What Is The Word For Doing Something Intentionally?


As adverbs the difference between intentionally and purposely. is that intentionally is in an intentional manner, on purpose while purposely is on purpose; intentionally.

What is the opposite of intentionality?

intentional. Antonyms: undesigned, casual, unintentional, accidental, fortuitous.

What does Intental mean?

1 : done by intention or design : intended intentional damage. 2a : of or relating to epistemological intention.

Is intentionality a real word?

‘Intentionality’ is a philosopher’s word: ever since it was introduced into philosophy by Franz Brentano in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, it has been used to refer to the puzzles of representation, all of which lie at the interface between the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of language.

What does purposely mean in English?

Purposely means “on purpose” or “not by accident,” while purposefully means “indicating the existence of a purpose.” Although very similar, in context “purposefully” is usually used to indicate a greater level of intent or deliberate aim, as opposed to “purposely.”

What is an intentional person?

Being an intentional person means everything you do is done with a clear purpose and focus. When you become intentional, you focus your time and energy on your strengths, and the good things in your life, and don’t let fear hold you back.

What are intentional words?

An intentional word is about picking an idea that you want to be conscious about through out the year, month, or even day. You strip that idea down to one word that you can see in your every day life. I like to do this at the beginning of the year when everything feels refreshed and new.

What does Advertently mean?

: giving attention : heedful.

Can you do something intentionally?

The definitions of intentionally are – Done with intention or purpose; intended. … To be intentionally intentional means to act with purpose on your intentions. This is not just word play or philosophical meanderings.

What is intentionally and deliberately?

As adjectives the difference between intentional and deliberate. is that intentional is intended or planned; done deliberately or voluntarily while deliberate is done on purpose; intentional.

What is it called when someone does something on purpose?

deliberately; on purpose; intentionally; deliberate; intended; conscious; premeditated; wilfully; with intent; willfully; purposely; designedly; by choice; by design; advisedly. intentionally; on purpose.

What is called disguise?

to change the appearance or guise of so as to conceal identity or mislead, as by means of deceptive garb: The king was disguised as a peasant. to conceal or cover up the truth or actual character of by a counterfeit form or appearance; misrepresent: to disguise one’s intentions.

What do you call a person who is not thankful?

Definitions of ingrate. a person who shows no gratitude. synonyms: thankless wretch, ungrateful person.

Is premeditatedly a word?

adj. done with willful deliberation; planned in advance.


What is the example of intentional?

The definition of intentional is something done on purpose. If you specifically make a plan to be nice to someone you don’t like very much and you are extremely careful to be nice, this is an example of when your nice behavior would be described as intentional.

How do you live intentionally?

Here are ten tips to help you live an intentional life:

  1. Say no more than you say yes. Time is your most precious asset, treat it that way. …
  2. Make your home look like a magazine. Declutter your home. …
  3. Become self-aware. …
  4. Practice gratitude. …
  5. Only use cash. …
  6. Exercise daily. …
  7. Don’t give out your email address. …
  8. Meditate regularly.

How do you use intentional?

Intentional sentence example

  1. Several ancient writers accuse him of intentional untruthfulness. …
  2. When he succeeded in forming it to suit her, she patted him on his woolly head so vigorously that I thought some of his slips were intentional . …
  3. This wasn’t entirely intentional , however.

What does it mean to live your life intentionally?

Intentional living means understanding your fundamental beliefs and values and then actively living your life in line with those values. … Living intentionally requires slowing down, digging deep, and being mindful of your actions. The first step is to accept that life is made up of choices.

Why is being intentional important?

Intentionality multiplies the power of each relationship that is important to us. Whether they are work relationships, client relationships or personal relationships, what we appreciate grows if we give out attention to it. Intentionality helps us understand the purpose and importance of every relationship we have.

What does it mean to love intentionally?

The practice of loving requires that partners discern and communicate their various emotions with each other. This means they intentionally choose to share and hold space for each other’s fears, insecurities, pleasures, dreams, and a host of other vulnerable feelings.

What does purposely mean in reading?

: with a deliberate or express purpose.

What does it mean to act purposefully?

Something purposeful is done on purpose: it’s meant to achieve an aim. Lots of things happen accidentally or randomly, but other things have a purpose. Such things can be called purposeful. Going to college, starting a family, giving to a charity, and adopting a dog are all purposeful acts.

What is intentionality example?

Feeling pain or dizziness, appearances of color or shape, and episodic thought are some widely accepted examples. Intentionality, on the other hand, has to do with the directedness, aboutness, or reference of mental states—the fact that, for example, you think of or about something.
