat. … In the home, maturing plants will need the support of a moss covered pole that they can climb.

How do you make Monstera Adansonii bushier?

How do you make a Monstera adansonii bushy? This is done by pruning. If you start doing this earlier on, tip pruning will do the trick to keep your plant bushy. If it’s too leggy, you can propagate it by the stem cutting method in water or a light soil mix and replant.

Will Monstera grow back after cutting?

After cutting the Monstera it will create a new growing point from the nearest node where the cut was made. Within a few months, the part of the plant that you cut away will have completely grown back.

How long does a Monstera Leaf last?

Fresh cut Monstera (Swiss Cheese) leaves can last 1-3 weeks! These tropical plants produce large, leathery leaves that are slow to evaporate water and are perfect displayed with just one or two other leaves.
