What Is The Synonym For Hoard?


noun. 1mainly derogatory A large group of people.

How many is a horde of people?

If you describe a crowd of people as a horde, you mean that the crowd is very large and excited and, often, rather frightening or unpleasant. This attracts hordes of tourists to Las Vegas.

How big is a horde of people?

If you describe a crowd of people as a horde, you mean that the crowd is very large and excited.

What is a big word for many?

abounding, bountiful, copious, countless, crowded, frequent, innumerable, legion, manifold, multifarious, multiplied, multitudinous, myriad, numberless, numerous, plentiful, populous, prevalent, rife, several.

How do you say a lot in one word?

They include copious, abundant, lavish, rich, extensive, ample, overflowing, bountiful and profuse.

What is a synonym for a lot of experience?

n. 1 contact, doing, evidence, exposure, familiarity, involvement, know-how (informal) knowledge, observation, participation, practice, proof, training, trial, understanding.

What are two synonyms for horde?

synonyms for horde

  • crowd.
  • crush.
  • gang.
  • mob.
  • multitude.
  • swarm.
  • gathering.
  • push.

Which is the closest antonym for the word recede?

antonyms for recede

  • extend.
  • expand.
  • ascend.
  • prolong.
  • enlarge.
  • enhance.
  • increase.
  • grow.

What is another word for skewer?

In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for skewer, like: spit, lance, brochette, pin, puncture, rod, prick, truss, spoon, toothpick and spatula.

When someone is a hoarder?

Hoarding disorder is a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them. A person with hoarding disorder experiences distress at the thought of getting rid of the items. Excessive accumulation of items, regardless of actual value, occurs.

What is a hoarder of money called?

The definition of a miser is a greedy person who hoards all his money. Someone who lives very meagerly and never spends money is an example of a miser. noun.

Is Sly a bad word?

Being sly means you’re not being honest, but this word has kind of a harmless flavor to it. Someone who killed someone and lied about it would not be described as sly. Slyness has to do with smaller, sneakier, more harmless kinds of lying.


How do you say alot of something?

Synonyms & Antonyms of a lot

  1. astronomically,
  2. big-time,
  3. broadly,
  4. colossally,
  5. considerably,
  6. enormously,
  7. extensively,
  8. greatly,

What is it called when you use all of something?

deplete. verb. to reduce the amount of something or the number of things.

What are two synonyms for many?

Synonyms & Antonyms of many

  • beaucoup.
  • ,
  • legion,
  • multifold,
  • multiple,
  • multiplex,
  • multitudinous,
  • numerous.

How many is considered many?

Many is defined as a large number. But, what does a large number actually mean? In the case of a nine-person party, many might mean five, six, seven, or eight. However, in the case of 20,000 concertgoers, many would probably mean over 7,000 or 8,000–the exact number is indistinct.

What does multifarious mean in English?

: having or occurring in great variety : diverse participated in multifarious activities in high school.

What’s the difference between hoard and Horde?

Hoard can be a noun or a verb, referring to a supply of something kept hidden away, or the act of collecting and storing said supply. A hoarder is usually someone who obsessively and unnecessary keeps things they do not need. Horde, on the other hand, refers to a large group of loosely organized people.

What means of savage?

1a : not domesticated or under human control : untamed savage beasts. b : lacking the restraints normal to civilized human beings : fierce, ferocious a savage criminal. 2 : wild, uncultivated seldom have I seen such savage scenery— Douglas Carruthers.

What’s the difference between Herd and Horde?

is that horde is a wandering troop or gang; especially, a clan or tribe of a nomadic people (originally tatars) migrating from place to place for the sake of pasturage, plunder, etc; a predatory multitude while herd is a number of domestic animals assembled together under the watch or ownership of a keeper or herd can …
