What Is The Use Of Vitex Negundo?


Vitex negundo is an erect shrub or small tree growing from 2 to 8 m (6.6 to 26.2 ft) in height. The bark is reddish brown. Its leaves are digitate, with five lanceolate leaflets, sometimes three.

Is vitex tree messy?

Unfortunately, this tree is fairly messy, shedding all of its leaves in the fall, and dropping old flowers and seeds throughout the year. However, its aromatic green leaves and long, profuse bloom period go a long way toward making up for the litter!

How do you plant Vitex Negundo?

Vitex negundo care

This plant is propagated by the seeds. Best suitable sowing time is monsoon season. Grow well in full to partial sunlight. You can plant into the pot or container using the potting mix as the soil, coco peat, and vermicompost.

Can you start vitex from cuttings?

You can also propagate vitex from cuttings. To do this, steal a 4- to 6-inch softwood cutting from your neighbor’s plant in late spring or early summer. It’s important that you choose a piece of stem that’s neither brand new, nor fully mature.

How long does a vitex tree bloom?

Vitex (chaste tree, Vitex agnus-castus) blooms from late spring until early fall with long, upright spikes of pink, lilac, and white flowers. Any shrub or tree that blooms all summer is well worth planting, but when it also has pleasantly fragrant flowers and foliage, it becomes a must-have plant.

Are vitex trees poisonous?

Vitex dangers and toxicity

Despite its hormonal effects, the plant does not contain hormones. … Vitex should not be taken by people who with migraines taking dopamine receptors antagonists. As side effects, vitex may cause irritation of the digestive tract (gastritis) and acne.

What is vitex Chaste tree good for?

Chaste tree has been used to treat menstrual cycle problems and pain, premenstrual syndrome, and menopause. Chaste tree berries may help stimulate progesterone. This is a female hormone that rises 2 weeks before menstruation. It may help normalize estrogen and progesterone.

Is chasteberry good for PCOS?

Chaste berry works on the pituitary gland and indirectly works to raise progesterone levels naturally within the body. Because progesterone is capable of reducing male hormone levels, many women resort to the use of Chaste berry.

Who discovered Vitex Negundo?

One such innovation came in 1995, when NIRPROMP isolated vitex negundo, a large, hardy, five-leaved aromatic shrub with bluish-purple flowers, as a natural source for developing an effective herbal medicine.

What is lagundi in Tagalog?

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Vitex negundo L. ENGLIS: Five-leaved Chaste tree TAGALOG: Lagundi, Kamalan ILOCANO: Dangla Visayan: Tugas. Lagundi is a large native shrub that grows in the Philippines and has been traditionally used as herbal medicine.

What is Vitex fruit used for?

The fruit and seed are used to make medicine. Vitex agnus-castus is used for conditions related to the menstrual cycle such as breast pain (mastalgia), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and more severe PMS symptoms (premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PMDD).

What is the use of Adhatoda vasica?

Vasaka leaves, bark, the root bark, the fruit and flowers are useful in the removal of intestinal parasites. Vasaka herb is used for treating cold, cough, chronic bronchitis and asthma.


How do you use Karinochi?

The juice of karinochi leaves boiled with mustard oil is an effective medicine for ear infections in children. Just the application of a couple of drops in the affected ear works wonders. Karinochi is also used to treat several gastric troubles including stomachaches, intestinal worms, flatulence, swelling etc.

Will Vitex stop my period?

Vitex agnus-castus may reduce symptoms of PMS and menopause, though study results are mixed. By potentially decreasing prolactin hormone levels and stabilizing menstrual periods, it may also enhance fertility.

Is Vitex the same as butterfly bush?

The Vitex is also known as the Chaste Tree, Chasteberry, Sage Tree, or Monk’s Pepper and is similar in looks to Butterfly Bush (Buddleia). It is known to be a hardy woody plant which resists cold, drought, and advances from deer. The long, cone-shaped blooms of the Vitex will add color and texture to your garden.

When should I take Vitex?

Vitex is thought to reduce breast tenderness at menses because of its ability to reduce elevated levels of the hormone, prolactin. Doctors typically suggest 40 drops of a liquid, concentrated vitex extract or 35–40 mg of the equivalent dried, powdered extract to be taken once per day in the morning with some liquid.

Do you deadhead Vitex?

During the growing season, deadhead spent flowers before going to seed. Deadheading encourages more blooms. Vitex chaste trees grown in areas that see winter freeze will die back to ground level. Dead branches can be pruned severely.

Can you keep a vitex small?

Vitex can also be grown as small multi-stem trees. In that case, remove all but a few trunks rising from the base, and prune the upper branches less, to form a canopy.

How do you prune an overgrown Vitex?

Cut the entire plant back to the ground if it is severely overgrown, misshapen or appears unhealthy; the plant will return with new growth in spring and bloom in summer. Repeat this every year if you prefer a more compact, bushy growth habit, or only once every several years to rejuvenate the chaste tree.

How tall do Vitex get?

Chastetree can be grown as a large, deciduous, multistemmed shrub or small, 10 to 15 feet tall tree, and is noteworthy for its showy, summer display (late springtime in the deep South) of fragrant, upwardly- pointing, terminal panicles of lavender blooms which are quite attractive to butterflies and bees (Fig.

How do you take care of Vitex?

Vitex grows best in full sun — at least 6 hours per day. Once established, Vitex requires only a little supplemental water every week or two depending on rainfall. Vitex accepts a wide range of soil conditions provided the soil is not compacted.

How quickly do Vitex grow?

Although typically grown as a 10-15′ shrub, in tree form, it can reach heights of up to 20′. This long-lived specimens rapid growth rate can add up to 24″ per year in height.
