What Size Hooks For Trotlines?


A trotline should lie along the bottom, hooks attached to the main line with line 18 to 24 inches long. For big catfish I use number 6-0 hooks, and the nylon “staging” lines should be at least 60- or 80-pound test.

Can you use circle hooks on trotlines?

per run (even if you don’t use the new trotline model) is to switch to circle hooks. A 6/0 straight hook won’t give you half the holding power that a 6/0 circle hook will provide. They’re that good… and definitely worth the extra cost.

What kind of hooks are good for catfish?

Circle hooks are the most popular hook for catfish. There’s no argument that circle hooks are the most widely used and popular hooks for catching catfish, especially among the hardcore catters. That wasn’t always the case though as the popularity of circle hooks has really exploded in the last five to ten years.

What type of hook do you use for live bait?

For live-bait fishing, I recommend thin wire hooks. This style penetrates your bait more easily and damages it less, thus allowing it to move freely on the hook and stay alive longer than when using heavy-weight hooks. Most live-bait hooks for inshore salt waters range from size 1/0 to 8/0.

What hooks to use for live minnows?

The size of hook you use depends on how large the minnows you’re fishing are.

  • For minnows under 3 inches (7.5 cm), a size 4 or size 6 hook works best.
  • For minnows 4 to 5 inches (10 to 12.5 cm) or larger, you can go as large as a size 2, 1/0, or even 2/0. .

Why are circle hooks better?

Benefits of circle hooks

Reduced deep hooking – improved survival of released fish and decreased loss of fishing tackle. Improved hook-up and landing rates for many species. The strike time is not as crucial for hook-up of fish.

Do you set the hook with Kahle hooks?

Kahle Hook Tips:

With Kahle hooks, the fisherman can choose not to actively set the hook, similar to how a circle hook operates, and still succeed in hooking a fish. Some fishermen enjoy setting the hook though, and that’s where the Kahle hook can surpass a circle.

Do you use a bobber for catfish?

Slip bobbers can be effective for blue catfish and flathead catfish also in some applications but for channel catfish, they’re the “go-to” catfish rig for many anglers. … You might also find situations when fishing for blues and flatheads where you’ll want to fish with slip bobbers as well.

How do you run trotlines?

How to Run a Trotline. Tie one end of your trotline to the handle of the float. Then, using oars or a paddle, move your boat away from the weight and float — or use the wind to drift — and as the hooks come along, you bait them and drop them in.

Where should Trotlines be set?

Good locations for trotlines are around bluffs, huge rocks or across deep holes. Wherever you put your line, make sure the weights are distributed in such a fashion that all hooks are carried to the bottom. A variety of bait can be used on trotlines. Various species of small non-gamefish work well.


Are Trotlines illegal?

There are many ways to set a trotline, with most methods involving weights to hold the cord below the surface of the water. They are used for catching crabs or fish (particularly catfish). Trotlines should be used with caution as they are illegal in many locations.

Is it a trotline or trotline?

Trotline is just that common word we all use when we mention that hook-filled line fishermen tie between two points.

Why use offset hooks?

Offset round bend hooks are commonly used for large worms and bulky creature-style baits because the hook’s barb penetrates the bait further down the area of the soft plastic. The offset round bend is used in open-water Texas rigging, dragging or stroking a worm off the bottom, and in a variety of sparse cover.

What is a Kahle hook?

A Kahle hook is somewhere in between a circle and a J-hook. It was developed by the prominent Eagle Claw company and is similar to a wide gap or shiner hook. Its commonly used with live bait such as shiners, fathead minnows, shrimp etc.

What is the difference between circle hook and octopus hook?

Octopus hooks are like circle or j hooks, except that the eye is bent backwards. … However, the tip of the hook is at the same angle as the eye, so that even if you tie a knot directly to the eye, it will still effectively hook into a fish’s mouth.

Do the hooks hurt the fish?

Catch-and-release fishing is seen as a harmless hobby thanks in part to the belief that fish do not experience pain, and so they do not suffer when a hook pierces their lips, jaws, or other body parts.

Do circle hooks set themselves?

1. Circle Hooks “Set The Hook” Themselves. When using circle hooks, it’s important that you don’t jerk (“set”) the hook when you get a bite. … Alternatively, if your rod is stationary, such as in a rod holder, and the fish makes a run with your bait, the rod and fish will work in tandem to set the hook for you.

Do you use a bobber with minnows?

Bobbers are essential for shallow fishing with minnows. To practice this technique, you will need a bobber, hook, bobber stopper, split shot, and of course, a minnow. Bobber stoppers are there to control how deep your bait goes. … Bobber setup with a minnow is great to catch bass, crappies or catfish.

Do bass eat minnows?

Some of the bigger bait fish that anglers use for bass are chubs, golden shiners and suckers. Using minnows in this size range will usually get you plenty of action with lots of better-sized bass and some very big bass mixed in too. Largemouth bass from 1 to 5 pounds will gladly eat minnows in this size range.
