What Month Do You Cut Hay?


Initial tedding should be performed after a brief wilting period following a morning cutting while the hay is still moist (two to four hours). In very damp conditions, tedding may need to be done immediately after cutting. A second pass is usually done the next day, and the hay is raked and baled that afternoon.

When can you make hay UK?

Cut the meadow no earlier than late June, or mid July in upland areas where grass growth is slower. You can cut later if the weather is wet. Try to avoid repeated late cuts as it will decrease the number of wildflower species. If wet weather means you cannot make hay, you can make haylage.

When should I rake alfalfa hay?

If raking is necessary when the hay is below 40% moisture content then gently rake early in the morning before the dew has completely evaporated. The recommended time to bale hay is based primarily on moisture content of the hay. It is recommended to bale alfalfa when moisture is between 18 and 20%.

How long should hay dry before raking?

It basically takes about three days of good weather to cure hay, which can be a challenge in late May or early June.

Can you feed hay straight off the field?

In perfect conditions — where the hay has been baled at less than 12% moisture and is very dry — it is safe to feed straight away, but this isn’t often the case, Tim explains: “The main reason for allowing a period of anywhere between two and eight weeks before feeding freshly made hay is to allow for a process called …

Is haylage better than hay?

Haylage dry matter has about 10% higher nutritional value than hay so if you are feeding the equivalent in terms of dry matter, you can also cut down on supplementary feed as less will be needed to meet the horses energy requirements.

How many times can you harvest hay in a year?

How Many Times Can You Harvest Hay in a Year? Depending on your soil and grass growth rate, you can harvest hay two or three times a year. In some places, you can even stretch for a fourth crop, but the harvest won’t be as fruitful.

Can you over Ted hay?

If you wait to ted until later in the drying process, your crop loss can approach 10 percent or more. Any time farmers touch hay with machinery they can damage it.

Can you Ted hay with dew on it?

If drying conditions are lousy and rain is coming or hay is heavy may ted a second time. This is for any type, grass or legume or mix, if lots of legume use slow rpm and do it with dew on. Often times you only have a few hour window to do it right.

How long after cutting hay can you bale it?

Subject: RE: How long does your hay lay to bale dry? Cut first thing in the morning, ted about 2-4 hours later, do nothing the next day, rake as soon as dew is off (-48 hours after cutting), let dry about 3 hours, and bale. Sometime takes an extra day to dry or occasionally a day less if perfect weather.

Can you bale hay at night?

Baling at night is nice if your climate will allow. Then the leaves start to toughen up before the stems and the outside before the bottom. “We used to go to the field when the air felt right. That is above 50 percent relative humidity.


What time of day is best to cut hay?

With all of these factors in mind, it is best to cut hay when there is the greatest opportunity for successful drying, or early in the morning after the dew has dried off. As the old saying goes, “make hay while the sun shines!”

Is it OK to mix hay and haylage?

It isn’t advisable for horses who are prone to weight gain or those who suffer from laminitis. Some horses can find haylage too rich for their digestive tract and it can upset them. Some people have found though that mixing hay and haylage to balance in this situation may be the answer!

Is haylage higher in sugar than hay?

During fermentation, sugars in the haylage are converted to lactic acid and volatile fatty acids (VFA), meaning that contrary to popular belief, haylage is normally lower in sugar than hay. Haylage is, however, higher in protein, and more digestible than hay giving it a higher DE content.

How long will haylage last once opened?

Once opened, the bales should ideally be used within 6 days, but will last up to 10 days in the winter.

How long does hay need to sit before feeding?

So how soon can you feed new hay? If the hay is cut and bailed in perfect conditions with less than 12% moisture in the bale, it should be safe to feed straight away. But due to how hard this is to get accurate; it is recommended to wait 2-8 weeks before feeding.

Can horses eat hay that has been rained on?

Hay that has gotten wet and is fed immediately is perfectly fine to feed to horses, and a bale of hay that has been rained on and then dried thoroughly, and fed within a week or so is also not going to cause any problem whatsoever.

How long after cutting hay can horses graze?

6 to 8 weeks depending on how well made it is. Any less could cause colic.

How dry does hay need to be for round bale?

What is “Dry Enough?” Much of the original research suggests hay moisture content should be kept less than 20% for small rectangular bales, less than 18% for round bales, and less than 16% for large rectangular bales.

Can hay get too dry to bale?

While hay with exceptionally low moisture might not be at risk of growing mold and bacteria, that’s because much of that hay’s nutritional value is already gone. When hay is too dry before baling, the leaves of the forage become stiff and brittle, making them much more likely to fall off.

How do you test moisture in hay?

Weigh the dry hay to determine the “dry weight.” Divide the dry weight by the wet weight, and convert to a percent number. Subtract this number from 100 to get your moisture content percentage.
