What Is Vivid Language?


Vivid language helps your listeners create strong, distinct, clear, and memorable mental images. Good vivid language usage helps an audience member truly understand and imagine what a speaker is saying. Two common ways to make your speaking more vivid are through the use of imagery and rhythm.

What is vivid figurative language?

This view of figurative language focuses on the use of figures of speech that play with the meaning of words, such as metaphor, simile, personification, and hyperbole.

What is vivid in communication?

To sum it up, vivid language is used to stimulate a mental image in the minds of the attendees. … This means using clear language so the audience understands what you mean. Be sure to use concrete words so your audience can visualize the person, place or thing that you’re going to talk about.

What is true vivid language?

Vivid language. helps your listeners create strong, distinct, clear, and memorable mental images. Good vivid language usage helps an audience member truly understand and imagine what a speaker is saying. Two common ways to make your speaking more vivid are through the use of imagery and rhythm.

How do you use the word vivid?

Examples of vivid in a Sentence

He gave a vivid description of the scene. The book includes many vivid illustrations. The dream was very vivid. She could remember the dream in vivid detail.

What is figurative language and examples?

Figurative language is when you describe something by comparing it to something else. The words or phrases that are used don’t have a literal meaning. It uses metaphors, allusions, similes, hyperboles and other examples to help describe the object you are talking about.

What are 5 examples of figurative language?

They include:

  • Simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things and uses the words “like” or “as” and they are commonly used in everyday communication. …
  • Metaphor. A metaphor is a statement that compares two things that are not alike. …
  • Hyperbole. …
  • Personification. …
  • Synecdoche. …
  • Onomatopoeia.

What are the 7 figurative language?

Personification, onomatopoeia , Hyperbole, Alliteration, Simily, Idiom, Metaphor.

What is appropriate language?

Appropriate Language: Overview

When writing, it is very important to use language that fits your audience and matches purpose. Inappropriate language uses can damage your credibility, undermine your argument, or alienate your audience.

What is vivid writing?

What Is Vivid Writing? Vivid writing paints a clear picture using descriptive language, energizing your writing and making memorable mental images stick in your readers’ minds. Descriptive language helps business writing, bloggers, novelists, and screenwriters alike.

What does a vivid person mean?

full of life; lively; animated: a vivid personality. presenting the appearance, freshness, spirit, etc., of life; realistic: a vivid account.

What is a vivid example?

vividest. See word origin. Frequency: The definition of vivid is something that is bright, intense or full of life. An example of vivid is the imagination of a child.

How do I make my speech vivid?

Use Vivid Language

Good vivid language usage helps an audience member truly understand and imagine what a speaker is saying. Two common ways to make your speaking more vivid are through the use of imagery and rhythm.


What are the 10 types of figurative language?

10 Types of Figurative Language

  • Simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two separate concepts through the use of a clear connecting word such as “like” or “as.” …
  • Metaphor. A metaphor is like a simile, but without connecting words. …
  • Implied metaphor. …
  • Personification. …
  • Hyperbole. …
  • Allusion. …
  • Idiom. …
  • Pun.

What are the 8 figures of speech?

What are the types figures of speech?

  • Simile.
  • Metaphor.
  • Personification.
  • Paradox.
  • Understatement.
  • Metonymy.
  • Apostrophe.
  • Hyperbole.

What are 5 examples of personification?

Common Personification Examples

  • Lightning danced across the sky.
  • The wind howled in the night.
  • The car complained as the key was roughly turned in its ignition.
  • Rita heard the last piece of pie calling her name.
  • My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed every morning.

How is figurative language used in writing?

Ways to Use Figurative Language in Writing

  1. A metaphor compares two things by suggesting that one thing is another: “The United States is a melting pot.”
  2. A simile compares two things by saying that one thing is like another: “My love is like a red, red rose.”

How do you identify figurative language in a poem?

Look for the words “like” or “as” to find a simile, and look for the word “is” to find a metaphor. When you see those words, take a step back and look at what they are connecting. If two things are being compared, you might have a simile or a metaphor.

What is figurative language in a poem?

Most generally, figurative language refers to language that is not literal: it suggests a comparison to something else, so that one thing is seen in terms of another. For example, the phrase fierce tears (the personification of tears) is figurative, since tears cannot really act in a fierce way, as people can.

What’s a vivid memory?

adjective. If you describe memories and descriptions as vivid, you mean that they are very clear and detailed.

What is vivid reader?

If you’re an avid reader, it means you read as much as you can, whenever you can. But this adjective can also mean wanting something so much that you can be thought of as greedy. … Avid is from French avide, from Latin avidus, from avere “to desire, crave.”

What does lurk mean in slang?

Lurking is lying hidden or moving about secretly, as if to ambush someone. In internet culture, it specifically refers to browsing social media sites or forums without engaging with other users.

Which is an example of a metaphor?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that is used to make a comparison between two things that aren’t alike but do have something in common. … A metaphor uses this similarity to help the writer make a point: Her tears were a river flowing down her cheeks.
