What Is The Point Of Bicep Bands?


The armbands are worn to mark tragic occasions, these can be historic anniversaries like Hillsborough or the Munich air crash disaster. Traditionally a black armband is a sign of mourning. Often, sports events may also hold a minute’s silence to mark an occasion.

Why are bicep bands illegal?

Rules. The National Federation of State High School Associations bans the use of bicep bands. It sees the bands as frivolous and has banned them. High school players are allowed to wear wristbands that are to be no more than 3 inches toward the elbow.


What does it mean to wear an armband?

An armband is a band of fabric that you wear around your upper arm in order to show that you have an official position or belong to a particular group. Some people wear a black armband as a symbol of mourning or protest. countable noun.
