What Kind Of Chickens Lay Easter Eggs?


“Easter Eggers” are a mixed breed chicken with delightful, amusing personalities that many people add to their flock due to the fact that they lay eggs in a wide variety of colors, including blue, pink, green, sage, and yellow.

How can you tell the difference between ameraucana and Easter Eggers?

If your Ameraucana has yellow feet, or some other color it is an Easter Egger. Skin color is the same color as the feet, the feet is just the easiest way to see it. Ameraucanas have pink/white skin. They don’t have yellow, or any other color.

At what age do Easter Eggers start laying?

Easter Eggers begin laying at seven months, a little later than other breeds, but once they begin, they are good layers of large and sometimes extra large eggs that vary in color, as explained above.

What is the friendliest breed of chicken?

Below are 18 of the friendliest chicken breeds that will fit right in with your flock and won’t make egg collection a physical chore.

  • Silkie.
  • Plymouth Rock.
  • Speckled Sussex.
  • Buff Orpington.
  • Rhode Island Red.
  • Cochin.
  • Wyandotte.
  • Australorp.

Can Easter Eggers fly?

Easter Egger chickens can fly, but they generally like to stick to the comfort of the flock. Unless you have another more flighty bird in your flock, the chances are that your Easter Eggers will stay put on your side of the fence.

Are Easter Eggers genetically modified?

The Ameraucana was bred from mixed-breed chickens and Araucanas. They were developed to the breeders’ liking, and so a standard was issued. They were bred to retain the blue gene for eggs but eliminate the parents’ lethal gene, which caused ear tufts.

Why are Easter Eggers eggs green?

Because of the many breeds that go into them, Easter eggers come in many colors and patterns. The pigment oocyanin deposited on the surface of the shell accounts for the blue-green color. Easter eggers are hardy and excellent layers.

What breed of chickens lay purple eggs?

Sadly, there is no chicken breed that lays truly purple eggs. If your eggs look purple, it’s the bloom to blame. The bloom is a protective layer on the outside of the gg that helps prevent bacteria from entering the shell. It also helps the eggs stay fresh.

What Colour eggs do black chickens lay?

Black chickens lay white to brown eggs and every shade in between like regular chickens. It’s not the color of a chicken’s feathers or skin that determines what color eggs they lay, as I’ll explain in this article.

Are blue eggs safe to eat?

Specifically, it changes the chemistry of the eggshell so that it can take in biliverdin, a bile pigment, from the chicken’s uterus. … And not necessarily harmful; blue eggs are widely eaten and the Araucana, in particular, is a very popular exotic chicken breed.

What colors do Easter Eggers lay?

A: Hens of the Araucana and Ameraucana breeds lay eggs with pale blue to bluish green shells. The chickens known as “Easter Eggers” can lay blue, green, olive or even pink eggs.

Can Easter Eggers lay green eggs?

While both chickens are wonderful, they are definitely two different varieties. Ameraucanas generally always lay blue eggs, while Easter Eggers can lay blue, green, emerald, or even pink eggs. You can discover more about Ameraucanas here.

How many eggs do Easter Eggers lay?

Egg Production


We imported this breed because of their prolific laying abilities and egg size. This breed will lay approximately 280 eggs per year. Easter Eggers are good layers, with egg sizes from large to extra-large.

Can Easter Eggers lay white eggs?

Some of the most popular crosses are called Easter Egger or Olive Egger chickens. Easter Eggers can lay a variety of colors from blue to green and sometimes even pink. … If hens lay colored eggs, look at the inside of the shells to see the importance of calcium. White eggs will be white all the way through.

Do all Easter Eggers have green legs?

Many Easter Eggers will have colored legs as well. Some hens will have green legs. This can range from a pea green to a willow green color. It’s a different look from the traditional yellow or black legs seen in white or brown egg layers.

Are Easter Eggers noisy?

Easter Eggers, for example, are a breed that tend to be incredibly broody. These are sweet, non-aggressive chickens, but tend to make a lot of noise at all times (particularly when they are getting ready to lay eggs).

Can you eat Easter Egger Rooster?

Meat: Easter Eggers make good table birds at around 5 months between 4.5 lbs. to 5 lbs. The meat has been said to taste a bit like quail and is a white meat.

How long do Easter Egger chickens live?

Easter Egger is a hybrid type of hen and is sought after due to their eggs that are laid in a variety of colors. Since they do not lay as many eggs as the Golden Comets, they generally have a longer chicken lifespan. Easter Egger can live around 8 years old.

Will chickens fly over a 6 foot fence?

Yes, chickens can fly over a 6-foot fence, especially when they are very motivated. One way to prevent them from going over the fence and foraging on the other side is by adding a wire at the top of the fence.

What is the best chicken for beginners?

Top 10 Chicken Breeds for Beginners

  1. Rhode Island Reds. Rhode Island Reds were my very first chickens, and so, of course, they had to be Number one on the list. …
  2. Australorp. …
  3. Buff Orpingtons. …
  4. Leghorns. …
  5. Barred Plymouth Rock. …
  6. Jersey Giant. …
  7. Easter Egger. …
  8. Sussex.

What is the calmest chicken breed?

Calm chicken breeds list

  • Jersey Giant.
  • Brahma.
  • Cochin.
  • Cornish.
  • Orpington.
  • Plymouth Rock.
  • Dorking.
  • Sussex.

Will a chicken bite you?

You, or some other less suspecting person or child, could get hurt. Jacob says that while male and female chickens can attack, roosters tend to be more violent, and by use of spurs, as well as the beak, they can draw blood on unprotected skin. … Hens can also adopt unpleasant behaviors.

Are Olive Eggers good layers?

Production: Olive Eggers are good layers of about 180-200 large-sized eggs per year. Temperament: Because of the genetic diversity in Olive Eggers, there tend to be a lot of individualized personalities. But in general, Olive Eggers are friendly and mellow birds, getting along well with other breeds.
