What Month Do Cyclamen Go Dormant?


In theory, cyclamen should become dormant in summer. As the weather warms, flowering stops and the leaves turn yellow. This is a sign that the plant wants to rest, so stop watering! To keep it dry, sit your plant on a windowsill, or on a covered balcony.

How do I get my cyclamen back dormant?

To revive your cyclamen, you might try the same regimen as used after this dormancy period. Re-pot the tuber in a good compost and sand mix, set in an area that is sunny, but cool, and water as directed above. For all the trouble of reviving them, most folks toss out their cyclamens once they go dormant.

Do cyclamen come back every year?

A delightful tuberous perennial providing colour often when little else is flowering, particularly in late winter or early spring.

Can cyclamen stay outside in winter?

Outdoors. They can be used in hanging baskets and containers or planted into the ground. They don’t like heavy rain and strong winds so would appreciate a sheltered site in dappled shade with dry soil. They are fairly hardy and can tolerate frost down to about -3 to -4C (24 – 26F).

What to do when cyclamen finished flowering?

How to Treat Cyclamen After Blooming

  1. Gradually cut back on watering when the leaves begin to wilt and turn yellow.
  2. Use scissors to remove all remaining dead and dying foliage.
  3. Place the tuber in a container with the top half of the tuber sitting above the surface of the soil.

Why has my cyclamen stopped flowering?

why is my cyclamen not flowering? Flowering times will vary according to the variety. But if tubers are planted too deeply they may not flower. And cyclamen in pots will need nutrients, so re-pot indoor plants in fresh compost in autumn.

How long does a cyclamen stay dormant?

As sorry as your Cyclamen may look, this is the process! Leave your mini plant undisturbed in its cool, dark place until September-December, about 2-3 months. That’s right: Care for your Cyclamen during dormancy by essentially not caring for it.

How do you get cyclamen to rebloom?

Begin fertilizing monthly, and place the plant in near a bright window in a cool room – about 65 °F (a bit colder at night – even as cool as 40 °F). The plant will start growing again and develop new blooms. Keep up the normal care of cyclamen and the plant will continue to grow and send blooms.

Do cyclamen like sun or shade?

The tubers are actually just “resting,” and need only enough water to keep from completely drying out until new leaves emerge in the fall. They tolerate sun or partial shade, but need protection from hot sun in the afternoons.

Should you deadhead cyclamen?

Deadheading. In order to extend the flowering of your cyclamen you will need to deadhead regularly and inspect the foliage for any faded leaves or signs of disease. … Do not cut the stems as this acts as a pathway for plant diseases such as botrytis to reach the tuber.

Is cyclamen poisonous to dogs?

Cyclamen contains irritating saponins, and when any part of the plant (especially the tubers or roots) are chewed or ingested by dogs and cats, it can result in clinical signs of drooling, vomiting and diarrhea.


How do you take care of a cyclamen in the winter?

Your cyclamen needs a cool, bright spot to thrive. Keep away from direct sunlight. Keep the soil moist but do not overwater – this is a common way to kill cyclamen. If you want your plant to flower again the following autumn, you will need to let it go dormant over the summer, reducing watering.

Do cyclamen bloom again?

Cyclamen Care After Blooming

With proper cyclamen plant care, you can help it through its dormancy and it will rebloom in a few months. (Please note that hardy cyclamen planted outdoors will go through this process naturally and do not need extra care to rebloom.)

Do cyclamen spread?

All very cunning and exotic, maybe, but cyclamen are easy to grow and when they are happy, they spread and flower and spread and … The leaves follow the flowers and so emerge either as deciduous trees are dropping their own foliage or when they are completely bare.

What is wrong with my cyclamen?

Droopy cyclamen flowers occur when a plant has too much water. Cyclamens prefer moist soil but not boggy conditions. … Plants that are kept too wet will develop drooping leaves as well as crown rot. This results in the core of the plant being overrun by fungal disease and causes eventual plant death.

Do cyclamen bloom all summer?

In the right conditions, the plants will bloom continuously for a couple of months. … During the hot, dry summers, cyclamen become dormant; their foliage yellows and dies back and plants show no signs of growth. They store energy for the next flowering season in their round tubers.

How do you care for an indoor cyclamen?

Cyclamen should be kept moist by watering in a tray and allowing the roots to take up the water rather than watering from above the plant which can lead to rotting. Remove yellow leaves and spent flowers. When cyclamen are done blooming they can be discarded or the corm can be saved.

Can I leave my cyclamen outside?

Cyclamen sold as houseplants can spend the summer outside but are not always fully hardy and should be kept indoors from late-autumn through until late-spring so they are not damaged by frost.

Will cyclamen flower all winter?

Cyclamen are hardy plants, flowering through the winter.

How do I look after my outdoor cyclamen?

They appreciate partial shade and fairly well-drained, reasonably fertile soil. Mulch once a year with leaf mould – or bark chips are good in frost prone areas. Cyclamen make lovely winter houseplants. Removing stems once each flower has finished will keep them producing more over a long period.

Is cyclamen toxic to humans?

Cyclamen (Primulaceae) is a flowering plant commonly seen around the winter holidays. Cyclamen tubers contain triterpinoidsaponins, which can cause nausea, vomiting, convulsions, and paralysis. This plant is more of a concern for pets than humans.

Are cyclamen poisonous to cats and dogs?

Cyclamen. While several aspects of this plant are poisonous to cats and dogs, it is the root which is especially dangerous.
